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Incredible ancient Hindu sculpture architecture and monuments

Don't have one.Kindly explain.

A large population not rooted in a geographical territory is easily exterminated or assimilated. There was a large Buddhist population in India with even a ruling Buddhist Emperor ( Ashoka ). That didn't stop Hindus from reducing Buddhism to an insignificant fringe religion in India.
Disagree. Numbers mean little when a population is politically disenfranchised and economically reduced to hunger and starvation and above all defenseless and unable to protect itself from massacre and rape. A good example is the case of the Central African Republic where Muslims constituting 35% of the population have been almost completely eliminated. In Bosnia the Muslims were in a majority and have been reduced through massacres and expulsions to 42% of the population and still declining through migration. Muslims have vanished from Macedonia. So many Chechens have been eliminated that Russia will not even allow a census in the region. The earlier examples of Christians backed cleansing of Andalusian Muslims in Spain and the elimination of 80% of the Muslim population ( in majority) in Central Asia by the Mongols is well known.
Indian Muslims are facing a rabid hysterical fascist regime backed by a billion strong Hindutva motivated population that has voted it to power and will sustain it for the foreseeable future.
It's definitely going to be hard for the Indian Muslims for the next 30-50 years. But population growth and demographics are going to tilt things in their favor, especially in Assam and WB. And the world will not sit by if there is a massacre of 250 million people
In twenty years the world will see the elimination of 200 million people which in numerical terms will be the greatest Holocaust ever. However as a percentage of the global Muslim population it would be a fraction of the earlier losses sustained at the hands of the Mongols.
The "world" will stand by and watch just as it has stood by and watched in Bosnia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, the Central African Republic and Myanmar, Bosnia was partially saved due to Turkey's threat to intervene, and a weakened Russia at that time. No country is going to take on a billion strong population with a 2.5 million strong armed furces equipped with nuclear weapons on behalf of Indian Muslims who will be dubbed diplomatically as " India's Internal Problem ".
A parsllel:
The world did not care for Germany's Jews. The Allies fought Germany only because of Germanys military aggression and expansionism against other countries, If Germany had concentrated only on elimination of Jews no one would have cared, In fact despite its defeat Germany largely achieved the goal of removal of Jews from its land. Most of the surviving Jews migrated out. Hindutva run India is hoping to achieve just that concentrating on elimination of Muslims in phases starting by first weakening them economically and disenfranchising them, The CAA and NCR laws are the first step., There is flight of the minuscule population of elite Muslims out of India today, They are fleeing to Canada, North America, Australia mostly and some have accepted the offer of citizenship in Saudi Arabia under their new citizenship laws.
You're really not rooted in reality. Or you're deliberately painting a very gloomy picture about Indian Muslims.

Russia's Muslim population is on the rise in Tatarstan, Bashkortistan, Dagestan and Chechnya. Bosnia never had a complete Muslim majority to begin with. It was only 50%. Herzegovina was never Muslim. Islam has only grown in the former Yugoslavia. There are 3 Muslim majority states now- Kosovo, Albania and Bosnia.

Islam is on the rise in Africa as well. Nigeria will transition into a Muslim majority country from a former Christian majority country by 2050. While Ethiopia will be 45% Muslim by then. It's 33% Muslim now.

If India carries out a genocide of even 20 millions, it's going to destabilize India so much that it'll probably split into 3-4 countries in the process. Genocides and pogroms don't happen in a vacuum. Even BJP knows that.

