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In photos: Vietnamese president’s visit to Japan

A strong , economically sound Vietnam is good news for asia. Great to see that is extending help to a brother in need.
Maybe you don't know but I'm a staunch supporter of exterminating/exporting certain undesirable genes/group of people out of Viet Nam's gene pool. We alrady
You are a fraud and that is what I know.

It's garbage that's why the Viet Minh downplay it If it's not garbage, why no one in Viet Nam believes in your crap?
No one ? Are you sure ?

Don't blame the communist for turning you guys into a stateless exiles.
I blame the communists for turning Viet Nam into an economic shithole. How about you ? What do you blame them for ?

You deserted your comrade and hopped on the U.S carrier on April 30th, 1975. Your cowardice is the reason why you have crocodile tears for these traffic Viet women. These Viet women are thanking losers and cowards like you for not staying to fight for cheap democrappy instead of hopping on the U.S carrier LOL
This is a pathetic argument. What do you know about 1975 when you were not even a gleam of lust in your father's eye ? What do you know about democracy ? Nothing for both. You may smart enough to speak English and use a computer, but your maturity is that of a 12 yr old.

Even most of the poor in Vietnam do not need to sleep on the street, but have a shelter or house. They have enough to eat, running water, electricity and heath care. The cost of living in Japan is extemely expensive, but cheap in Vietnam.
Are you serious ? The last time I returned to Viet Nam, I see men and boys urinating against the walls in public. The poor do sleep in the alleys. Sure, things have gotten much better and poverty reduced, but that is in no thanks to the communist leadership, or at best some credit goes to those who are smart enough to see the failure of communism and at least changed their minds a little.

GDP number is mostly a subject for manipulation of the government.
Good...Then manipulate it to make Viet Nam the most wealthy in the world.

This guy gambit is a joke, a deserter who deserted South Viet Nam and his comrades and hopped on the U.S carrier on April 30th, 1975 to run away and not staying to fight the commie. The U.S military really makes a mistake of allowing a deserter like this guy to join their military especially the U.S has a slogan that they never leave their comrade behind.
Then what do you call the 'boat people' ? Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, from which Viet Nam depended so much to survive, Viet Nam became a joke to the world. Is that what you wanted ? So look in the mirror to see the real loser -- the one who live in oppression, poverty, misery, and destitution and do not have the courage to blame those responsible.
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ViXuyen, Vietnam is still considered a poor country, that is a solid fact. No matter how you look at it, 1,500 and 3,000 GDP nominal and per capita respectively is a pretty low amount. When I say Vietnam is a poor country, I don't say it to insult Vietnam, I say it because it is something that Vietnam has to address so it can become richer. However, Vietnamese people are not in hunger like that of North Koreans, have access to many necessities, and Vietnam is still rapidly developing so I have confidence that Vietnam will be a rich country in the future. Vietnam has a lot it still needs to do to reach first world status, ignoring economic and social problems is not something that would help.

I have family still living in Vietnam, poor ones to ones who owns a business and can easily afford to send her son to a private university in USA. Most of them want to move to America, that just shows Vietnam is not perfect.
I agree with you on that. My grandfather fought the commie and then later died of cancer because he refused to stay at a commie hospital. I don't desert Vietnamese people. It is not to late to change things if you believe in a better life. Just unite people and fight for what you want. 2 millions died but more will die if you don't do anything to make the country a better place.
Calling a child a 'deserter' is nothing but a cheap shot by someone who have no credible response.

ViXuyen, Vietnam is still considered a poor country, that is a solid fact. No matter how you look at it, 1,500 and 3,000 GDP nominal and per capita respectively is a pretty low amount. When I say Vietnam is a poor country, I don't say it to insult Vietnam, I say it because it is something that Vietnam has to address so it can become richer. However, Vietnamese people are not in hunger like that of North Koreans, have access to many necessities, and Vietnam is still rapidly developing so I have confidence that Vietnam will be a rich country in the future. Vietnam has a lot it still needs to do to reach first world status, ignoring economic and social problems is not something that would help.
This foolish girl would rather have Viet Nam remains a Third World country just so she could vent her petty jealousy against Viet Kieus. She is small minded and whatever that she have for a mind, it is brainwashed. Judging from the pathetic quality of her arguments, I dare say she has at best middle school education.

