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In preparation for war with China, the US military will purchase over 12,000+ JASSM stealth cruise missiles and 1,300+ LRASMs and may increase further

US cruise missile stocks will be pushing 20,000 by 2035-2040.

Short-medium range ballistic missiles such as PRSM, hypersonic missiles, AARGM-ERS/SIAWS stocks will be 7,500-10,000 by 2035-2040.
The current situation is really similar to the USA and Japan before the outbreak of the Pacific War.

Japan has naval advantages, but the USA has industrial advantages. The situation is opposite now, with China's annual shipbuilding capacity of 39.7 million tons and the USA annual shipbuilding capacity of 400k tons.

By the way, American ships are very old. Most of China's warships were commissioned after 2012, while most of the US warships were manufactured during the Cold War.
The US military also has a stockpile of at least 4,000+ Tomahawk cruise missiles.

You see this is why China needs to take Taiwan before 2030. The US is preparing for war with China in the 2030s when all these weapons are in production at scale. That’s everything from B-21, NGAD, Columbia etc, to these weapons.

China needs to move quickly
that's why US needs to be wiped out from earth for the sake of humanity, warmongers !

The US launched 500 cruise missiles in the opening 24 hours of the Iraq War in ‘03.

The US would launch 2,000-3,000 missiles in the opening 48 hours against China along with hundreds of bombs and torpedo launches.
China will nuke US mainland then. The earth going to hell then.
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that's why US needs to be wiped out from earth for the sake of humanity, warmongers !

China will nuke US mainland then. The earth going to hell then.

Yes, any missile attack on the Chinese mainland will escalate to nukes very quickly. The US would never allow a cruise missile attack on its mainland and neither would China.
Just to remind everyone. No nukes in Toronto please, Canada is neutral. We’ll get rid of Trudeau for kidnapping Meng Wanzhou. Plus, there are more Chinese in Toronto than Hong Kong. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to hurt them.
The US launched 500 cruise missiles in the opening 24 hours of the Iraq War in ‘03.

The US would launch 2,000-3,000 missiles in the opening 48 hours against China along with hundreds of bombs and torpedo launches.
Launching all those missiles against a defeated and sanctions ravaged third world country is one thing and launching them against China is another. Do you seriously believe China will just sit there and won't do anything to counter?
Launching all those missiles against a defeated and sanctions ravaged third world country is one thing and launching them against China is another. Do you seriously believe China will just sit there and won't do anything to counter?
That guy will launch millions of missiles with his mouth



Why not only one outcome

Chinga don't launch armed assault, everybody win so Chinga don't eat shit even if they win

I mean, if you want war, why not go back and enlist in the PLA if you want it that bad. I mean everybody can talk shit about war. It's a different perspective when you are at a frontline seat watching it in a 2 way firing range. Trust me, don't trust me, it's up to you,
Because the Chinese civil war is not finished and the country is still effectively divided into PRC and ROC. Furthermore, Americunts intend to use the island as a containment bridgehead in its geopolitical game, which is not acceptable. Unfortunately a rising China doesn't accept your cunty order.
We will arm Taiwan so much that China will wait...and wait...and wait...until the PLA is too filled with geriatrics to fight.

He want war that bad -- for someone else.

Just have Taiwan have an Israeli style neither confirm nor deny nuclear arsenal. Simple easy and cost effective.

Chicoms will just moan a lot as usual...till they get too old like you say....and whatever cost that inverted demographic pyramid will have on them in larger way.

In fact its probably being set up right now slowly behind the scenes....given things have certainly changed a lot since the late 80s, when it was then in US interest to stop Taiwanese WMD development:

Japan and Taiwan can even jointly work on what they need to work on here....just like they will do so w.r.t Naval forces and strategy going forward.

We already seen the South Koreans take on this stuff developing capacity wise....to put finishing touches on quick breakout later if needed. That middle SLBM section of their newest SSKs for example.
Earlier US war preparations:
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Stop wasting money.

America was able to print money whenever it wanted.

Again, if you ask any Chinese, would they want to drop everything they had in exchange for some arbitary success? What do you think they will say?

If it was the soviet, it's all for motherland, in China? It's all for money........
That's bull... Why do you think China has clawed back up when the other civilizations had faltered?
The danger of nuclear war is real. Instead of trying to avoid it, the logical choice is to prepare now.

Develop anti-ballistic defense systems, build many shelters, hoard resources.

The question is not how to avoid nuclear war. The question was "How to quickly recover from nuclear war". Which country recovers faster, that country wins.
Just have Taiwan have an Israeli style neither confirm nor deny nuclear arsenal. Simple easy and cost effective.
That is the final or 'nuclear option', pun intended. :enjoy:

Critical to deterrence is how your enemy perceives you. Currently, there is no doubt that China is wary of how much damage can Taiwan do to the invasion fleet. That uncertainty is largely based on US arming the island for the past few decades. Then there is also the uncertainty of whether the US will actually get physically involved or not.

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