India's Muslims aren't going anywhere. They will face much economical and political persecution for the next 20 years but no genocide. Demographics will eventually tilt things in their favor in many parts of India.
I don't need to lie. I have simply stated my personal experience. It's not like we visit temples often. But when we do (for tourism purposes), we never had a problem and no one in my family ever related any experience otherwise. No one ever fills out a visitor book. I do not even know where I would find one. My last visit to a temple was a couple of years ago to the Monkey temple in Jaipur. I wasn't particularly impressed. Just too many monkeys running around. Our fear was being attacked by the monkeys than any Hindu.
The correct name for the temple in Jaipur is Hanuman temple and not the less polite "Monkey temple".
Is it a functional temple? I don't think so, but I may be wrong because I have only seen it from the outside. There is a difference between functional temples and tourist temples. I have already emphasized the difference in my earlier post.
Functional temples have a donation box " daan peti" ( دان پیٹی) , large steel or wooden box with a hole into which the devotees drop cash, cheques, gold trinkets etc. There is a visitor's book near by , signing of which may be optional depending on the temple rules. Donors and visitors usually sign the book. Some of the priests ( pandas پنڈا ) can get aggressive and demand cash and signing of the visitor's book. It is then awkward for a Muslim to sign the book. Of course not everyone signs the book as India is largely illiterate and the vast majority of those who visit the functional temples are wretchedly poor.
There is nothing particularly unusual for monkeys and temples because usually where there is a temple there are monkeys. But
there are monkeys all over most cities in India including Lutyens New Delhi, around Parliament house and the Prime Minister's residence. Architectural monuments are particularly attractive to colonies of monkeys ( actually these are Rhesus macaques) and last year monkey catchers were employed to shoo away monkeys at the Taj Mahal before the visit of the US President.
The government seems to encourage and prefer the Entellus ( Langur) species over the Rhesus Macaques for obvious reasons.
Other than that, there is a temple every two steps in India and hard to avoid one. No one ever visits those
Agree. Indians are deeply spiritual, and the desire for worship is intense at all times. For a billion Hindus the need is for millions of temples, big or small. Which is why there are mini- temples ranging in size from a small refrigerator to a 10 square foot shed, built on public walkways, public parks, railway stations. factory workshops, malls, schools, universities, and government offices... just about every where.
I have watched my Hindu friends at worship very intently, and am awestruck at their devotion and religious fervor. As they walk by any mini-temple they will stop and reverently fold their hands and bow in reverence. It does not matter which temple it is or even a picture . Indians are very generous in their reverence.
Even a tree in a park becomes a temple by the installation of a lingam in the base of a trunk. The peaceful and green environment of the parks are very appropriate for spiritual meditation.
For those who visit India, visiting a temple, any temple is a novel experience.

Regarding train tickets. Your information is outdated. Yes there was a time, mostly in the 90s, when Muslims would use a different name for a reservation, but that was when reservation lists were posted on the side of the bogie. This was prevalent mostly when travelling to places in East UP. Wasn't known to be practiced in Mumbai or the south. But even in those circumstances, there were Muslims with the traditional kurta-pyjama and burqa who would make the journey. Nowadays, there is no need to falsify names, because tickets are either a code on your mobile phone or require a corresponding ID.

Good to know that thanks to technology Muslims can travel anonymously. Earlier pulling Muslims out of reserved compartments simply by reading the names in the reservation list was relatively easy.
The practice continues however:

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The correct name for the temple in Jaipur is Hanuman temple and not the less polite "Monkey temple".
Is it a functional temple? I don't think so, but I may be wrong because I have only seen it from the outside. There is a difference between functional temples and tourist temples. I have already emphasized the difference in my earlier post.
Functional temples have a donation box " daan peti" ( دان پیٹی) , large steel or wooden box with a hole into which the devotees drop cash, cheques, gold trinkets etc. There is a visitor's book near by , signing of which may be optional depending on the temple rules. Donors and visitors usually sign the book. Some of the priests ( pandas پنڈا ) can get aggressive and demand cash and signing of the visitor's book. It is then awkward for a Muslim to sign the book. Of course not everyone signs the book as India is largely illiterate and the vast majority of those who visit the functional temples are wretchedly poor.
There is nothing particularly unusual for monkeys and temples because usually where there is a temple there are monkeys. But
there are monkeys all over most cities in India including Lutyens New Delhi, around Parliament house and the Prime Minister's residence. Architectural monuments are particularly attractive to colonies of monkeys ( actually these are Rhesus macaques) and last year monkey catchers were employed to shoo away monkeys at the Taj Mahal before the visit of the US President.
The government seems to encourage and prefer the Entellus ( Langur) species over the Rhesus Macaques for obvious reasons.

