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Incredible India In Chinese Media

I am adding one more point to you post mate

" Indians taught the concept of Martial arts to Chinese" :cheers:

The bolded part is pure nonsense,

There are some reference stating Bhodi dharma teaching martial arts exercise to monks. But nothing conclusive or can be taken as evidence.
Most Chinese are actually pro Indian. I came to this forum very pro India but over time became disillusioned with the relentless hate and smear posted by Indians. I guess this forum doesn't bring out the best in people and is far from representative of 'real' Chinese and Indian relations.

exactly right. I also dont have any negative views towards India before I visit this forum.

but this forum is very positive.
important is :this forum let more of us to know that Pakistan is our ally.
actually Pakistan needs more internet forums like PDF.

the sadly fact is: most of us dont even know that Pakistan is our friend.even lot of high educated people.
for example. some time my wife saw me visit this forum. and she ask me why I am visiting a terrorist website.
(and my wife is a senior manager in HSBC) so shock, but true.
she does not know much about pakistan. does not know the different between TTP and Taliban.
all she know is there are many terror attack and drone attack in Pakistan (almost every month in CCTV news), and OBL is killed in pakistan.
It took me long time to convince her that pakistan is our brother country.
Absolutely correct. I am agreeing with your view. In fact Indian also does not hate the Chinese people. But seeing here the post of people (from both Side), I am also dazed. In current also I have many Chinese friends with whom I talked every day on Skype & cell. I have never seen the hate from them. But here is all reverse.

yeah me too feel that...i knew that India and Pakistan are in bad terms but for Chinese i feel very bad when i see Indian Chinese trolling each other i am 22 years old and i dint know about china and India problems untill i get on this site. I want India and china to be friend because both country are very powerful and if they get on wrong side to each other then it will cause a massive economic destruction for Asia and profit for West. They knew that these two countries can shift the world Axis from west to east....:)
It is also grossly erroneous to think that Hinduism had anything to do with the IVC. It had, in fact, almost nothing to do with that culture. It was almost wholly derrived from the nature cult described in the hymns of the Rg Veda. Accretions to that cult can be ascribed either to the organic development of that cult, or to adoptions of deities from earlier inhabitants of India. These post-Vedic developments took place mainly in the Gangetic plains, which led to these plains achieving a ddominent posiition in Indian politics and culture for centuries thereafter.

Not true mate ,Vedas Only added some aspects to Hinduism. Hinduism is a fusion of faiths, just like India.

Today's Politics is a different ball game.

The reason the Gangetic plains hold the key to power in modern day is because of High population and population density. The people in Gangetic plains are composed of all communities which hold their own cards when it come to politics.

In future Indian States will get more autonomous powers to rule themselves leaving only key sectors like Defense, foreign policy and other stuff related to country in the hands of Central Govt..

Read posts by the member Korean, he had some very informative insights on that.

Unfortunate he was banned :frown:

Thanks mate I will surely :cheers:
The Mineralogical Record doesn't seem like an academic source.

Pages from a pdf as an image?

Complete Biography of the great Indian Monk - Bodhi Dharma

Bodhidharma to Shaolin: Origins of Popular Martial Arts


Many different sources will tell you that the origins of today's martial arts stem from the Bodhidharma, an Indian monk that traveled to China to spread his beliefs. It is said that the Shaolin monks of China adapted many of the martial skills taught by the Bodhidharma. The Shaolin monks used these skills to allow their bodies to develop as well as their psychological and medidational skills. The monks also developed different fighting styles according to movements and attack methods that they observed from animals. For example, you may hear of Praying Mantis Shaolin; it's movements emulate those of a praying mantis.

From Shaolin, many different styles developed, according to teacher and climate
exactly right. I also dont have any negative views towards India before I visit this forum.

but this forum is very positive.
important is :this forum let more of us to know that Pakistan is our ally.
actually Pakistan needs more internet forums like PDF.

the sadly fact is: most of us dont even know that Pakistan is our friend.even lot of high educated people.
for example. some time my wife saw me visit this forum. and she ask me why I am visiting a terrorist website.
(and my wife is a senior manager in HSBC) so shock, but true.
she does not know much about pakistan. does not know the different between TTP and Taliban.
all she know is there are many terror attack and drone attack in Pakistan (almost every month in CCTV news), and OBL is killed in pakistan.
It took me long time to convince her that pakistan is our brother country.

Hmm gr8 to see u attaining truth. :)

By the way this attitude of Pakistan is called 'Doobate ko Tinke ka sahara'. means, A drowning person even clings to a straw to try save himself. Pakistan is left isolated in International block and hence its looking towards a country which again is against the country who is responsible for this state of pakistan. ie. USA. Do get into Pakistani history to understand they have tried to be overfriendly with all those countries who had been against India. Pakistan thruout its 60+ yr old history has been Indo-centric.

