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In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

Every generation have its rebels. Sometimes the rebellious issue is good for the country, sometimes it is not. So unless you get to specifics, what you say belongs to the academics.

In my ten yrs in the USAF, I met only one CIA officer and the reason he opened up to me and my friends was because we were military. It is pretty much axiomatic that anyone who tells a civilian that he/she is with the CIA in any way -- is not.

Just like China in 1991 Tinnament riots killed over 1000 of students after China opened up to the west, Viet Nam government need to brace themselve for democracy peaceful protest, then turn into riot, further into violent confrontation between the population and the government.

How did the Ukrainian protestor received 5 billions dollars from the US? CIA operative gave the money to support the revolution in Ukraine, some Ukrianian have to work have connection with the CIA or US government to get that kind of money.
Not my interest to return to Viet Nam and rebuild Viet Nam, none of my business whatsoever. More power to Viet Nam government if they can elevate their people and lift them out of poverty. Fact many Viet Kieu want to over thrown Viet Nam government and hope Viet Nam soon have some kind of revolusion with the backing of the US and the Western world.

Lot of Viet Kieu Under CIA payroll and then go back to Viet Nam disenfranchise the population with Western progagranda, Viet Kieu will incite riot and protest if Viet Cong don't clamp down Viet Kieu on their activity on formenting social discontend and destabilized Viet Nam.
I don´t know where do you get this impression. Perhaps from the many public demo in Little Saigon or shows on TV and Videos in America and elsewhere? I have relative in California.

NO, those Viet kieu who want a revolution in Vietnam are in the minority. 95 per cent or more want a prosperous and independent Vietnam, not a new government. Not revolution, but evolution.
I don´t know where do you get this impression. Perhaps from the many public demo in Little Saigon or shows on TV and Videos in America and elsewhere? I have relative in California.

NO, those Viet kieu who want a revolution in Vietnam are in the minority. 95 per cent or more want a prosperous and independent Vietnam, not a new government.
I live in 'Little Saigon', California, and many Viet Kieus believe that being under communist rule is the main reason for Vietnam not being prosperous. I don't know if its right or not but that is my own 2 cents.
When did you visit Vietnam at the last time?

I visited Vietnam for 3 weeks at Christmas 2012. I had gone from Saigon in the South to Central of Vietnam, Da Nang and Hue. Due to lack of time, I did not manage to get to Hanoi. I had seen poor people, but I did not observe anyone sleeping on the street, neither the hungry begging for food. Most poor people live in central Vietnam: Quang Tri and Quang Ngai, where the economy basis is weak.

Urining against the wall is very bad behaviour, but it is not unique in Vietnam. For instance, Germany is not an exception.

If compared to others in the region, surely Vietnam is poor. Japan plays in another league.
Unknown to most, the commies do keep a blacklist of names and that list was discarded in 2000, meaning it was finally safe for Viet Kieus whose family names are on that list to return to visit and leave safely with no harassment. Just bribes. My family name was on that list. My last visit was in late 2007. Sure, things have gotten much better since enough of the fools in government realized the folly of the communist experiment and allowed some liberalization, but the country is still clawing its way up to Second World status and I see plenty of signs of that.
I live in 'Little Saigon', California, and many Viet Kieus believe that being under communist rule is the main reason for Vietnam not being prosperous. I don't know if its right or not but that is my own 2 cents.
I know, most Viet kieu think so, and blame the commies. Especially the "reform" in the 1980s was a disaster leading to a collapse of the economy.
Just like China in 1991 Tinnament riots killed over 1000 of students after China opened up to the west, Viet Nam government need to brace themselve for democracy peaceful protest, then turn into riot, further into violent confrontation between the population and the government.

How did the Ukrainian protestor received 5 billions dollars from the US? CIA operative gave the money to support the revolution in Ukraine, some Ukrianian have to work have connection with the CIA or US government to get that kind of money.
Sure...Viet Nam can always follow the Chinese argument of 'not yet ready for democracy' until it become a self fulfilling prophecy. Any signs of discontent, no matter how little, and the authority cracks down base upon that 'not yet ready' argument. Then throw in the CIA for good measure. Always a convenient boogeyman.
Sure...Viet Nam can always follow the Chinese argument of 'not yet ready for democracy' until it become a self fulfilling prophecy. Any signs of discontent, no matter how little, and the authority cracks down base upon that 'not yet ready' argument. Then throw in the CIA for good measure. Always a convenient boogeyman.

People always ready to revolt against any government when they are poor with no hope, don't take much for the population to turn against the government and they just need some fuel to set off the fire. With money can be pay the dissident to mobilize and organize small group of protest to voice their discontent then later to build up a major revolution to overthrown the government. Everything in this life cost money, cost lot of money to start a revolution. Only the US and the West have this kind of money to finance a democratic revolution worldwide.
People always ready to revolt against any government when they are poor with no hope, don't take much for the population to turn against the government and they just need some fuel to set off the fire. With money can be pay the dissident to mobilize and organize small group of protest to voice their discontent then later to build up a major revolution to overthrown the government. Everything in this life cost money, cost lot of money to start a revolution. Only the US and the West have this kind of money to finance a democratic revolution worldwide.
For the sake of discussion...Why not overthrow dictatorships ? Do not bring up questions like why do we not go after Russia or China. Just answer the question on why are dictatorships preferable over participatory governments, after all, both the Soviet Union and China did export communist ideology however and whenever they could.
For the sake of discussion...Why not overthrow dictatorships ? Do not bring up questions like why do we not go after Russia or China. Just answer the question on why are dictatorships preferable over participatory governments, after all, both the Soviet Union and China did export communist ideology however and whenever they could.