Agree. Indians are deeply spiritual, and the desire for worship is intense at all times. For a billion Hindus the need is for millions of temples, big or small. Which is why there are mini- temples ranging in size from a small refrigerator to a 10 square foot shed, built on public walkways, public parks, railway stations. factory workshops, malls, schools, universities, and government offices... just about every where.
I have watched my Hindu friends at worship very intently, and am awestruck at their devotion and religious fervor. As they walk by any mini-temple they will stop and reverently fold their hands and bow in reverence. It does not matter which temple it is or even a picture . Indians are very generous in their reverence.
Even a tree in a park becomes a temple by the installation of a lingam in the base of a trunk. The peaceful and green environment of the parks are very appropriate for spiritual meditation.
For those who visit India, visiting a temple, any temple is a novel experience.

Good to know that thanks to technology Muslims can travel anonymously. Earlier pulling Muslims out of reserved compartments simply by reading the names in the reservation list was relatively easy.
The practice continues however:

How do you know so much about India and Hinduism by just visiting there?
How do you know so much about India and Hinduism by just visiting there?
I don't know much about India and Hinduism. I know 0.5 % of what there is to learn. One could study India ( or China for that matter) for lifetime and still know a small fraction of what there is to know.
However knowing the enemy is half way to defeating it.
Visiting a country is a great experience, If you visit with an open mind and open eyes one can learn a lot.
Most Pakistanis are either too insular or are constrained by a false sense of committing "shirk" ( شرک) when getting an opportunity to visit temples or studying the Hindu scriptures. It is not " shirk" to study and know, Your personal beliefs remain unaffected.
The reason the Ottomans and Mamelukes defeated the Mongols and the Crusaders was because they studied their customs and beliefs and used the knowledge to their advantage. A generation earlier Pakistanis well understood Hinduism or more accurately the Sanatana Dharma. Even Allama Iqbal who is one of the founding fathers of Pakistan was well aquainted with Sanskrit and some of his poems are even addressed to Hindu deities such as Lord Ram and Lord Shiva. But that knowledge is all but lost. The new generation of Pakistanis can't even pronounce Sanskrit Indian names correctly ۔ Bihar is pronounced as Bahar or Spring ( بہار) because in phonetic Urdu the zer is often left out. In fact the name Bihar comes from the word وہارا vihara or monastery. Bihar was largely Buddhist once and the Mecca of Buddhism is still located in Bodh Gaya. These little tidbits of information are hugely relevant.
Pakistanis should also attempt to learn Hindi. It is extremely easy to learn because it is entirely phonetic and unlike English there is only one letter for one sound and one spelling for one word with one sound.
Allama Iqbal's poem for communal amity was spelled out in his poem " Naya Shivalaya ".
. Few Pakistanis even know what a Shivalaya is .
I don't know much about India and Hinduism. I know 0.5 % of what there is to learn. One could study India ( or China for that matter) for lifetime and still know a small fraction of what there is to know.
However knowing the enemy is half way to defeating it.
Visiting a country is a great experience, If you visit with an open mind and open eyes one can learn a lot.
Most Pakistanis are either too insular or are constrained by a false sense of committing "shirk" ( شرک) when getting an opportunity to visit temples or studying the Hindu scriptures. It is not " shirk" to study and know, Your personal beliefs remain unaffected.
The reason the Ottomans and Mamelukes defeated the Mongols and the Crusaders was because they studied their customs and beliefs and used the knowledge to their advantage. A generation earlier Pakistanis well understood Hinduism or more accurately the Sanatana Dharma. Even Allama Iqbal who is one of the founding fathers of Pakistan was well aquainted with Sanskrit and some of his poems are even addressed to Hindu deities such as Lord Ram and Lord Shiva. But that knowledge is all but lost. The new generation of Pakistanis can't even pronounce Sanskrit Indian names correctly ۔ Bihar is pronounced as Bahar or Spring ( بہار) because in phonetic Urdu the zer is often left out. In fact the name Bihar comes from the word وہارا vihara or monastery. Bihar was largely Buddhist once and the Mecca of Buddhism is still located in Bodh Gaya. These little tidbits of information are hugely relevant.
Pakistanis should also attempt to learn Hindi. It is extremely easy to learn because it is entirely phonetic and unlike English there is only one letter for one sound and one spelling for one word with one sound.
Allama Iqbal's poem for communal amity was spelled out in his poem " Naya Shivalaya ".
. Few Pakistanis even know what a Shivalaya is .
I asked for precisely that reason. Cause most Pakistanis do not know shite about this region, even going so far as to not know the history of Pakistan before partition.

