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Inadian Paln To Reserve Seat For Azad Kashmir In Indian Parliament

it is the attitude I was talking about ..... attitude of Hypocrisy and twisting of facts my dear its national attitude of India ......
I have given you the link of Shimla agreement which states clearly that the fundamental principle and purpose in Indo Pakistan relation would the be adherence of UN charter .......

You are asking me how your PM violated Shilma agreement while ignoring the previously highlighted clause 1 (i), (ii), (iv) & paras 4, 6 of Shilma agreement ......

I said there is no limit of hypocrisy & tenaciousness ......

How can what MMS said be a violation of any of those clauses ?? Please explain .

Hypocrisy and twisting facts can also be attributed to pakistan also. The same pakistan which cries UN resolutions everywhere is still not ready to accept the UN decision on Hafiz Saed .
Pakistan should allocate space for Khalistan Embassy ..... Just in case

Embassy in Pakistan :lol:

In fact India should have an embassy for Khalistan if at all because their capital is Lahore - reserve some land in Lahore for their parliament - just in case.
Embassy in Pakistan :lol:

In fact India should have an embassy for Khalistan if at all because their capital is Lahore - reserve some land in Lahore for their parliament - just in case.

Thats best defense for paranoid bhartii - But i don't think they are interested to become minority again, But if they really want than no problem, we will welcome them back to mainland and Lahore parliament building is already there :pop:
Thats best defense for paranoid bhartii - But i don't think they are interested to become minority again, But if they really want than no problem, we will welcome them back to mainland and Lahore parliament building is already there :pop:

They will not become minority , they will form khalistan after driving out pakistani punjabis .... :D
How can what MMS said be a violation of any of those clauses ?? Please explain .
Hypocrisy and twisting facts can also be attributed to pakistan also. The same pakistan which cries UN resolutions everywhere is still not ready to accept the UN decision on Hafiz Saed .

simple and short answer Whenever any Indian termed Kashmir as Integral part of India he violets the UN resolution and Shimla agreement in which India accepted Kashmir as disputed territory ......

Dear I am not here to defend any individual, but the matter of fact is that individual was under house arrest till September 2009, but Indian government failed to provide any concrete evidence against him because of this reason he was released by court..... so you can't blame Pakistan for incompetency of Indian government .....
HRK;4879214 (ii) [COLOR="#FF0000" said:
Pending the final settlement of any of the problems between the two countries, neither side shall unilaterally alter the situation[/COLOR]

1970 - Northern Areas. with this Pakistan, basically solved our problem. unilaterally altered the disputed area.

With this, we no longer care what UN resolution states. You violated the UN and simla. now, we claim all of Kashmir as ours. so dont talk about hypocrisy. Withdraw and handover Gilgit Baltistan to P o K first. Then we can talk further.
HRK;4879214 (ii) [COLOR="#FF0000" said:
Pending the final settlement of any of the problems between the two countries, neither side shall unilaterally alter the situation[/COLOR]

1970 - Northern Areas. with this Pakistan, basically solved our problem. unilaterally altered the disputed area.

With this, we no longer care what UN resolution states. You violated the UN and simla. now, we claim all of Kashmir as ours. so dont talk about hypocrisy. Withdraw and handover Gilgit Baltistan to P o K first. Then we can talk further.
Then how we are we seeing firing from Pakistan troops along LOC. :wacko:

pathar maro ga tu agla phool tu nahi dala ga na....... one of my previous post ....

In that under discussion resolution, Pakistan undertook two tasked


For the first task, Pakistan had withdrawn all "tribesmen" from Kashmir+ no Pakistani National is residing there permanently as agreed in UN, secondly there is nothing mention about Pakistani troops exclusively.

One thing to be noted here, this resolution does mentions about the undertaking of Indian Government regarding withdrawal of Indian troops.


As far as your debate about the chapter VI & VII of United Nation charter is concern, I would suggest you to kindly read at least title of those chapters

Which are :
Charter of the United Nations: Chapter VI: Pacific Settlement of Disputes


Charter of the United Nations: Chapter VII: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Agression

as you know that it was Indian government who went to United Nation and notify the UN regarding the issue under chapter VI of UN charter, by this act Indian Government deny to term tribal interventions as an act of aggression, it indicates the original stance of Indian government at United Nation that Kashmir uprising and the tribal intervention was a disputed matter and not an aggression which Indian government propagates now.

official link from UN website: http://www.un.org/en/sc/repertoire/46-51/Chapter%208/46-51_08-16-The%20India-Pakistan%20question.pdf
And Pakistan must add some seats for New Dehli and Bombay...........Jokers........:omghaha:
I dint find my dear plz post the link

:hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

my dear at least surf this thread u may find answer ..... nobody is going to spoon feed you ....

But you claimed Pakistan withdrawed the troops but here they are still firing at Indian troops. :wacko: You are simply manfacturing your own terms and claims. :laugh:

you start playing game .......... trying to put your word in my moth ..... indicate any single post of mine with such claim .....

if you do not have any counter arguments do not post just for the sake of posting......
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