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India a Country of Hindus and of Their Descendants - Dr. Swamy

Forgive me if I am wrong but Assam and Tripura are overwhelmingly Hindu according to census data and many animist tribes consider themselves Hindu such as the Bodos but it's your choice what you consider yourselves.
I have clarified that already as you see.Bodos are just one among the possibly thousands of groups you.If one would actually like to see,NE is definitely not hindu.
NE has been cutoff from development for decades, part of stupid indian planning
don't blame them to be all warry, it has been jungle raj out there for so long

The whole of India was neglected man. You think mainland Hindus and Muslims are rich? Where do you think those 400 million poor in India make up of? Do you think everyone in NE is poor? So excuses, excuses, excuses. Every tom, dick, and harry minority carries a chip on his shoulder and the majority Hindu is dancing around on his tip toes.
I have clarified that already as you see.Bodos are just one among the possibly thousands of groups you.If one would actually like to see,NE is definitely not hindu.
Of course you are right, the NE is a mixture of all sorts of different beliefs.
Yes we do. All Dharmic religions are defined under the term Hindu, also used interchangebly. If you feel insulted being considered part of the majority, then there is something seriously wrong in your thinking. May be you have been pandered to too much more than necessary. May be you need to be neglected and ill treated to feel like a minority again.
Keep your delusions to yourself.NE is closer to SEA or China than to mainland India in terms of people and their belief system.
Of course you are right, the NE is a mixture of all sorts of different beliefs.
Relax,I am just playing with our itchy aunty here.NE is a part of India and we are Indians,whether people like it or not.
The whole of India was neglected man. You think mainland Hindus and Muslims are rich? Where do you think those 400 million poor in India make up of? Do you think everyone in NE is poor? So excuses, excuses, excuses. Every tom, dick, and harry minority carries a chip on his shoulder and the majority Hindu is dancing around on his tip toes.
not as much as NE
i am not talking about religion yaar
It funds available for development to them
religion is separate and development is a diff issue
Yup agree here.............
It means he shares the same views as muslims who love islam more than india(many do).........

What if a sikh said he loves sikhism more so won't take part in operation bluestar??:coffee:
But a sikh,,,ks brar was commanding officer of that operation and another one kps gill wiped out militancy in punjab and majority of people shot dead by a sikh police were sikhs only.

Thats called nationalism:coffee:

Bro, nationalism is a modern European concept. When push comes to shove, Sikhs and Hindus(like the Muslims) will choose their religion over nation. In 1947 millions of Sikhs and Hindus had the choice to convert to Islam and live in their country but they chose their religion and migrated out of Pakistan and millions of Muslims in India did the same thing.

And operation bluestar is not nationalism, it was all about cheap politics which the congress wanted to utilize in order to garner more votes in the coming lok sabha elections.
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Keep your delusions to yourself.NE is closer to SEA or China than to mainland India in terms of people and their belief system.

The entire SE Asia follows Dharmic culture. Do you understand? From Myanmar to Thailand to Laos. Ramayana being the national epic and the root of the culture followed all over SE.

The entire SE Asia follows Dharmic culture. Do you understand? From Myanmar to Thailand to Laos. Ramayana being the national epic and the root of the culture followed all over SE.

Sure,sure..and muslims are the best people on earth,jews are evil and are committing genocide..yada yada blah blah and some more.
Relax,I am just playing with our itchy aunty here.NE is a part of India and we are Indians,whether people like it or not.

Itchy aunty was not the one issuing threats and calling being part of majority an insult. People cry all over the world for being left out and excluded, and here you have the nerve of complaining that the majority is too inferior for your highness.
Itchy aunty was not the one issuing threats and calling being part of majority an insult. People cry all over the world for being left out and excluded, and here you have the nerve of complaining that the majority is too inferior for your highness.
Crying?Oh no..that would be you on facing reality.
This attitude was the reason India got divided in the first place and it will happen again.The Muslims wont come to Pakistan but they will tear apart "Mother India" again
you are dreaming .. nothing is going to happen to Mother India.

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