Hey Hyperion,
Some engineering professors in "University of Lahore" studied Turkish engineering papers and regarded them as sub par compared to Pakistani engineering capabilities/research. I don't know what 'specifically' they were referring to.
What is your say?
Why doesn't government pin points the fields we require to master for national interests? Oh wait, never mind. This is just too hard for our government. Let them loot in peace for heaven's sake!!!
Pakistan is non-existent on the map of university/etc research in all fields. I know being Pakistani, you're going to disagree with that, but those are the facts.
Every researcher spends 3/4th of time in their first year of their phD reviewing the papers of those who went before them. I'm in that phase currently, I haven't read a single Pakistani paper on literally, anything. And nobody sends their papers to Pakistan review, my supervisor has sent me a Pakistani paper to look over that he's been asked to review. He can't be bothered mainly because till date none of the cheques they've sent him have come through. This is true for many countries, not just Pakistan.
That being said Indian research is not too much better, I read 3 material sciences papers (not theses) from some university in Punjab, all 3 were essentially identical, the only difference being was that they changed the composition of the material from 2.5% carbon in steps of 0.3% to 3.1% and measured the properties of each. I couldn't believe they actually got that shit published.