What does Shivalaya mean? Land of Shiv? Or abode of Shiv? I'm extrapolating because Meghalaya means land of clouds- Megha meaning clouds.

Also you have an Indian flag.
When Islamic rule comes back to India in the next 20 years, all these temples need to be razed to ground for good.
When Islamic rule comes back to India in the next 20 years, all these temples need to be razed to ground for good.
Why ? The Turks kept the Greek Temples and the Egyptians have kept the Pyramids and temples of the Pharaohs. Likewise the Syrians have kept the Crusader Castles and Chaldean monuments in Petra.
Even Pakistan has kept the Salt Range temples intact.
They are archeological monuments and " Islamic" rule in India preserved them. Muslims did NOT destroy temples out of bigotry. Some temples were used as military bases and centers of resistance so they were damaged. But otherwise the damage to Hindu places of worship was minimal.
Why ? The Turks kept the Greek Temples and the Egyptians have kept the Pyramids and temples of the Pharaohs. Likewise the Syrians have kept the Crusader Castles and Chaldean monuments in Petra.
Even Pakistan has kept the Salt Range temples intact.
They are archeological monuments and " Islamic" rule in India preserved them. Muslims did NOT destroy temples out of bigotry. Some temples were used as military bases and centers of resistance so they were damaged. But otherwise the damage to Hindu places of worship was minimal.

We should not repeat the mistakes of the past.
I asked for precisely that reason. Cause most Pakistanis do not know shite about this region, even going so far as to not know the history of Pakistan before partition.

What does Shivalaya mean? Land of Shiv? Or abode of Shiv? I'm extrapolating because Meghalaya means land of clouds- Megha meaning clouds.

Also you have an Indian flag.
Oops ! Corrected the flag. The funny thing about this form is that I can't see the flag myself. I had to call a friend who confirmed I had the wrong flag called up. Don't know if that is a default.
" Shivalaya " is a temple exclusive to Lord Shiva ( one of the deities of the triumvirate of gods, the others are Vishnu and Brahma ). These were common in pre-Partition Pakistan and you can search for these images online.
In the pre-Partition era Muslims who were interested in Hindu mythology found the personality of Lord Shiva ( also known as the Destroyer) particularly attractive on account of his valor and forthright behavior.
Which is why Allama Iqbal chose to title his poem " Naya Shivalaya " or New Temple.
Interestingly this poem by Allama Iqbal is intensely disliked or even hated both in India and Pakistan.
However the Indian Prime Minister Manmohun Singh in his earlier role as Finance Minister was brave enough to quote a few telling lines from this poem when presenting the revolutionary budget in 1993 .
This was intensely disgusting to the RSS and VHP members in Parliament. But Manmohun Singh being a Sikh got away with it.
Because of the risk of being seen as tolerant towards "shirk" no personality in Pakistan has ever dared to quote from this poem.
Oops ! Corrected the flag. The funny thing about this form is that I can't see the flag myself. I had to call a friend who confirmed I had the wrong flag called up. Don't know if that is a default.
" Shivalaya " is a temple exclusive to Lord Shiva ( one of the deities of the triumvirate of gods, the others are Vishnu and Brahma ). These were common in pre-Partition Pakistan and you can search for these images online.
In the pre-Partition era Muslims who were interested in Hindu mythology found the personality of Lord Shiva ( also known as the Destroyer) particularly attractive on account of his valor and forthright behavior.
Which is why Allama Iqbal chose to title his poem " Naya Shivalaya " or New Temple.
Interestingly this poem by Allama Iqbal is intensely disliked or even hated both in India and Pakistan.
However the Indian Prime Minister Manmohun Singh in his earlier role as Finance Minister was brave enough to quote a few telling lines from this poem when presenting the revolutionary budget in 1993 .
This was intensely disgusting to the RSS and VHP members in Parliament. But Manmohun Singh being a Sikh got away with it.
Because of the risk of being seen as tolerant towards "shirk" no personality in Pakistan has ever dared to quote from this poem.

Followers of Shiva (Shaivites) aren't at the same level of crazy as the Vishnu followers (Vaishnavites). Vaishnavism is mostly common in North and Western India. And they're the most kattar toxic Hindus. South India follows Shaivism while Assam and Bengal follow Shaktism. They are more amicable.