Alot of Viet Kieu in Little Saigon still daydream one day they return Viet Nam and rule Viet Nam.
Considering how pathetic the communists have done for Viet Nam, probably we could do a better job.
Maybe you don't know but I'm a staunch supporter of exterminating/exporting certain undesirable genes/group of people out of Viet Nam's gene pool. We alrady
Are these the "undesirable genes" you want to export out of Vietnam?

Leyna Nguyen - TV Anchor
Michelle Phan - Entrepreneur/Youtube Celebrity
Dustin Nguyen - Actor
Tuan Vo-Dinh - Ranked 41 in the list of world's living genius
Eugine H. Trinh - One of the first Asian astronaut
Calling a child a 'deserter' is nothing but a cheap shot by someone who have no credible response.

This foolish girl would rather have Viet Nam remains a Third World country just so she could vent her petty jealousy against Viet Kieus. She is small minded and whatever that she have for a mind, it is brainwashed. Judging from the pathetic quality of her arguments, I dare say she has at best middle school education.

Considering how pathetic the communists have done for Viet Nam, probably we could do a better job.

Not my interest to return to Viet Nam and rebuild Viet Nam, none of my business whatsoever. More power to Viet Nam government if they can elevate their people and lift them out of poverty. Fact many Viet Kieu want to over thrown Viet Nam government and hope Viet Nam soon have some kind of revolusion with the backing of the US and the Western world. Lot of Viet Kieu Under CIA payroll and then go back to Viet Nam disenfranchise the population with Western progagranda, Viet Kieu will incite riot and protest if Viet Cong don't clamp down Viet Kieu on their activity on formenting social discontend and destabilized Viet Nam.
Are these the "undesirable genes" you want to export out of Vietnam?

Leyna Nguyen - TV Anchor
Michelle Phan - Entrepreneur/Youtube Celebrity
Dustin Nguyen - Actor
Tuan Vo-Dinh - Ranked 41 in the list of world's living genius
Eugine H. Trinh - One of the first Asian astronaut
All the men in that list, she would drop her panties in a heartbeat.
Not my interest to return to Viet Nam and rebuild Viet Nam, none of my business whatsoever. More power to Viet Nam government if they can elevate their people and lift them out of poverty. Fact many Viet Kieu want to over thrown Viet Nam government and hope Viet Nam soon have some kind of revolusion with the backing of the US and the Western world. Lot of Viet Kieu Under CIA payroll and then go back to Viet Nam disenfranchise the population with Western progagranda, Viet Kieu will incite riot and protest if Viet Cong don't clamp down Viet Kieu on their activity on formenting social discontend and destabilized Viet Nam.
It's kind of the price you pay if you want to be a wealthier nation.

Look at South Korea, advanced, educated, wealthy, one of the leading electronics manufacturer, they have be westernized and basically a colony of the USA. I guess its up to the people to decide what is more important.

All the men in that list, she would drop her panties in a heartbeat.

Not my interest to return to Viet Nam and rebuild Viet Nam, none of my business whatsoever. More power to Viet Nam government if they can elevate their people and lift them out of poverty. Fact many Viet Kieu want to over thrown Viet Nam government and hope Viet Nam soon have some kind of revolusion with the backing of the US and the Western world. Lot of Viet Kieu Under CIA payroll and then go back to Viet Nam disenfranchise the population with Western progagranda, Viet Kieu will incite riot and protest if Viet Cong don't clamp down Viet Kieu on their activity on formenting social discontend and destabilized Viet Nam.
How do you know ? Any of them told you he/she is in association with the CIA ?

It's kind of the price you pay if you want to be a wealthier nation.

