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In Modi's Gujarat, Muslims Struggle to be respected by Hindus

1. How many Muslim leaders are there in India?
2. you also have Christian minority and Muslims your yardstick if applied on majority Hindus then can we say the same that if Muslims dont trust hindus for the same reason you have put forward in case of Muslims
3. All Muslims live peacfully with their neighbours in India, its otherway round. just for example this opening post of the thread is all about plight of an educated Muslim . isnt it?
J&K Chief Minister is Muslim. Vice President is Muslim. Should I go on ?

As for Christian and Muslim minority, 150 million Muslims in India and still increasing. Same in case of Christians, still increasing.

All Hindus also live peacefully with Muslims too. Hell, I have seen Jains, Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims as part of good friend circle.

As for plight of educated Muslims in India, look at the sentence here, Muslims are educated here, also they are free to raise their voice and express what they feel. I may not agree with him but I give him chance to speak his mind out as long as he is not saying something that can create hatred and riots or break any law.

Indian secularism is a joke. :lol:
Well a Pakistani should be the last person to comment on secularism as their founding father wanted a secular country but ever since its creation minorities just kept on decreasing in Pakistan.

Apne girebaan main bhi jhaank lo. Even you are not even model Islamic state. 1450 Shias were killed in last year in Pakistan. Just imagine if this happened in India, you all would have gone berserk on us whereas don't think this as genocide of Shias.
Well if any muslim says that he faced any problem then he/she should blame to his own leaders. Look at hyderbad mp speech and people support to him. And how many muslims leader came out to protest against this muslim leader ? no one
When they ll think that if they are facing any problem it becz of their thinking. We also have other minority. Take Sikh people. Hardly less then 2% of Indian population. They are not only successful in Punjab but in all over India. They contribute a major share in Indian development. They never complain like this. You know why ?? Because they never cause any troubles to other.

Educated muslims live peacefully with rest communities . India is just developing. Some people get benefit of development and some don't. You can not blame government or a particular person. If i have hate towards other religion then how can i blame them ?

Any society never get mature by 100%. People get good education, they get jobs, they interact with other people and understand them. That's how society develop. It all start from Zero.

Why comparing only with sikhs?
Christians also faced riots...
There parties are there because of the hatred between the common people.

Before these parties there wasn't any hatred.

1450 Shias were killed in last year in Pakistan. Just imagine if this happened in India, you all would have gone berserk on us whereas don't think this as genocide of Shias.

That must be the total figure not shias only.
In Modi's Gujarat, Muslims Struggle to be respected by Hindus

Twenty-five-year-old Nida Yamin had just moved from Delhi to Ahmedabad, Gujarat to work at the prestigious Indian Institute of Management (IIM) as a research associate. Her grandmother was married at a young age and her mother was never allowed to pursue a career. This was the first time any woman in her family had worked or lived on their own before marriage.
"I feel like I took this step for them," Nida says.
At IIM, she met another research associate, a Hindu girl from the eastern state of Bihar named Shwetambera, and the two found a two-bedroom apartment near the Vastrapur Lake in Ahmedabad. When Nida negotiated the rent, the apartment owner found her voice so sweet that she gave her a discount.
"She actually advertised for 11,500 rupees ($210). But then she said it is 11,000 now ($201) because she liked my voice."
Nida and Shwetambera filled out the deposit forms and sent them to the apartment owner in Hyderabad. They were all ready to move in. A few hours later Nida received a call.
The owner's) tone had completely changed. She asked me about the veg/non-veg thing but we had already discussed that and I agreed not to eat non-veg in the apartment or to cook non-veg. But then she said, 'What is your caste?' I was a bit taken back. I was like caste regarding what? I don't think so anyone has asked my caste in Delhi. I said I am a Muslim. That is when she said 'I wont be able to give you the flat because building people will make a problem.'
Nida could not understand how the owner's voice could change so quickly.
I said at that time (when you gave me the flat) did you recognize from my voice that I am a Muslim or a Hindu from my voice? She was like I don't have a problem but if your father or brother come then people in the society will know that I have rented to a Muslim. And I was like aunty how can you differentiate between a Muslim and a Hindu? You cannot. Like I live in a Jain colony.
Nida tried to reason with the apartment owner in Ahmedabad but she would not budge.
She passed the phone to her brother and he was telling me Ahmedabad is such a kind of a city. He said we don't have a problem. He said your community has created so many problems and I was like what community are you talking about? I have been living in a Jain colony and I have never had a problem.
Nida had always heard about housing discrimination in India but she had never experienced it. She was born and raised in Delhi to Muslim parents from Uttar Pradesh and attended the Jamia Hamdard University. Her father always dreamed of living in the upscale, predominantly Jain housing complex called Green Park and six years ago they moved in.
In Delhi no can be bothered. Nobody wants to talk to you, even if you want to talk to them. I have seen every religion stay in Green Park. There is no discrimination.
I consider India as my own. And I don't think so I need to say this. It's... it's... it's... I don't think there is any mistake I have done as a Muslim? I don't know how to express but I felt really sad at that moment. And I felt why did I even approach her.
It was the support of her roommate Shwetambera that gave Nida the courage to tell her story to her IIM professors. She worried that Shwetambera would abandon her and ask Nida to find an apartment on her own.
"But she stood by me. She said they cannot do this and this is what gave me the strength."
One of her professors told a local reporter and The Ahmedabad Mirror ran Nida's story -- and her picture -- on the front page. Life suddenly became even trickier for her and she became an unwilling spokesperson for the plight of Gujarat's Muslims.
In 2002, the Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi was accused of failing to protect Muslims during the riots. Ashutosh Varshney, one of the world's foremost experts on Hindu Muslim conflict, called the 2002 riots "India's first pogrom."
This week Modi won re-election in Gujarat as projected and he is now poised to make a move to become India's next prime minister. But Nida has little desire to speak about these issues. Her passion is helping rural Muslim women in Bihar.
When I met Nida at Ahmedabad's upscale Alpha One shopping mall last week, she wore a purple salwar khameez and had a large diamond studded nose ring. After I was denied housing in Vastrapur because I am a Muslim, I found accommodation in Juhapura on the outskirts of Ahmedabad, one of the largest ghettos of Muslims in India. Many friends in Juhapura suggested we help find Nida a place in a Muslim locality. But the idea had little appeal to her.
"No, I will not go to Juhapura just because it is a Muslim area. I do not feel that because I am a Muslim I will feel safer in a Muslim area. I am a Muslim by heart, not by accommodation."
She and Shwetambera now live in a Hindu locality but she has asked me not to reveal the area. What surprises her, she says, is how many people in Ahmedabad have praised her for speaking up. Why would they not speak out, she wonders.
You have to speak about it. There is no bad thing about being a Muslim, a Sikh, a Hindu, a Christian. India is a mixture of every culture. Shwetambera and I have the same education. We have the same position. We are equal. You have to respect me also.
After I returned from the interview, she texted me later that night.
"I have been reading online. My story is too small in front of that injustice that happened to people here in the Gujarat riots. I can't stop thinking about it."
Zahir Janmohamed is a freelance writer living in and writing about Juhapura, the Muslim ghetto of Ahmedabad in India. He previously served as the advocacy director for Amnesty International and senior foreign policy aide in the U.S. Congress.