Surprisingly the areas that are now Muslim majority never followed Vedic Hinduism. Pakistan was Buddhist majority while Bangladesh was animist.

Islam would have spread in South and the tribal Munda Santal belt too but I guess the language barrier got in the way and the Muslim kings never really tried hard enough to convert.

Funny fact- I've been called an Indian myself over here because I am pretty well versed in South Asian history and customs. And I don't tout the mard-e-momin rhetoric.

Followers of Shiva (Shaivites) aren't at the same level of crazy as the Vishnu followers (Vaishnavites). Vaishnavism is mostly common in North and Western India. And they're the most kattar toxic Hindus. South India follows Shaivism while Assam and Bengal follow Shaktism. They are more amicable.

Surprisingly the areas that are now Muslim majority never followed Vedic Hinduism. Pakistan was Buddhist majority while Bangladesh was animist.

Islam would have spread in South and the tribal Munda Santal belt too but I guess the language barrier got in the way and the Muslim kings never really tried hard enough to convert.

Funny fact- I've been called an Indian myself over here because I am pretty well versed in South Asian history and customs. And I don't tout the mard-e-momin rhetoric.

My respects to you. You are remarkably well versed yourself on understanding the Hindutva mindset. You have accurately sensed the difference between the largely Vaishnavite North and the Saivite South. Andhra and Telengana have a large population of Vaishnavites too but in a different form worshipping Balaji who is another avatar of Vishnu (or Narayan). The South Indians have done a remarkable job translating the Sanskrit texts into English and putting these on line. North Indians hate them for this because it puts what they feel is sensitive information in the public domain.
Understanding the Hindu mind is important.
Example : We must understand why the Kamma and Kapu castes in Andhra Pradesh cannot get along. Which is very relevant considering that Pakistani IT personnel in North America have to work in almost 80% Andhra- Telugu speaking environment.
Similarly each province in India is different. A Lodh caste from UP is not viewed very kindly by a Thakur Rajput caste.
The British spent 100 years studying Hindus and India's caste structure from the mid 1700s to the time they captured India in the mid 1800s. The British had to overcome severe linguistic disabilities and learning Indian languages with its myriad dialects is not easy .
But in its defense against India Pakistan started with a huge advantage. Let's take the example of the Telugu language necessary for understanding the Andhra complexities. India's brutal "police action " in 1948 against the Hyderabad state sent a flood of Telugu speaking refugees into Pakistan. Now Pakistan could monitor radio broadcasts and translate an editorial from Eenadu.
We have since lost these capabilities but they could be quickly rebuilt.I hate to say this but if India drives out Muslims it will be bonus in terms of lnguistic resources for Pakistan.
My respects to you. You are remarkably well versed yourself on understanding the Hindutva mindset. You have accurately sensed the difference between the largely Vaishnavite North and the Saivite South. Andhra and Telengana have a large population of Vaishnavites too but in a different form worshipping Balaji who is another avatar of Vishnu (or Narayan). The South Indians have done a remarkable job translating the Sanskrit texts into English and putting these on line. North Indians hate them for this because it puts what they feel is sensitive information in the public domain.
Understanding the Hindu mind is important.
Example : We must understand why the Kamma and Kapu castes in Andhra Pradesh cannot get along. Which is very relevant considering that Pakistani IT personnel in North America have to work in almost 80% Andhra- Telugu speaking environment.
Similarly each province in India is different. A Lodh caste from UP is not viewed very kindly by a Thakur Rajput caste.
The British spent 100 years studying Hindus and India's caste structure from the mid 1700s to the time they captured India in the mid 1800s. The British had to overcome severe linguistic disabilities and learning Indian languages with its myriad dialects is not easy .
But in its defense against India Pakistan started with a huge advantage. Let's take the example of the Telugu language necessary for understanding the Andhra complexities. India's brutal "police action " in 1948 against the Hyderabad state sent a flood of Telugu speaking refugees into Pakistan. Now Pakistan could monitor radio broadcasts and translate an editorial from Eenadu.
We have since lost these capabilities but they could be quickly rebuilt.I hate to say this but if India drives out Muslims it will be bonus in terms of lnguistic resources for Pakistan.
I like the way you approach things lol.