Look at South Korea, advanced, educated, wealthy, one of the leading electronics manufacturer, they have be westernized and basically a colony of the USA. I guess its up to the people to decide what is more important.
Please do not insult the South Koreans. I trained the ROK Marines and have a great deal of respect for the Korean people in general. South Korea is not a US colony in any sense of the word 'colony' except in the minds of those more interested in meaningless rhetoric than in genuine debates.
All the men in that list, she would drop her panties in a heartbeat.
How do you know ? Any of them told you he/she is in association with the CIA ?

Please do not insult the South Koreans. I trained the ROK Marines and have a great deal of respect for the Korean people in general. South Korea is not a US colony in any sense of the word 'colony' except in the minds of those more interested in meaningless rhetoric than in genuine debates.
I have alot of respect for the ROK but its the young SK civilians I am referring to. There has been 'documentaries' on how the youth are taking bad influence from western countries and already are forgetting their roots from within their own country.
How do you know ? Any of them told you he/she is in association with the CIA ?

Please do not insult the South Koreans. I trained the ROK Marines and have a great deal of respect for the Korean people in general. South Korea is not a US colony in any sense of the word 'colony' except in the minds of those more interested in meaningless rhetoric than in genuine debates.

Just like yourself in the US military, there would be Viet Kieu under CIA payroll.
It was sarcasm, but it offended a bunch of ppl here.
It's still a number to look at. It's a measure of wealth. Just saying we need to catch up.
It is a shame. For 1,000 years, Vietnam had been the most civilized and rising country in SE Asia. Devastated by the last 3 major wars and blinded ideology, the proud country Vietnam has become a weak and poor country. Very sad.

As for the relationship to Japan, I think it is very important that we get closer to them. Learning from the best is the key to catch up with others in the region. It is never too late.
I have alot of respect for the ROK but its the young SK civilians I am referring to. There has been 'documentaries' on how the youth are taking bad influence from western countries and already are forgetting their roots from within their own country.
Every generation have its rebels. Sometimes the rebellious issue is good for the country, sometimes it is not. So unless you get to specifics, what you say belongs to the academics.

Just like yourself in the US military, there would be Viet Kieu under CIA payroll.
In my ten yrs in the USAF, I met only one CIA officer and the reason he opened up to me and my friends was because we were military. It is pretty much axiomatic that anyone who tells a civilian that he/she is with the CIA in any way -- is not.

It is a shame. For 1,000 years, Vietnam had been the most civilized and rising country in SE Asia. Devastated by the last 3 major wars and blinded ideology, the proud country Vietnam has become a weak and poor country. Very sad.
The Vietnam War was completely unnecessary. Indochina was slated to be under UN trusteeship towards independence. All Vietnamese had to do was focused on France, who was fighting the US to prevent that UN plan. Instead, the Viet Minh had to commit Viet Nam to being a communist country with all of its flaws.

As for the relationship to Japan, I think it is very important that we get closer to them. Learning from the best is the key to catch up with others in the region. It is never too late.
Japan was bombed nearly back to the Stone Age and under US patronage, look at the country today. For all the slurs the Chinese members here cast against Japan, they wish China was that lucky after WW II.
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Are you serious ? The last time I returned to Viet Nam, I see men and boys urinating against the walls in public. The poor do sleep in the alleys. Sure, things have gotten much better and poverty reduced, but that is in no thanks to the communist leadership, or at best some credit goes to those who are smart enough to see the failure of communism and at least changed their minds a little.

Good...Then manipulate it to make Viet Nam the most wealthy in the world.
When did you visit Vietnam at the last time?

I visited Vietnam for 3 weeks at Christmas 2012. I had gone from Saigon in the South to Central of Vietnam, Da Nang and Hue. Due to lack of time, I did not manage to get to Hanoi. I had seen poor people, but I did not observe anyone sleeping on the street, neither the hungry begging for food. Most poor people live in central Vietnam: Quang Tri and Quang Ngai, where the economy basis is weak.

Urining against the wall is very bad behaviour, but it is not unique in Vietnam. For instance, Germany is not an exception.

If compared to others in the region, surely Vietnam is poor. Japan plays in another league.
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