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In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

These Viet Kieu are delusional or pretend to be delusional because if being a democrap means super economic powa then the Phillipines, India, Latin America, Southeast Asia, Africa would be like Western Europe LOL Democrappy is cheap, it is just a facade by these Viet kieu to hide the fact that they were incompentent to the point that they now don't even have a country to rule LOL. If you can't even keep your country, how the phuck are you telling people that you can do a better job of ruling it? Hear that gambitch?

Check the per capita income of Latin American nations and compare it to Vietnam. I'm tired of people thinking of Latin America as a shithole.
Well it become interesting, when @gambit start to teach Vietnamese ... I come from communism China YES u know, age 28, if i say have a 140m2 house worth 0.2million U.S dollar no loans,and have some deposits(not many). Which class i can belong to in today United State? Right now i get salary near 1,400 U.S dollar/month, i didn't buy car yet usually take bus or subway everyday.

Do i have the HOPE in China? Or Do i have A HOPE in America ? Im just curious what's my life condition in U.S ?

To prove i tell the truth,u can check this pic thread: the life in China

cnleio : you must feel ok with your family ... congrat ... where do you live, cnleio ?
btw, thanks for nice pictures...

my wish is everybody world-wide get rich ... and not to be worried about the future ...
how could we be happy to heary somewhere there's still poor people ?

If you feel happy to say "poor you" to poor country, you are not humanity ...

The friendly country would feel sorrow and may have the idea "lend them a hand" ...

The fact that many people in Vietnam has that act when they here somewhere there's people suffuring disasters, ...
Check the per capita income of Latin American nations and compare it to Vietnam. I'm tired of people thinking of Latin America as a shithole.

Take a nap. You will feel better.

cnleio : you must feel ok with your family ... congrat ... where do you live, cnleio ?
btw, thanks for nice pictures...

my wish is everybody world-wide get rich ... and not to be worried about the future ...
how could we be happy to heary somewhere there's still poor people ?

If you feel happy to say "poor you" to poor country, you are not humanity ...

The friendly country would feel sorrow and may have the idea "lend them a hand" ...

The fact that many people in Vietnam has that act when they here somewhere there's people suffuring disasters, ...

There's a saying "you give a man a fish, he eat it for a day but when you show the man to fish for himself, he eats for life."

We can only help you to an extend because we need to help ourselves first.
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No...I want Viet Nam to be like South Korea or Japan, the countries that invested in Viet Nam in spite of US sanctions.

You are nothing more than an ignorant fool. A stooge for a failed ideology. So how well has communism worked out for Viet Nam ? My house in the US is 3000 sq/ft on .25 acre. You got a house back there in VN ? I have two Jeeps and a motorcycle. A real motorcycle, not a scooter. What do you got in VN, a bicycle ? A Vespa ? Or perhaps even a 250 cc Honda ? Am middle class. How about you ? I bet you are not even middle class in VN. I bet I live better than the local Party officials you hope to marry to get a decent life.

It must sucks to be you, lady, to have so much petty jealousy for us Viet Kieus all because you want to rehabilitate a failed ideology.

I'm a guy, not a girl

Your 3000 sqft home in the middle of Nevada desert has zero equity in it, private. Let's just say that you have everything and I have nothing; I'm still not impressed by what you got.......I pity you that you believe us are "jealous" of Viet kieu who are just nail salon painters, assembly line workers, can collectors, welfare recipients, private first class troopers, marijuana growers, gang bangers the like of you guys who come back to Vietnam and "flaunt" your "wealth. This is not the 80's or 90's here, private; we know everything about you.

If Vietnam is an economic shithole then the sorry as-s hole Viet kieu community is not much better than a shiethole either. Let us expose some facts about you demoracp Viet kieu. Despite having democrappy for almost 40 years, Viet kieu has the highest high school dropout rate, rank near the bottom on par with Black for having a college degree and personal median income, rank higher than even the Mexican in receiving welfare, have far fewer doctors per headcount than Black, on par with the Mexican in working as blue collar collie, rank even higher then the Mexican't in joining the military. LOL

You Viet kieu are epic fails while we went house shopping tours in the U.S and pay $500k usd CASH for a house right off the bat, you Viet kieu can only dream of having a down payment and carry a debt up to your neck for the next 30 years and finding strangers to rent a room in your house to help with the monthly mortgage. While we party in Ha Noi and HCMC night club and spend a couple of grand a night you Viet kieu can't even afford a bottle of drink or even entrance fee ( let alone trying to score) LOL

Socioeconomic Statistics & Demographics : Asian-Nation :: Asian American History, Demographics, & Issues

Viet Kieu are pretending to be delusional because if being a democrap means super economic powa then the Phillipines, India, Latin America, Southeast Asia, Africa, Mexico would be like Japan or South Korea LOL Democrappy is cheap, it is just a facade by these Viet kieu to hide the fact that they were incompetent to the point that they now don't even have a country to rule and their abysmal social economic and academic status when they live in a democrap society even for 40 years LOL.