The plebian approach here of most Pakistanis is so lame. Kashmir se aagey soch nahi barhti inki. Indian Muslims are an asset, Indian Christians and Sikhs are an asset, Dravidians and Dalits are an asset, Bangladesh could have been an asset (Siliguri corridor hello???)

India's flaw is its diversity. While I don't think caste differences will work- they are far too miniscule to work. But I understand Indian dynamics relatively better than most Pakistanis on a macro level.

India's problem areas are the South and the Northeast. The Northeast doesn't seem all that threatening right now but it's going to have a blowback 30-40 years in the future. And IMO also another state that has been in the news recently can give massive pains to the cow belt center.

Pakistan should have given refuge to Khalistanis after Bluestar. We don't realise it but a free Khalistan is so strategic.
I like the way you approach things lol.

The plebian approach here of most Pakistanis is so lame. Kashmir se aagey soch nahi barhti inki. Indian Muslims are an asset, Indian Christians and Sikhs are an asset, Dravidians and Dalits are an asset, Bangladesh could have been an asset (Siliguri corridor hello???)

India's flaw is its diversity. While I don't think caste differences will work- they are far too miniscule to work. But I understand Indian dynamics relatively better than most Pakistanis on a macro level.

India's problem areas are the South and the Northeast. The Northeast doesn't seem all that threatening right now but it's going to have a blowback 30-40 years in the future. And IMO also another state that has been in the news recently can give massive pains to the cow belt center.

Pakistan should have given refuge to Khalistanis after Bluestar. We don't realise it but a free Khalistan is so strategic.

I agree. Caste politics is internal to India and has no bearing on India's relationship with Pakistan and is not at all a factor. The same goes for Indian Muslims, Sikhs etc. But it does give an insight into working of the systems around there. Wouldn't it be good to know if an Indian official who is a Kamma has a Kapu superior, and how that would affect the working as compared to two Brahmins working together? It is not that in attitude the Kamma or Kapu would suddenly turn secular or view Pakistan favorably. It is the way they function. The best analogy I can give is hitching a mule and horse together to one cart as compared to two horses.
Indian Muslims are no factor at all.
India is unlikely to have an Indira Gandhi type secular nationalist government again.

An India Pakistan nuclear show down is very likely based on an act of stupidity by India. Predicting such an act of stupidity is important.

Till a full blown war happens the Social Media war needs to be pursued. It is here that Pakistanis lag behind. I once asked one of the RSS thugs on this forum what were his grades in thenTelugu paper he wrote in his high school exam.
He was dumbfounded how I knew he was Telugu speaking. I didn't have the heart to tell him that his constant reference to Andhra Telengana culture (which he was portraying as " Indian "
culture gave him away.
I agree. Caste politics is internal to India and has no bearing on India's relationship with Pakistan and is not at all a factor. The same goes for Indian Muslims, Sikhs etc. But it does give an insight into working of the systems around there. Wouldn't it be good to know if an Indian official who is a Kamma has a Kapu superior, and how that would affect the working as compared to two Brahmins working together? It is not that in attitude the Kamma or Kapu would suddenly turn secular or view Pakistan favorably. It is the way they function. The best analogy I can give is hitching a mule and horse together to one cart as compared to two horses.
Indian Muslims are no factor at all.
India is unlikely to have an Indira Gandhi type secular nationalist government again.

An India Pakistan nuclear show down is very likely based on an act of stupidity by India. Predicting such an act of stupidity is important.

Till a full blown war happens the Social Media war needs to be pursued. It is here that Pakistanis lag behind. I once asked one of the RSS thugs on this forum what were his grades in thenTelugu paper he wrote in his high school exam.
He was dumbfounded how I knew he was Telugu speaking. I didn't have the heart to tell him that his constant reference to Andhra Telengana culture (which he was portraying as " Indian "
culture gave him away.
I absolutely disagree that Indian Muslims, Christians and Sikhs are no factors.

The way I see it India's states will start fighting within themselves in the next two decades.

BJP has brought such rot into the system that's it's only going to keep getting worse from here.

Only Indira Gandhi's emergency led to such levels of authoritarianism and social discord. It led to the Sikh insurgency, and then the Kashmir insurgency after her son took charge.

If Pakistan had played its cards right and kept the Khalistan and Kashmir burning together it would have bled India. But we had done no planning
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