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India a Country of Hindus and of Their Descendants - Dr. Swamy

any other links with less drama and better theological approach

I think this video is the best without getting into theology. It is a chat between god and the man. The man keeps asking questions and god answers them. Now be aware, this man did not know Hinduism before he got this conversations in his head and he wrote the book. It is one of the most famous books and became very popular with New Agers and sold millions of copies. All the ideas are pure Vedanta. Will give you a wikipedia link though.

Conversations with God - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is not enough proof that civilians were not killed in Kalinga war. What we just know is a massive number of people lost lives and taken captive. Given the population of that period would be much less, it is natural to assume that a lot many civilians were among those casualties.

All the wars were alike during those times and this was the bloodiest and biggest. The population of India was never less. It has been continuously inhabited for 40,000 years. This is not a desert land sir.
I think this video is the best without getting into theology. It is a chat between god and the man. The man keeps asking questions and god answers them. Now be aware, this man did not know Hinduism before he got this conversations in his head and he wrote the book. It is one of the most famous books and became very popular with New Agers and sold millions of copies. All the ideas are pure Vedanta. Will give you a wikipedia link though.

Conversations with God - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All the wars were alike during those times and this was the bloodiest and biggest. The population of India was never less. It has been continuously inhabited for 40,000 years. This is not a desert land sir.
Then give a credible source that states no civilians were killed in that war,ma'am.
Empires come and go
They will do anything to be in power
Rarely does come a king that has a vision and attributes you are pointing out

We had a few pre qasim and post like shivaji and maharaja ranjit singh

But rajput were always know to have these attributes

All the kshatriyas had those attributes.
@Chak Bamu I could explain and explain and explain and yet you would not get it. For that you need to understand Hinduism.

If you can access youtube somehow, listen to this video. That is the only way you will ever understand a Hindu.

No Youtube access from Pakistan. I disabled the bypass because I felt that my life was just fine without Youtube. One of these days I might put it back on to see Youtube. Then I will see this video.

I am not totally clueless about Hinduism. Most terms are familiar. Though I have had many Hindu friends, I have seldom discussed what I read about religion with them. One can not really understand the history of South Asia without working knowledge of basic concepts of Hinduism.
Actually @Indrani is quite correct. Also, in Islam, you can separate customs/traditions from religion. Here, in Hinduism, it is not a religion per se, or atleast what 'followers of the book' conceptualize religions to be. It might be hard for people of the Abrahamic faiths to comprehend how traditions/customs can be same as that of the religions. Hindusim is a way of life, without a set of rigid structure, rules and regulations; best defined by the general concepts of good over evil in the Bhagvad Gita.

Au contraire, it is actually Hindutvavadi which is keeping a people as diverse as India as a single entity. Contrary to popular (mis)beliefs, Hindutvavadi is not based on some religious principles. It is pure Nationalism, just another word describing it.

According to Veer Savarkar, the person who coined the word
"Hindutva is not a word but a history. Not only the spiritual or religious history of our people as at times it is mistaken to be ... but a history in full ... Hindutva embraces all the departments of thought and activity of the whole Being of our Hindu race."

And this

"In a 1995 judgment, the Supreme Court of India ruled that "Ordinarily, Hindutva is understood as a way of life or a state of mind and is not to be equated with or understood as religious Hindu fundamentalism ... it is a fallacy and an error of law to proceed on the assumption ... that the use of words Hindutva or Hinduism per se depicts an attitude hostile to all persons practising any religion other than the Hindu religion ... It may well be that these words are used in a speech to promote secularism or to emphasise the way of life of the Indian people and the Indian culture or ethos, or to criticise the policy of any political party as discriminatory or i ntolerant."

Very well said!! But the problem is anyone who try to put forth this real meaning of the term "Hindutva", is automatically classified as religious fanatic, by many so called secularists (followers of bastardized Indian secularism).
No Youtube access from Pakistan. I disabled the bypass because I felt that my life was just fine without Youtube. One of these days I might put it back on to see Youtube. Then I will see this video.

I am not totally clueless about Hinduism. Most terms are familiar. Though I have had many Hindu friends, I have seldom discussed what I read about religion with them. One can not really understand the history of South Asia without working knowledge of basic concepts of Hinduism.

Then you must know that man is divine right? As in God according to Hinduism. Not just man but the whole Universe is God Manifest. So nothing is unholy. Muslims are gods. Christians are gods. Everyone is god. Do you see this as an Insult of a Muslim? Or of a Christian? When a Hindu considers everything divine, there is a sense of live and let live. That becomes the essence of the Hindu culture. Then of course the concepts of Dharma comes in which is nothing but righteousness. Kindness, gentleness, art, culture, respect, all these which constitutes humanism.

You spoke about humanism earlier. How else can one be more humane than to consider everyone and everything around as divine?

Relax, no hurry. Take your time. Catch ya later :partay:
Okay. GN.
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Nope.By that account,everyone can be labelled as something else.Muslims can be called jews too I assume?
Or Indians can be called europeans or westerners as we borrow so much from them?Japanese and koreans can be called chinese?

How about this?
Hindus are nazis because nazis use swastika and called themselves aryan and hated muslims?After all jews, muslims, christians are all same?

No you cannot do that smart alec. That is the attribute of only Hinduism. All Dharmic religions are the same or almost the same with the same concepts. There are hardly any Hindus in Thailand, yet they worship all Hindu gods. They do not do it because there is an intermix of Hindu population there.
Will get Najma Heptullah’s DNA tested to prove Hindu ancestry: Swamy - Video | The Times of India

He does it again. Another faux-pas. What will BJP do? Defend it?

I can not count how many times I have heard the argument that Muslims are descendants of invaders and of people converted under duress. Now where does one fit this fresh statement? Has this been the standard RSS line for long or is this something blown out of proportions?

This is not a troll thread, although I do feel that this is what it will eventually become. I hope any discussion that is generated stays within bounds of sanity.

@he-man , I would appreciate your input. I am hoping for a civil debate.
@Ravi Nair , @nari , @Indrani , @AbhimanyuShrivastav , etc.... Your opinions?
faux-pas?.. the guy is a veteran hindutva troll... :pop:
No you cannot do that smart alec. That is the attribute of only Hinduism. All Dharmic religions are the same or almost the same with the same concepts. There are hardly any Hindus in Thailand, yet they worship all Hindu gods. They do not do it because there is an intermix of Hindu population there.
what kind of shitty logic is that ?Anyone with anything seen as "hindu thingie" will be seen as hindus while this rule does not apply for others?
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