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India a Country of Hindus and of Their Descendants - Dr. Swamy

Actually no. Vast parts of the country always remained without central authority. There were continuous rebellions all over and the expeditions to quell them were all systematic and brutal. And this happened during the Khiljis, Lodis, Mughals etc. Also a very few number of Hindus prospered and earned royal titles and patronage under the Sultanate. But the definition of 'patronage' is important here. If I am supposed to pay a Jizya tax and then be allowed to serve as an official of the Mughal Armed Forces provided I follow something similar to the pact of Umar - I will consider myself fortunate but not an equal.



There is no proof for that, certainly nothing that would justify the people to swtich sides and join the invaders.

Actually in India we are not taught about the Umayyid Invasions of Sindh at all. There is practically no mention of Qasim in stand school curricullum. :)

Comprehension skills. :(
Cultures can never be same. If two cultures are same, logically they will not be two different cultures in the first place. The word you should be looking for is 'similar'.

It is true that Naga Christian terror groups stress their proximity to Korean and Chinese culture (skipping Myanmar and a host of other cultures altogether). I can understand the reason though. In the end, you are free to believe in whatever you wish to. In two generations from now we will see who has the last laugh. :)

It is you who is with the comprehension issues.Your whole retort is exactly what I am saying, am I not?That we are two different people with different cultures.That is why I used cultures specifically to separate them,to make you see the idiocy of clubbing us under your group.
Sure,sure..we will see that soon.But you might want to worry about KPs first before the glorious plans for NE.NE is NE and will remain so..I am afraid.Another point of yours suits you too,the part about believing whatever you want..will help you better to cope with the harsh world.

Animist/atheists/agnostic is the same as Hindus. We are also animists/atheists/agnostic. I am practically all of it at the same time . So even I can claim to be Tani by your definition. Why do I need to know about everyone? Do you know about every Tani living there? Every evening you have your tea and biscuit with each of the Tani's. I do not even know what my neighbor's name is, why the hell would I know about every tom, dick, and harry in the world. Suffice to know they are Indians and Hindus.
Nope..you clearly aren't.Why is a matter of further discussion you may not understand, seeing as you seem to be the kind to form opinions without any real effort.
Indians?Yes.hindus?hell no,my ancestors would turn in their graves on that idea.
Nope..you clearly aren't.Why is a matter of further discussion you may not understand, seeing as you seem to be the kind to form opinions without any real effort.
Indians?Yes.hindus?hell no,my ancestors would turn in their graves on that idea

Well if such things would make your ancestors turn in their graves, then we will just need to let them turn. You seem to have no understanding of Hinduism or Hindus yet by your attitude seem to hold them beneath you. Well in that case, a similar response will be given to you.

Voltaire, your folks are Hindus. Now I will propagate this idea so that your ancestors turn in their grave faster and faster and faster. It is no fun when you turn slow.
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Well if such things would make your ancestors turn in their graves, then we will just need to let them turn. You seem to have no understanding of Hinduism or Hindus yet by your attitude seem to hold them beneath you. Well in that case, a similar response will be given to you.

Voltaire, your folks are Hindus. Now I will propagate this idea so that your ancestors turn in their grave faster and faster and faster. It is no fun when you turn slow.
Sensitivities hurt,eh?Theists are really funny you know.Holding fairy tales in such high regard.Many Indians are not hindu..how hard is it for you to swallow that?
Sensitivities hurt,eh?Theists are really funny you know.Holding fairy tales in such high regard.Many Indians are not hindu..how hard is it for you to swallow that?

No darling I am having too much fun turning your ancestors in their grave. Faster and faster and faster they go. Can build them a drum barrel if they get addicted to turning fast. How hard it is for you to get off your superiority shit?

We have enough Muslims here who think they are too good for the Hindus. You are another Muslim perhaps? Did you move in from Bangladesh? There were other Arunchalis who were expressing concern about a lot of Bangladeshi settlers.
No darling I am having too much fun turning your ancestors in their grave. Faster and faster and faster they go. Can build them a drum barrel if they get addicted to turning fast. How hard it is for you to get off your superiority shit?

We have enough Muslims here who think they are too good for the Hindus. You are another Muslim perhaps? Did you move in from Bangladesh? There were other Arunchalis who were expressing concern about a lot of Bangladeshi settlers.
Please focus on the part 'We'. 8-) Means {you and me}. :tup:
It is 'we' for that matter.
@Indrani It isn't superiority complex to assert that we are not the same group as you.But alas!Subcontinentals are too egoistic to get that.Wasn't the partition enough for you guys to understand that?Or heck even the two results of partition,their history,present and possibly the future.
It is 'we' for that matter.
@Indrani It isn't superiority complex to assert that we are not the same group as you.But alas!Subcontinentals are too egoistic to get that.Wasn't the partition enough for you guys to understand that?Or heck even the two results of partition,their history,present and possibly the future.

