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In this village, Hindus guard Muslims’ homes in Muzaffarnagar

This is what a sufi master had warned me about .These were the distortions in quran caused by islamic civil wars. And these are quotes that are twisted by the russian orthodox church to destroy islam in Russia ,they are succeeding on it.

For understanding the truth of Allah,a sufi master is needed.You can see what the Mullahs are doing to impressionable minds. India must stop the sunni mullahs from spreading falsehoods.

Shias should do this,we are kaffirs.
Dont fall for this stuff read the story of motilal the guy who trapped muslim boys in his home promising them help,they were killed anyways by bsf.he contracted cancer and on his deathbed confessed he tipped the bsf,all this while people thought he had saved them.
M saying anything a Hindu says wont taken in the right spirit,Shias have to cure the Sunnis .

The sufis and the shia waqf board keeps working towards it ,but we don't have the resources.Plus the congress govt is on the saudi payroll ,so they allow full freedom to deoband to terrorise shia maulvis with death threats.Many have been injured too due to the Deoband menace. If these things don't change,I am going to have my family migrate from Lucknow.Its my uncles and their children who don't want to leave Lucknow and Barielly.But situation is polarizing and sooner or later things will get bad for shias due to the activities of darul-e deoband.Hindus on the other hand if they get united and drop their casteism ,they can deal with the deoband menace with ease.But SP and Congress are not interested in this. And neither are hindutva parties interested in helping us as we are not a sizable vote bank and islam is a outsider for them. Its a rock and a hard place for us.Plus Darul-e- Deoband has issued fatwas calling shias as kafirs officially.Unofficially ,they are already advocating mass murder of kafirs and murtids in the mosques they control. Things are polarizing already in UP .Its a matter of time before the powder keg sets off.
Reminds me of the novel "A Train to Pakistan" only it was more than 60 years ago. Uttar pradesh is still living in the past. What a fukin shame worse place in India to live
THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA is the mother of every CODE.

Agree...the constitution tells we are a secular country..in which secular country would different religions have different laws ? In which secular country would the government interfere in temple administration and covet the temple assets ? What we have in constitution and what is in practise are two different things.
Agree...the constitution tells we are a secular country..in which secular country would different religions have different laws ? In which secular country would the government interfere in temple administration and covet the temple assets ? What we have in constitution and what is in practise are two different things.

The constitution does not say that - That is where the leaders post-independence cheated the people.
And neither are hindutva parties interested in helping us as we are not a sizable vote bank and islam is a outsider for them.

If shia clerics show a willingness to vote for BJP then BJP would automatically voice their concerns too..but ultimately its your choice..i personally feel shias would be safer with hindus than with sunnis, many of whom now consider shias as non-muslims due to wahhabi petrodollars..

And I have respect for the shia ulema who was the most reasonable in the ayodhya issue too as they were the ones who were open for a compromise when the sunnis in BMAC were loud mouthing...
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