Its friendship with china is completely on self fulfilling prophecy and need of a master to run affairs. Till USa was pro pakistan, Pakistan never cared to take Chinese side on International forums. So much for the greater than himalyas friendship. :D

The bottomline is no one is brother or sister in International politics. If pakistan says that they believe in this ideology then they wud be asked why didnt this brotherhood emerge before 2000 ? Why was this brotherhood only limited to friendship that too coz China and India were on crosshooks and Pakistan as I said was very Indo-centric. Friendship with China was its long term necessity. But why now suddenly this brotherhood sprouted?

We need to understand its all Economics and Growth that brings countries together.

This is a defence forum so we measure relations on basis of defence related issues and hence 1962 takes the forefront and hence anti-sino attitude. Otherwise, India as a whole is very positive about china. Have u ever seen an Indian not complementing and congratulating china for their achievements unlike Pakistan for India. So how can u compare both the relations. U wud see every single Indian say, Chinese are our benchmark. We want to compete china not to defeat it but to reach to the same level for our own better. People fuget to understand this simple difference.

We dont expect Pakistanis to understand this but Chinsese shud as we both dont share same kind of relationship like we have with Pakistan.
Most Chinese are actually pro Indian. I came to this forum very pro India but over time became disillusioned with the relentless hate and smear posted by Indians. I guess this forum doesn't bring out the best in people and is far from representative of 'real' Chinese and Indian relations.

Same goes for the Indians. But when you have people like gpit, Sinochallenged stirring up **** then ofcourse there is going to be acrimony.

As far as my own perception goes, Indian and China, civilizations that have for 5000 years lived in peace till 62, can definitely do that again. Hell, these two are the only remaining major nations that have held out against the Abrahamic imperialism and hence will have to learn to live with each other.
This is how Buddhism lost its influence in India..not because of the crapshit you are peddling here.. Read this link

Couple of gems from your link,

There is scarcely any question that Hsuan Tsang arrived in India at a time when Buddhism was entering into a state of precipitous decline, and by the 13th century Buddhism, as a formal religion, had altogether disappeared from India.

Muslim invasions which had the effect of driving into extinction an already debilitated faith.

I like the euphemism that Buddhism was "absorbed" into Hinduism. That's just a fancy way of saying Buddhists were "reconverted" back into Hinduism.

Also, this particular gem is worth noting:

Hindu nationalists appear to think that many Muslim monuments were once Hindu temples, but partisans of Buddhism are inclined to the view that Hindu temples were often built on the site of Buddhist shrines.
Dont know what wrong in the 'gems' you quoted. Looks perfectly reasonable.

Couple of gems from your link,

I like the euphemism that Buddhism was "absorbed" into Hinduism. That's just a fancy way of saying Buddhists were "reconverted" back into Hinduism.

Absorbed in the sense Lord Buddha himself was absorbed into the Hindu pantheon by makin him a avataar of Lord Vishnu. Either way no violence was used.

Also, this particular gem is worth noting:

Hindu nationalists appear to think that many Muslim monuments were once Hindu temples, but partisans of Buddhism are inclined to the view that Hindu temples were often built on the site of Buddhist shrines.

What's wrong in that ? Even today Ayodhya is contested by a Jain Body, a Hindu body and a Muslim body. The Qutb minar is built on a site after demolishing a temple complex of 27 Hindu and Jain temples.

And Hindu nationalists 'dont just think'. Many muslim hisotorians themselves have written in gushing happiness how symbols of shirk were razed. As regards the neo-Buddhists ( vs the Buddhists) its more of a political slandering game than any matter of faith. If you want the opinion of Buddhists, go to Sikkim or Arunachal. That's where the original buddhists live.
Absorbed in the sense Lord Buddha himself was absorbed into the Hindu pantheon by makin him a avataar of Lord Vishnu.

Do Buddhists outside of India accept the full pantheon of Hindu gods?

Either way no violence was used.

History would tend to disagree.

What's wrong in that ? Even today Ayodhya is contested by a Jain Body, a Hindu body and a Muslim body.

What's wrong is the Hindu demand that Muslim monuments be torn down to "restore" the original Hindu structures. By that logic, many Hindu sites would need to be torn down to restore the Buddhist structures they replaced.

If you want the opinion of Buddhists, go to Sikkim or Arunachal. That's where the original buddhists live.

Indeed. Back in the day, Buddhism dominated the entire subcontinent and is now relegated to the hinterlands because its adherents were reconverted -- uh, "absorbed".
Couple of gems from your link,

There is scarcely any question that Hsuan Tsang arrived in India at a time when Buddhism was entering into a state of precipitous decline, and by the 13th century Buddhism, as a formal religion, had altogether disappeared from India.

Muslim invasions which had the effect of driving into extinction an already debilitated faith.

I like the euphemism that Buddhism was "absorbed" into Hinduism. That's just a fancy way of saying Buddhists were "reconverted" back into Hinduism.

Also, this particular gem is worth noting:

Hindu nationalists appear to think that many Muslim monuments were once Hindu temples, but partisans of Buddhism are inclined to the view that Hindu temples were often built on the site of Buddhist shrines.

Buddhism has roots in Hinduism and the Dharmic values, its teachings are also similar to Hindu Dharmic principles.

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