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India a Country of Hindus and of Their Descendants - Dr. Swamy

Sorry,not a frustrated person to join looney organisations with lost causes.Again,don't assume we are the same as you.
You guys will have done just that,deal with separatists..tolerated them.Many jawans posted in NE will tell you that..too chicken to do anything against these orgs that are little more than well armed extortionists,regain manhood by raping innocent civilians.I guess people carry their habits wherever they go.

Don't issue threats when you can do diddly squat about it.

Contempt for our armed forces, contempt for the majority of the population. Is there anything about India you like?

no one is denying the similarities,which themselves are very deep indeed
it may be difficult for you to comprehend, maybe you should read more about the history of NE
(this amalgamation theory has been tried before,even predating british,just after ahom king suhungmung adopted a hindu title)
main thrust of the ruling party should be towards good governance and development,not determining the ancestry of the citizens
just accept that this is one of swamy ji is famous antics,nothing more,nothing less

There is too much history to read. India is all about its history of its billion people. The Hindu cultural label (not religious), is something Dr. Swamy is talking about because of Muslim separatism. This separatism was born long before the statements were issued by the RSS or Dr. Swamy. This strategy they are advocating only to induce inclusiveness rather than separation. The ruling party is concentrating on providing good administration. The thrust of the govt is development of the country. But there is a mindset angle which also needs to be tackled no? What if all the roads and infra and everything is built but still separatism rages on resulting in civil war and destruction?

So the cultural organizations target a different issue and the govt targets a different issue. Being called a cultural Hindu would not mean that you are not a Tani or a Naga or Bodo. Or not an atheist or an animist or an agnost.
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this is how you are going to inspire teenagers

This is how I will deal with anyone who issues threats. He came here with claim of being a high and mighty Tani who held Hindus in contempt. I never disrespected Tanis or said that Tanis will cease to be Tanis. Then there was the language he used. "You people never learn." Who are the "you" in his statement? "Your army." His entire language was so full of hubris.

So spit, abuse, dissociate with everything that is India, then tag a line saying I am proud to be an Indian? This is what teenagers are doing there?
Don't issue threats when you can do diddly squat about it.
Contempt for our armed forces, contempt for the majority of the population. Is there anything about India you like?
Pardon.it is you who is issuing threats like a gasbag.
And no..not much to like in subcontinent..poverty,religious idiocy,..yada yada general third world shit.I could give two hoots about the armed forces.Let's just say they don't make it into the cut of people who are deemed goo enough.
Don't issue threats when you can do diddly squat about it.

Contempt for our armed forces, contempt for the majority of the population. Is there anything about India you like?

There is too much history to read. India is all about its history of its billion people. The Hindu cultural label (not religious), is something Dr. Swamy is talking about because of Muslim separatism. This separatism was born long before the statements were issued by the RSS or Dr. Swamy. This strategy they are advocating only to induce inclusiveness rather than separation. The ruling party is concentrating on providing good administration. The thrust of the govt is development of the country. But there is a mindset angle which also needs to be tackled no? What if all the roads and infra and everything is built but still separatism rages on resulting in civil war and destruction?

So the cultural organizations target a different issue and the govt targets a different issue. Being called a cultural Hindu would not mean that you are not a Tani or a Naga or Bodo. Or not an atheist or an animist or an agnost.

India is a big country of billion+ people with huge cultural diversities,so not everything will work everywhere
off course forming a strong national identity is very necessary,which i dont think will be difficult in NE
and that voltaire kid is right in his own way
There we have it. Hmm, were you fathered by someone from the first world? Then haul your *** over there. Okay.
You do realise that when I say India I include NE too?You are hyperventilating too much right now,probably a good time to take your pills.
So spit, abuse, dissociate with everything that is India, then tag a line saying I am proud to be an Indian? This is what teenagers are doing there?
i think there are better ways of engagement,especially with the young ones
You do realise that when I say India I include NE too?You are hyperventilating too much right now,probably a good time to take your pills.

