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Inadian Paln To Reserve Seat For Azad Kashmir In Indian Parliament

There should have been a provision . Why it was missed , no idea .

According to this report ,

"It is not understood as to how a reference to this provision was not included in the Indian constitution and how this mismatch has occurred in the two constitutions," the proposal adds.

It was not included because of UN resolutions, any such attempt in the other direction would be the violation of UN resolution.
It was not included because of UN resolutions, any such attempt in the other direction would be the violation of UN resolution.

Any literature for your claim . Don't think so .

Because Indian establishment for the past 60+ years has been showing a middle finger to these UN resolutions . They would least care if it any violation of those resolutions .
Any literature for your claim . Don't think so .

Because Indian establishment for the past 60+ years has been showing a middle finger to these UN resolutions . They would least care if it any violation of those resolutions .

Just read UN resolutions...... I am not quit sure that this proposal will get recognition even in Indian diplomatic and Law authorities.

For the highlighted part, I would not comment as it shows the attitude problem of a Keyboard warrior.
Just read UN resolutions...... I am not quit sure that this proposal get recognition even in Indian diplomatic and Law authorities.

For the highlighted part, I would not comment as it shows the attitude problem of a Keyboard warrior.

UN resolutions on kashmir are non-binding ones .

You can see facts for yourself in front of you as far as J&K is concerned.

60+ years have passed now . We never accepted those resolutions in the past when we were much weaker and in the future also nothing is going to change .

If stating those facts make me a keyboard warrior , so be it .
UN resolutions on kashmir are non-binding ones .

My dear it was India who asked to pass that resolution under article six which deal with the resolution of the disputes in Peaceful manner' rather under article 7 which deal with the act of aggression ..... so by this Indian accepted the fact that Kashmir uprising was not act of aggression.
You can see facts for yourself in front of you as far as J&K is concerned.
60+ years have passed now . We never accepted those resolutions in the past when we were much weaker and in the future also nothing is going to change .

By accepting the UN resolution in 1948, India accepted Kashmir as a Disputed Territory ....since then India has not notified UN about the non acceptance of resolution or not accepting Kashmir as as Disputed territory officially

If stating those facts make me a keyboard warrior , so be it .

it not your statement of 'fact' but your attitude .....
My dear it was India who asked to pass that resolution under article six which deal with the resolution of the disputes in Peaceful manner' rather under article 7 which deal with the act of aggression ..... so by this Indian accepted the fact that Kashmir uprising was not act of aggression.

Dude , what I said is be it act of aggression or act of uprising , the UN resolutions on kashmir are non-binding .

Which means we can take it or leave it . We have decided to leave it .

By accepting the UN resolution in 1948, India accepted Kashmir as a Disputed Territory ....since then India has not notified UN about the non acceptance of resolution or not accepting Kashmir as as Disputed territory officially

Indian PM on his latest speech in UN termed kashmir an integral part of India and said that India favours settlement of all issues on the basis of the Shimla Agreement.

That will you give you an indication of what we consider of UN resolutions .

it not your statement of 'fact' but your attitude .....

This attitude is the attitude of India and Indians .

And it is not going to change .
Dude , what I said is be it act of aggression or act of uprising , the UN resolutions on kashmir are non-binding .

Which means we can take it or leave it . We have decided to leave it .

Its non-binding for UN and International community ..... but does not effect the legal standing of the resolutions

Indian PM on his latest speech in UN termed kashmir an integral part of India and said that India favours settlement of all issues on the basis of the Shimla Agreement.

That will you give you an indication of what we consider of UN resolutions .

First of all keep in mind that Shimla Agreement does not effect the status of Jammu & Kashmir as Disputed Territory .....

My dear your PM speech is the violation of both of the UN resolutions and Shimla agreement ...... as Shimla agreement states

1(i) That the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations shall govern the relations between the two countries

(ii) Pending the final settlement of any of the problems between the two countries, neither side shall unilaterally alter the situation

(iv) That the basic issues and causes of conflict which have bedevilled the relations between the two countries for the last 25 years shall be resolved by peaceful means;

Para 4(ii) address LOC & recognized position of both side and my dear recognized position of Pakistan is the one which is recognized by UN.

Para 6 talked about the "Final Settlement of Jammu and Kashmir issue"

plz read the the attachments




link from UN Department of Political Affairs site: http://peacemaker.un.org/sites/peacemaker.un.org/files/IN%20PK_720702_Simla%20Agreement.pdf

This attitude is the attitude of India and Indians .

And it is not going to change .

Hatdarmi ki koi haad nahi hai bhai .......
@my2cents as that particular thread get closed therefore I am replying you here

please educate yourself about the plebiscite in Kashmir ....... one of my previous post regarding the subject

Pakistan has fulfilled its responsibility of withdrawing tribesmen from the valley........has India dropped number of its tropes to the minimum level .....???

In addition to this other responsibilities with which Indian agreed are



official link from UN website: http://www.un.org/en/sc/repertoire/46-51/Chapter%208/46-51_08-16-The%20India-Pakistan%20question.pdf

hope next time you will post whole document if find it necessary to discuss...... after all your are "senior member"

other then this whatever discussed in Backdoor channels in the past or present till now have no official/legal standing ..... in Kashmir dispute ......
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Its non-binding for UN and International community ..... but does not effect the legal standing of the resolutions

It is non-binding which means we doesnot have to obey it . We are fine with it .

First of all keep in mind that Shimla Agreement does not effect the status of Jammu & Kashmir as Disputed Territory .....

My dear your PM speech is the violation of both UN resolutions and Shimla agreement...... as Shimla agreement states

The shimla agreement doesnot even talk about UN resolutions and hence the matter of disputed territory doesnot crop up here .

How can the PM said things be a violation of of Shimla Agreement when he himself says that the matter will be resolved in accordance with the agreement .

Hatdarmi ki koi haad nahi hai bhai .......

Cannot understand what you meant by that .
It is non-binding which means we doesnot have to obey it . We are fine with it .

The shimla agreement doesnot even talk about UN resolutions and hence the matter of disputed territory doesnot crop up here .

How can the PM said things be a violation of of Shimla Agreement when he himself says that the matter will be resolved in accordance with the agreement .

it is the attitude I was talking about ..... attitude of Hypocrisy and twisting of facts my dear its national attitude of India ......
I have given you the link of Shimla agreement which states clearly that the fundamental principle and purpose in Indo Pakistan relation would the be adherence of UN charter .......

You are asking me how your PM violated Shilma agreement while ignoring the previously highlighted clause 1 (i), (ii), (iv) & paras 4, 6 of Shilma agreement ......

Cannot understand what you meant by that .

I said there is no limit of hypocrisy & tenaciousness ......
This attitude is the attitude of India and Indians .

And it is not going to change .


Shimla agreement in which we released their 90000 weak kneed POWs , it was mutually agreed that interference of third party won't be tolerated.Be it US or UN or OIC middle finger to all of them from every citizen of India.
If Pakistan wants to occupy Kashmir then only way to have a shot at that by waging direct war on India and risk loosing remaing Kashmir too.

What three wars couldn't achieve won't be achieved on table. :sleep:
@my2cents as that particular thread get closed therefore I am replying you here

please educate yourself about the plebiscite in Kashmir ....... one of my previous post regarding the subject

other then this whatever discussed in Backdoor channels in the past or present till now have no official/legal standing ..... in Kashmir dispute ......

I never knew pakistan withdrew tribesman and forces back ,can you tellme when they withdrew.....
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