Feel free to join any rebel groups for further partition. We will deal with you.
@Chak Bamu
Actually the Arabs didn't have any success against the Rajputs, please read about the Battle of Rajasthan:
Battle of Rajasthan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's the main reason why India was never part of any Caliphate.

I do know that Arabs didnot go Eastwards, but Northwads. The Arab advance was halted when Bin Qasim was recalled to Damascus.

I do not know if ever Arabs numbered more than a few thousands in any battle during that period. There were not that many of them. Plus they were conducting campaigns in all three of the known continents simultaneously. Your provided link has a motivated version of history because it puts number of Arabs at 100,000. Based just on this I can not accept it. If I wish to learn more, I would look for some solid references, not a spurious wiki page. I've seen plenty of dodgy wiki pages on Indian history, with one of them claiming that less than a dozen (?) Sikhs killing 100,000 Mughal soldiers in one day.

In any case I didnot make any Rajput vs Arab claims. Why would I raise an issue about which I know next to nothing.
I do know that Arabs didnot go Eastwards, but Northwads. The Arab advance was halted when Bin Qasim was recalled to Damascus.

I do not know if ever Arabs numbered more than a few thousands in any battle during that period. There were not that many of them. Plus they were conducting campaigns in all three of the known continents simultaneously. Your provided link has a motivated version of history because it puts number of Arabs at 100,000. Based just on this I can not accept it. If I wish to learn more, I would look for some solid references, not a spurious wiki page. I've seen plenty of dodgy wiki pages on Indian history, with one of them claiming that less than a dozen (?) Sikhs killing 100,000 Mughal soldiers in one day.

In any case I didnot make any Rajput vs Arab claims. Why would I raise an issue about which I know next to nothing.
I believe you said that the Rajputs had no success Muslims and included Arabs in that category although I may be wrong. There are various sources available on the battle that are on google books if you are interested.
Even though the names are so...... Non East Asian and some even Yindooo :(

i. Meghalaya
ii. Tripura
iii. Mizoraam
iv. Nagaland
v. Arunachal....


Meng A Loy
Treng Pur Aah etc etc :D

There are many more examples that can nuke your arguments. :P
apart from assam and tripura,rest of NE has more in common with tibbetans and burmese
apart from assam and tripura,rest of NE has more in common with tibbetans and burmese

Tibetans identify with Indians. That is why they prefer to endure torture moving over Himalayas and escaping to India. They just do not live in Dharmashala or Tawang. Large populations of them live down south and have assimilated with the people. The Dalai Lama feels Hindus are swell people. The Burmese hold Ramayana closer to their heart. It is still the epic of the nation. There is this underlying thread of value system which looks, feels, and smells the same all over South and SE Asia. If you say customs and traditions vary, so do they across the length and breadth of India very 10-15 km. Just differentiating yourself on the basis of race or looks is wrong.
Feel free to join any rebel groups for further partition. We will deal with you.
Sorry,not a frustrated person to join looney organisations with lost causes.Again,don't assume we are the same as you.
You guys will have done just that,deal with separatists..tolerated them.Many jawans posted in NE will tell you that..too chicken to do anything against these orgs that are little more than well armed extortionists,regain manhood by raping innocent civilians.I guess people carry their habits wherever they go.
Tibetans identify with Indians. That is why they prefer to endure torture moving over Himalayas and escaping to India. They just do not live in Dharmashala or Tawang. Large populations of them live down south and have assimilated with the people. The Dalai Lama feels Hindus are swell people. The Burmese hold Ramayana closer to their heart. It is still the epic of the nation. There is this underlying thread of value system which looks, feels, and smells the same all over South and SE Asia. If you say customs and traditions vary, so do they across the length and breadth of India very 10-15 km. Just differentiating yourself on the basis of race or looks is wrong.

no one is denying the similarities,which themselves are very deep indeed
it may be difficult for you to comprehend, maybe you should read more about the history of NE
(this amalgamation theory has been tried before,even predating british,just after ahom king suhungmung adopted a hindu title)

main thrust of the ruling party should be towards good governance and development,not determining the ancestry of the citizens
just accept that this is one of swamy ji is famous antics,nothing more,nothing less

Feel free to join any rebel groups for further partition. We will deal with you.
this is how you are going to inspire teenagers
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