Wasn't S.K as one time ruled by a dictatorship for over 30 yrs, Japan also was rule under some form of 1 party dictatorship for a long time as well? How bout Singapore also ruled under one party dictatorship but all 3 country are properious and not as a poor nations. Country allow to participate in free trade or not under any sanction with great leaders and capable men will develop their nation at a quicker pace and help elimate poverty. Communist was spread all around the world because of classes struggle during the feudal rule in the early 20 century. WW1 and WW2 many country still under colonial rule, people would used communist idealogy to uproot and fought against the empirialist worldwide. When your livilhood improve from a poverty background, people will less likely to feel discontend toward the government. Since Democracy isn't be all and end all silver bullets to govern a country, even as a single party dictatorship or a dictatorship that can improve people life, provide some form of social justice, and minimize corruption in their country, the population will less likely demand a total implement of democracy in their country. Not all democracy nations are rich and not corrupt without violating human right in their society. Soviet Union collapse and implemented free elected government but Putin can out maneuver the electoral process and become the Russian president for the 3rd time, when you have the money and the power behind you can manipulate the system to become a ruler.
speaking before National Diet of Japan on March 18


You are a fraud and that is what I know.

No one ? Are you sure ?

I blame the communists for turning Viet Nam into an economic shithole. How about you ? What do you blame them for ?

This is a pathetic argument. What do you know about 1975 when you were not even a gleam of lust in your father's eye ? What do you know about democracy ? Nothing for both. You may smart enough to speak English and use a computer, but your maturity is that of a 12 yr old.

Are you serious ? The last time I returned to Viet Nam, I see men and boys urinating against the walls in public. The poor do sleep in the alleys. Sure, things have gotten much better and poverty reduced, but that is in no thanks to the communist leadership, or at best some credit goes to those who are smart enough to see the failure of communism and at least changed their minds a little.

Good...Then manipulate it to make Viet Nam the most wealthy in the world.

Then what do you call the 'boat people' ? Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, from which Viet Nam depended so much to survive, Viet Nam became a joke to the world. Is that what you wanted ? So look in the mirror to see the real loser -- the one who live in oppression, poverty, misery, and destitution and do not have the courage to blame those responsible.
You're a broken record with your cheap democrappy rant

You fought on the side of the french at Dien Bien Phu and now you and your kind rewrite history to slander the Viet Minh; no wonder why no Viet in Viet Nam believes in your shxit academic paperwork

You deserted your comrade and hopped on the U.S carrier on April 30th, 1975. Le Trung Tuong was just 8 years old when he joined the North Vietnamese Army. Your cowardice is the reason why you have crocodile tears for these traffic Viet women. These Viet women are thanking losers and cowards like you for not staying to fight for cheap democrappy instead of hopping on the U.S carrier. Thanks but we want no democrappy just look at the Phillipines.

You losers and cowards and now using these Viet women just to find an excuse to rant against those who turn you guys into a bunch of deserters and cowards LOL. Please, you guys don't give a shixt about anyone, you are just using these women and the economic status of Viet Nam as an excuse to hide how incompetent you guys are. Had you guys were competent and courages enough, you would have a democrappy to rule like the Phillipines today.
I live in 'Little Saigon', California, and many Viet Kieus believe that being under communist rule is the main reason for Vietnam not being prosperous. I don't know if its right or not but that is my own 2 cents.
These Viet Kieu are delusional or pretend to be delusional because if being a democrap means super economic powa then the Phillipines, India, Latin America, Southeast Asia, Africa would be like Western Europe LOL Democrappy is cheap, it is just a facade by these Viet kieu to hide the fact that they were incompentent to the point that they now don't even have a country to rule LOL. If you can't even keep your country, how the phuck are you telling people that you can do a better job of ruling it? Hear that gambitch?
When did you visit Vietnam at the last time?

I visited Vietnam for 3 weeks at Christmas 2012. I had gone from Saigon in the South to Central of Vietnam, Da Nang and Hue. Due to lack of time, I did not manage to get to Hanoi. I had seen poor people, but I did not observe anyone sleeping on the street, neither the hungry begging for food. Most poor people live in central Vietnam: Quang Tri and Quang Ngai, where the economy basis is weak.

Urining against the wall is very bad behaviour, but it is not unique in Vietnam. For instance, Germany is not an exception.

If compared to others in the region, surely Vietnam is poor. Japan plays in another league.
The guy is a serial liar, he makes up a lot of "fact" for the sake of backing up his lies. He wants Viet Nam to be another democrap like India or the Phillpines so he substitutes his observation from those two countries as what he saw in Viet Nam
nice: Vietnam & Japan agreed to establish extensive strategic partnership

more cooprations in politics, security-defence and economics-trade-investment to people-to-people diplomacy, culture, tourism and human resources development


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