I know. That is why I said haul your too good for third world *** to the first world country. We will be rid of one hater. They will gain one lover. Win-Win :tup:

i think there are better ways of engagement,especially with the young ones

I did not check his profile. So no way to say he is a teenager or not or a false flagger, but since the day he made his account he has been spewing one or other threat or been very contemptful of India. I am a nationalist. I will kick *** of people who abuse India.
I know. That is why I said haul your too good for third world *** to the first world country. We will be rid of one hater. They will gain one lover. Win-Win :tup:

I did not check his profile. So no way to say he is a teenager or not or a false flagger, but since the day he made his account he has been spewing one or other threat or been very contemptful of India. I am a nationalist. I will kick *** of people who abuse India.

i believe refuting his claims with facts and logic,is preferable then internet bravado
i believe refuting his claims with facts and logic,is preferable then internet bravado

I did, but all he had was you religious nuts, theists, blah blah blah. Kind of I am too inferior to lick his boots sort of attitude. I have been arguing on this thread since yesterday afternoon. He could have gone through it to get to know the subject matter. No, straight away he got down to rubbish.
I know. That is why I said haul your too good for third world *** to the first world country. We will be rid of one hater. They will gain one lover. Win-Win
You sure?That means the Indian union is ceding NE to some first world country?
You sure?That means the Indian union is ceding NE to some first world country?

Nope. It just means we will boot you out. I know there is a bad drug addiction problem up there, so do not know how many or what sorts of drugs you are on. Now you have gone so far as to confuse your person with the whole 7 sister states. You are no representative of anyone.

Also if you identity with the Chinese more, just know that the Chinese would have shot you in the nut for talking like that about the motherland.
Nope. It just means we will boot you out. I know there is a bad drug addiction problem up there, so do not know how many or what sorts of drugs you are on. Now you have gone so far as to confuse your person with the whole 7 sister states. You are no representative of anyone.
You sure?Rest of NE is far more away from your liking.Ever wondered why not much NE guys from other states join this forum or other venues for you loonies at that?
AP belongs to the tani group and I am not moving anywhere.So hurry up and petition modi to cede AP to some firs world nation if you want to be rid of me and my people.:-)
I did, but all he had was you religious nuts, theists, blah blah blah. Kind of I am too inferior to lick his boots sort of attitude. I have been arguing on this thread since yesterday afternoon. He could have gone through it to get to know the subject matter. No, straight away he got down to rubbish.
you are young,once you have kids you will understand the necessity of patience
anyway most of the points he made were correct,you have to appreciate the complexities of the matter,as i have already said the amalgamation theory might not work in north east as of now and is not necessary in forming a national identity(atleast in NE)
simple development and education will do that
You sure?Rest of NE is far more away from your liking.Ever wondered why not much NE guys from other states join this forum or other venues for you loonies at that?
AP belongs to the tani group and I am not moving anywhere.So hurry up and petition modi to cede AP to some firs world nation if you want to be rid of me and my people.:-)

Excuse me, there are a lot of people from NE here. Kesang, halupridol, Tshering, zootinali, and so many others. All of them intensely in love with India. The only discordant note here is from you. Too many people from NE in Bangalore too, the city I live in. Most of them love the city. So you are the sore loser who wants to lose his Indian tag, not others. Most of them might report on you to the cops.

you are young,once you have kids you will understand the necessity of patience
anyway most of the points he made were correct,you have to appreciate the complexities of the matter,as i have already said the amalgamation theory might not work in north east as of now and is not necessary in forming a national identity(atleast in NE)
simple development and education will do that

Well you can be patient with him, do not expect others to be. If 60+ years of patience is yielding this result, I am done with patience. Also, I do not think he is right. You may continue to do so.
You sure?Rest of NE is far more away from your liking.Ever wondered why not much NE guys from other states join this forum or other venues for you loonies at that?
AP belongs to the tani group and I am not moving anywhere.So hurry up and petition modi to cede AP to some firs world nation if you want to be rid of me and my people.:-)

Actually, NE people are everywhere there are a whole lot of folks from north east even in Kerala .. You must be living in a la la land to not notice it
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