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Incredible India In Chinese Media

Even in a well conducted poll it is just about the sample. Even with no external influences atleast as much as possible, a sample will still stand divided. And that divided sample cannot be extrapolated to represent an entire nation.

statistics is a mathematical science that can withstand the passage of time period

even your government use that tool for planning, may be the tool is rusty and wrongly maneuvred that has led to india's poor governance across the land

16-year-old Indian-origin 'genius' from Germany

vedic maths is popular in the west my friend they are teaching in many countries now

I am not impressed. of course curry has its own followers!
Who is we here?

Conscript reject scoundrels who complement their intellectual bankruptcy with a ritualistic tendency of parading naked racism and masochism? :D

wow here comes the indian kamikaze! I am getting out of here!
statistics is a mathematical science that can withstand the passage of time period

even your government use that tool for planning, may be the tool is rusty and wrongly maneuvred that has led to india's poor governance across the land

Like I said statistics are useful in certain fields. Like engineering, science etc.,

Not to gain opinions about social issues.

Also keep in mind that statistics used in engineering and science, especially while coming up with probability figures still have a measure of inaccuracy. They can hardly be used as proof of anything.
Actually stats are very important in social science too like Marketing etc

Statistics and statistical analyses have become a key feature of social science. Statistics is employed in economics, psychology, political science, sociology and anthropology.

Yes. I am talking about polls though. Poll statistics merely represent divided opinions of a sample group.

It doesnt represent an entire nation.
This is quite incredible to read, even while granting that most of the contributors to the forum don't have the slightest idea what they are talking about.

Buddhism was a revolt against Hinduism. I am astonished to read somebody writing that Hinduism taught the Buddha Buddhism. Apparently history, including Indian history, is no longer taught in schools nowadays.

It would definitely elevate the discussion above the level that your interlocutor has dragged it to, if we could do without the references to toilets (or the lack of them) and to the caste system. Apart from that suggestion, I basically agree with your post. Emphatically agree.

Buddhism was not revolt against Hinduism. Answered by KS rightly below. You cannot deny the fact that even Buddhism was included into Hinduism. The reason for that is that most of the concepts of Buddhism are from Hindusim. Buddha took all the great things of Hinduism that he liked and created a new religion to avoid having the Brahmanical stranglehold. But the supreme principles of hinduism were taken into Buddhism.
It is amazing to see you could not see where the chinese pupil dragged the discussion to – TOILETS, CASTE ETC.

It was a revolt against Brahmanical stranglehold on the Sanatan Dharma and not against Sanatan Dharma perse. Just like a revolt against Mullas would not be a revolt against Islam.

Buddhism was against Brahmanistic stranglehold on Sanatan Dharma, not Sanatan Dharma itself.
Do you know the concepts of Maya, Karma, Nirvana, re-incarnation etc in Buddhism..do you know where it came from ? Yep thats right..from Sanatan Dharma. Ignoramuses, yapping all day without knowing the basics.

As a matter of historical record, Chinese civilisation and culture are older than today's Indian civilisation and culture which traces its descent from Indo-Aryan times. I am not sure what these other references are supposed to mean.
I think this fellow is a certifiable lunatic.

There is no proof for what you say. But if you are inclined to believe that Chinese is older then India then it is your preference. I would say given the great anount of literature and SCIENTIFIC knowledge found in the Vedas, there is no other prehistoric document of equal status in the entire world.

Also read through,
Oldest Civilisation
And another suitable post from KS below.

For the last line of your post, seems like you are becoming more chinese then the Chinese as you are woefully unaware of the ridiculous posts from the chinese poster.

That is definitely moot considering that you are basing your opinion on history which is available now. In other words, absence of something does not mean its complete non-existence considering that the Indians had this bad bad habit of not taking their time to write and preferred oral passing of knowledge. And also we must figure into this the whole complexity the islamic invasions brought in with their fetish for destroying centers of knowledge. Who knows what we have lost in that process ?

We obviously have a suicide troll on our hands. Can we ignore him for the future?

I say your posts have been suitably refuted above. I sense this is the easy way out you choose. Do not assume your view is final. Your view is also just a view.

barking mad....

