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India a Country of Hindus and of Their Descendants - Dr. Swamy

Major disagreement here.

Geography keeps India together, nothing else. You should take time to go through some of the arguments against Pakistan raised by Muslim Scholars.

Your insistence on a civilizational narrative is actually divisive. Your fears are more likely self-fulfilling prophecies.

The fact that Pakistan exists allows you to make such statements. Had there been no Pakistan, you would not have been able to say all this.

India is staying where it is. Only regional and communal tensions can break it. Hindutvavadi agenda is more likely to play its part.
Geography?Search for some other excuse.If geography was the reason India would have disintegrated a long time back.
Keep quiet. Kuch pata nahi aagaya atheism ka jhanda leke.

The whole of Thailand follows a mix of Hinduism and Buddhism. Ganesh temples are everywhere. That is Ganesha temple made by Buddhists.

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Brahma Vishnu Maheshwara

This is true of most SEA countries.

He does not have to be bad, just open his mouth. LOL.

Yeah. It is common all over the continent except the muslim bits. Village traditions.
Insult karna koi in Hindu Nazi se Sikhe!! :mad:
Major disagreement here.

Geography keeps India together, nothing else. You should take time to go through some of the arguments against Pakistan raised by Muslim Scholars.

Your insistence on a civilizational narrative is actually divisive. Your fears are more likely self-fulfilling prophecies.

The fact that Pakistan exists allows you to make such statements. Had there been no Pakistan, you would not have been able to say all this.

India is staying where it is. Only regional and communal tensions can break it. Hindutvavadi agenda is more likely to play its part.
Agreed apart from geography, India has seen 2000 years of war amongst kingdoms, and this was their first shot at an independent government by the people
Plus 50 years plys of nationalist movement pre-independent had made the bonding strong enough
Major disagreement here.

Geography keeps India together, nothing else. You should take time to go through some of the arguments against Pakistan raised by Muslim Scholars.

Your insistence on a civilizational narrative is actually divisive. Your fears are more likely self-fulfilling prophecies.

The fact that Pakistan exists allows you to make such statements. Had there been no Pakistan, you would not have been able to say all this.

India is staying where it is. Only regional and communal tensions can break it. Hindutvavadi agenda is more likely to play its part.

Nah, there is nothing about Indian geography which is not there in South America or Africa or SE Asia. I really do not think so. We had so many insurgencies when we were practicing secularism and liberalism.

Pakistan did not start out as enemy of India. I mean surely nationalists hated the idea of the country being broken, but they would not imagine that Pakistan is going to be an enemy. Also if what you say is true, then why should it matter to TN or Kerala that you are interested in Kashmir. Hell, I have not yet crossed half way mark of Indian main land, but why the hell would I be so nationalist?

Insult karna koi in Hindu Nazi se Sikhe!! :mad:

Chal, I was pulling your leg.

people issuing threats on PDF and like captains of paper boats, they would sink eventually
tu links padh

I know NE has been neglected. Most of the money their own politicians eat off. I told you the whole of India is still a stink hole in terms of infrastructure and many many development goals. People have to take this into account. I am sure in the next 5-10 years all those deficiencies will be rectified, NE India on a priority basis.

Agreed apart from geography, India has seen 2000 years of war amongst kingdoms, and this was their first shot at an independent government by the people
Plus 50 years plys of nationalist movement pre-independent had made the bonding strong enough

You don;t know anything about Indian history. The wars among kingdoms were not like these wars after the invasions started. It was just between the kshatriyas. None of the others were involved and the ways of war were too civilized for even in today's terms. No village burning, no farms destroyed, no cities burnt. Nothing. All that changed when Islamists arrived.
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I know NE has been neglected. Most of the money their own politicians eat off. I told you the whole of India is still a stink hole in terms of infrastructure and many many development goals. People have to take this into account. I am sure in the next 5-10 years all those deficiencies will be rectified, NE India on a priority basis.
people will eventually run out of patients, you have to keep that in mind
yo India is now spending heavily in NE, against NE isnt business friendly, they need to take care about security first
Tch,tch..you do realise elements of different groups intermix often?That it doesn't mean both are same?So I guess you feel very chinese when you have ice cream.?

Yo. That different element of different group mix is what goes for Hinduism. So now you are baptized a Hindu.
You don;t know anything about Indian history. The wars among kingdoms were not like these wars after the invasions started. It was just between the kshatriyas. None of the others were involved and the ways of war were too civilized for even in today's terms. No village burning, no farms destroyed, no cities burnt. Nothing. All that changed when Islamists arrived.
Its was the mughal not Islamist that caused the uproar
Major disagreement here.
Actually @Indrani is quite correct. Also, in Islam, you can separate customs/traditions from religion. Here, in Hinduism, it is not a religion per se, or atleast what 'followers of the book' conceptualize religions to be. It might be hard for people of the Abrahamic faiths to comprehend how traditions/customs can be same as that of the religions. Hindusim is a way of life, without a set of rigid structure, rules and regulations; best defined by the general concepts of good over evil in the Bhagvad Gita.
Only regional and communal tensions can break it. Hindutvavadi agenda is more likely to play its part.
Au contraire, it is actually Hindutvavadi which is keeping a people as diverse as India as a single entity. Contrary to popular (mis)beliefs, Hindutvavadi is not based on some religious principles. It is pure Nationalism, just another word describing it.

According to Veer Savarkar, the person who coined the word
"Hindutva is not a word but a history. Not only the spiritual or religious history of our people as at times it is mistaken to be ... but a history in full ... Hindutva embraces all the departments of thought and activity of the whole Being of our Hindu race."

And this

"In a 1995 judgment, the Supreme Court of India ruled that "Ordinarily, Hindutva is understood as a way of life or a state of mind and is not to be equated with or understood as religious Hindu fundamentalism ... it is a fallacy and an error of law to proceed on the assumption ... that the use of words Hindutva or Hinduism per se depicts an attitude hostile to all persons practising any religion other than the Hindu religion ... It may well be that these words are used in a speech to promote secularism or to emphasise the way of life of the Indian people and the Indian culture or ethos, or to criticise the policy of any political party as discriminatory or intolerant."
@Chak Bamu I could explain and explain and explain and yet you would not get it. For that you need to understand Hinduism.

If you can access youtube somehow, listen to this video. That is the only way you will ever understand a Hindu.

that a crash course
there were no burning before that

It started with Muhammad bin Qasim's attacks on Sindh. You need to make better use of internet and read up a bit. Too much of our history has been whitewashed.

that a crash course

It pretty much explains how Hindus view the world and why they do so. Though the guy is not talking from a Hindu perspective. What he says is what Vedanta is all about.
It started with Muhammad bin Qasim's attacks on Sindh. You need to make better use of internet and read up a bit. Too much of our history has been whitewashed.
Thats invasion of an empire, that is not local population causing trouble sweetheart !
Whitewashed matlab ?? agle mahine india shift ! angreez nhi hu
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