Zahir Janmohamed: In Modi's Gujarat, Muslims Struggle to be respected by Hindus

Let us be honest about it...Neither it is in Gujurat only not it is only with Muslim only too...The issue is that you picked up this topic because it Muslims tag is associated with this story...But it would be more wise and makes sense if this topic would have covered that as a whole in India, some kind of discrimation exists based on religion,caste and gender too....India is a very very diverse nation with existence of different type of people based on caste,religion and color. So it is practically not possible to bring everyone to in a same page with equal mindset in a population of 120 Crore people of my nation...Forget about Delhi...there are reports in public...that in city like Mumabi....famous movie stars too find it difficult to get an accomodation....Does that mean that you will blame the GOV of Maharastra about this issue? Of course no...honestly speaking, the so called governace in our country is very much limited to very very few things in our life....We can hardly think of very very few things in our day to day life that has a direct impact on who is governing at my state...

Hence in this situation, it is difficult to just proclaim by a blog writer that it is becoz of Modi...people are different...Beleive me the same story would have happened in Ahmedabad if in place of Modi , Mani sankar Ayar would have the CM of the state...As i always said, we are not perfect...but we should be humble enough to admit that yes...there is a problem in our society and we should try to eradicate it....
In Owaisi's Hyderabad, Hindus struggle to be respected by Muslims.

That sounds like an unfair generalisation, similar to saying Muslims hate Chinese people in Singapore because they refuse to rent out their apartments to pork eating Chinese. Modi sure makes people unreasonable, particularly his detractors.
At the first place pakistani posters have never been to India and on top telling us about the situations of Indian muslims ... how funny

India is the best place on earth for every muslim,christian or hindus ,we are not afraid of getting killed like rats every day like we see in our neighbouring country , no sectrain violence, no provincial killings , no sunni shia dispute no killings in the name of feudalism plus no fear of getting killed by terrorists .

Large part of Hindu - muslims still co-exist in peace and good relations with each other ... Life is bindaas here .

Madre watan ko salam
India is the best place on earth for every muslim,christian or hindus ,we are not afraid of getting killed like rats every day like we see in our neighbouring country , no sectrain violence, no provincial killings , no sunni shia dispute no killings in the name of feudalism plus no fear of getting killed by terrorists .

Large part of Hindu - muslims still co-exist in peace and good relations with each other ... Life is bindaas here .

Madre watan ko salam

Very good post imran bhai jeeyoo :yahoo:
In Modi's Gujarat, Muslims Struggle to be respected by Hindus

do some good work rather than playing victim card from jamnagar to chechenya , people will respect you and BTW respect is a mutual term while most muslims suffer from superiority complex how could people respect them ?
Like the way this Pakistani gentleman burst that discrimination myth...

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