You Viet kieu talk really big but your sorry as-s Viet kieu is a bunch of blue collar collies or at best white collar collies at the end of the day. You talk really BIG about turning Vietnam into a south Korea but your sorry as-s hole own no multi-billion dollar businesses other than the Pho restaurants. You talk BIG about being a capitalist but you got no capital while the Viet Cong who practice communism own a bunch of multi-billion dollar businesses LOL

If you Viet kieu don't have the brawn, brain, bravery to even keep your country, how the phuck are you telling people that you can do a better job running the country? If that crap hole South Viet Nam is still in existence today, it would have been no more or less than that democrappy place called the Phillipines. A place that provide nothing other than cheap sex for 1 million GIs right on the soil of Vietnam LOL. History has proven the you Viet kieu losers are epic failure past and present; fail to the point of not being able to keep your country. Now, you fail in term of social economic and academic too; what a bunch of losers and former deserters. Keep on shining those toes, collecting those cans, growing those weeds; ya'll make us super proud
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Check the per capita income of Latin American nations and compare it to Vietnam. I'm tired of people thinking of Latin America as a shithole.

Latina America next to the US and benefit from closed aproximity to the most advance country in the planet but per capita income slightly higher than Viet Nam which Viet Nam suffer through many many yrs of Western sanction. Latina America outside of Brazil resource rich country aren't something to be proud from the large percentage of the population still live like a 3rd world status.
There's a saying "you give a man a fish, he eat it for a day but when you show the man to fish for himself, he eats for life."

We can only help you to an extend because we need to help ourselves first.

Vietnamese people almost try to own their house or apartment completely within few years in urban area.
while in rural or suburban area, it's too easy to build their own house with large area ...

As I know, in USA, normal guy work his whole life to keep his house/apartment and his car away ... from banks

What Vietnam need is higher income to be able to buy import goods, like "fuel, car, .."
and travelling or send our kids to study aboard, ... which is quite expensive

homeless or starvation ... nowaday is rare in Vietnam
Latina America next to the US and benefit from closed aproximity to the most advance country in the planet but per capita income slightly higher than Viet Nam which Viet Nam suffer through many many yrs of Western sanction. Latina America outside of Brazil resource rich country aren't something to be proud from the large percentage of the population still live like a 3rd world status.
Slum after slum
Vietnamese people almost try to own their house or apartment completely within few years in urban area.
while in rural or suburban area, it's too easy to build their own house with large area ...

As I know, in USA, normal guy work his whole life to keep his house/apartment and his car away ... from banks

When you look at the debt per capita, Vietnam is in a better shape than USA, even better than China. Most people only look at GDP, like the Chinese. That's why it is harder for an average guy in USA to keep his house because the country is in so much debt + inflation + interest. But there's a huge advantage of being a capitalist. Only the elite would understand how capitalism works and utilize it to become billionaires. But it is that same person destroying his/her country through cheap labor.

I don't know the real estate in Vietnam but I do know the real estate here. I heard some areas like in Ho Chi Minh city costs $15000.00 USD per square meters.
Vietnamese people almost try to own their house or apartment completely within few years in urban area.
while in rural or suburban area, it's too easy to build their own house with large area ...

As I know, in USA, normal guy work his whole life to keep his house/apartment and his car away ... from banks

What Vietnam need is higher income to be able to buy import goods, like "fuel, car, .."
and travelling or send our kids to study aboard, ... which is quite expensive

homeless or starvation ... nowaday is rare in Vietnam

that's good. You mean increase the currency value of the dong to the dollar.
Slum after slum

Lol women in Latin America aren't desperate to get married to gringos (foreigners) unlike your Vietnam or other asian countries in order to escape their miserable conditions. Have you ever seen pictures of Latin American cities? Brazil is much better than Vietnam.

Latina America next to the US and benefit from closed aproximity to the most advance country in the planet but per capita income slightly higher than Viet Nam which Viet Nam suffer through many many yrs of Western sanction. Latina America outside of Brazil resource rich country aren't something to be proud from the large percentage of the population still live like a 3rd world status.

Ok, would you rather live in Argentina or Vietnam? You're crazy if you pick Vietnam.
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Lol women in Latin America aren't desperate to get married to gringos (foreigners) unlike your Vietnam or other asian countries in order to escape their miserable conditions. Have you ever seen pictures of Latin American cities? Brazil is much better than Vietnam.

Ok, would you rather live in Argentina or Vietnam? You're crazy if you pick Vietnam.

Why would I pick to live in Argentina? Argentina did filed for bankrupcy and not as much better than Viet Nam, Viet Nam have their short coming in economy but their situation improve as they are opening up to the world, I wouldn't live in either Argentina or Viet Nam for that matter.
Why would I pick to live in Argentina? Argentina did filed for bankrupcy and not as much better than Viet Nam, Viet Nam have their short coming in economy but their situation improve as they are opening up to the world, I wouldn't live in either Argentina or Viet Nam for that matter.

Argentina is in a bit of a mess right now but it is a better place to live in than Vietnam. Buenos Aires is a beautiful city. Many Latin American cities are beautiful. Sao Paulo probably has a bigger economy than Vietnam.
Sao Paulo:





You can go on and look how Viet Nam build up infrastructure on their economy forum, they aren't far from Argentina compare in a modernized city.
I'm a guy, not a girl

I pity you that you believe us are "jealous" of Viet kieu who are just nail salon painters, assembly line workers, welfare receipients, private first class troopers, marijuana growers, gang bangers the like of you guys who come back to Vietnam and "flaunt" your "wealth. This is not the 80's or 90's here, private; we know everything about you.
Have you ever been to the US and met Viet Kieus there? The only thing you said that is true is owning nail salons but its a respectable job for first generation of immigrants.
When Brazilian or Argentine or Chilean girls start marrying Americans or Europeans to escape poverty, then we can talk about compare it with Vietnam. Until then, I have no idea how any Vietnamese can look down upon Latin American countries.
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