Ok you say so because I said that China was never a nation in history. It seems to hurt you more then to the Chinese. But let me post some Gems from your chinese poster. Again I assume you didn’t see them or you don’t mind such bits of wisdom from chinese posters. I expect better response from an Indian then muted silence to silly below like posts.

And the Gupta Empire? That wasn't India. India didn't exist back then.

India hasn't ever invented anything, not even "zero" as they like to claim, which was invented in Mesopotamia.
India only became a country after 1947, before that it was just a collection of kingdoms in the subcontinent.

Hinduism and India are both names that came from the "Indus River" in PAKISTAN. :D It is an artificial creation, named after a river in BRITISH INDIA, not in modern India.

Buddhism came from Nepal, and is a completely different religion to Hinduism. And Buddhism NEVER "ruled" China, it never called the shots (Emperor always had higher authority), it was accepted willingly by some Emperors and not by others.

Its amazing you could not see this. I would say avoid replying if you cant see the posts of the other poster also and if you cannot reply in a civil manner!
Our whole country's culture is due to Hindus? :rofl:

I guess that's why we have a Caste System and don't use toilets? :lol:

Buddhism had some influence on Chinese history, same as Taoism and Confucianism. But China today is a majority non-religious country. You can keep your Hinduism, for all the good it has done for you.

No Buddhist in the world would be caught dead saying that they were a Hindu. It is a completely different religion.

Please observe that I am not replying to Indian posts, but only to yours, perhaps if one or two Chinese members have substantial points that seem to need addressing, theirs. This is to increase the amount of information, and not in a spirit of refuting everything that you say as a matter of course.

I agree that no Buddhists would identify themselves as Hindus, precisely because these are two entirely different religions. The frequent references you get from some quarrelsome Indian members saying that Buddhism was derived from Hinduism, or that it was absorbed by Hinduism are largely rooted in the effort made during the Hindu counter-attack on Buddhism. This effort was on two planes, on the one plane to defeat Buddhist thelogians in debate, and on the second, to co-opt Buddhism, by adopting its famous figures, its history and its teachings, and even doctrinal aspects. You might like to consider the spread of the Tantrik schoool among Hindus, after the Tantrik cult gained popularity among Buddhists. There were other influences, some of which are recognised as being Buddhist in origin, some of which are not.

As a parish of independent religious practitioners, Buddhists did not survive in the pplains of India, only in the hills and mountains of the Himalayas and the Karakoram range. To that extent, those hawking that idea of the Buddhists being absorbed into Hinduism are not wholly wrong
Great share mate. I myself love the rich and colorful chinese culture. Hope both these ancient civilisations co-exist peacefully for the next 1000s of years.

thats not what Obama has in mind
Both "Hindu" and "India" came from the word Indus, as in the Indus River.

We have been through this before, but that was long after you posted this. Merely for the sake of the record, may I reiterate the following?

Both Hindu and India came from the word Indus, as in the Indus River. This is correct; however, it is misleading to state that the name Indus exists as in the Indus River, seeming to claim that there were other uses of the word 'Indus'. This is not true. The only use of the name Indus was for the River; it is necessary to reiterate this to prevent some rambling post claiming that the name was available earlier, and was significant in some ways.

Which exists almost entirely in modern day Pakistan.

And how does that matter?

There were, and are, many locations and places currently located in modern day Pakistan which have a close and intimate link with Indian history. Their current location in some other nation-state is of no relevance whatsoever, because whatever was said or written earlier referred to the earlier, larger India that was partitioned in 1947. We cannot retrospectively ask people long dead to change their writing to reflect what was to happen centuries in the future.

These two concepts were created based on the name of a river in BRITISH INDIA.

I find this a very confused reference. Why should the fact that a river named what it was in the second millennium BC came under the British nearly four thousand years later have any bearing on your understanding of the situation?

What were they before that? Nothing but a bunch of individual kingdoms and beliefs artificially tied together by these new labels.

Before I respond to this, I need to know that you sincerely think that this is the correct position, and that you are not merely reacting out of anger at some idiotic post by someone else.

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