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In Modi's Gujarat, Muslims Struggle to be respected by Hindus

There are as many Muslims in India as in Pakistan :D

Problem is Pakistan and india was one at the time of independence infact both of them are still independant.

90% muslim population left india because of its policies.

Even MQM supporters say he is not a good guy also he explained he didn't mean to say that.

Also give a visit to karchi these people are more pakistani patriot than anyone else.

And MQM wins from Karachi . Oh The Irony . !!![/QUOTE]

They have no other option.

Have you ever talked to them?

I did.
Ok , I am done here .

Crux of the Matter is

If you live in Glass house you don't throw stones at others .

And If you quote my post and i don't reply to it , Its because i found it boring or replied before by me or someone else .
Ask any Indian Muslim if they want to go to Pakistan there is a high provability ,that he will reply the question with a broken nose or a teeth....

You are saying like we never met them. :lol:

They have gone to pakistan in search of their motherland. But get killing in the hand to punjabi, sindhi, pakhtun..
Very sad..

A very few of them because of politics.
And the 85% who stayed are seeing their families die in their eyes either by poverty, or by Hindu extremist gangs like RSS and VHP

None of them are running for their life daily like their Muhajir counterpart. 2000 dead in Karachi alone, look like a real hell
You are saying like we never met them. :lol:

A very few of them because of politics.

Million dollar question is will you embrace them in Pakistan. Biharis in Bangladesh are the classic example. :cheesy:

After finishing Hindu, Sikhs, Ahmadiyya its now shia, hazara....

In the last it will be Deobandis vs Barelvis, you can already see sufi shrines getting bomb by the extremists.
his/her land its their choice to rent to someone or not.

on the other hand the general thinking and mentality towards all faiths by everyone should be changed.

I would say this is very much a hindu problem, hindus take their food habits quite seriously (inside india). It is true that muslim landlords do not discriminate in general(happy to give it to hindus).
I would say this is very much a hindu problem, hindus take their food habits quite seriously (inside india). It is true that muslim landlords do not discriminate in general(happy to give it to hindus).

Many Muslims dont rent their house to non Muslims

And not to be left alone, Christians too..

Many Muslims dont rent their house to non Muslims

And not to be left alone, Christians too..


94% of them live below the line of poverty not many have their homes.

So that's very rare.
And the 85% who stayed are seeing their families die in their eyes either by poverty, or by Hindu extremist gangs like RSS and VHP

Son... Look at your country once...Don let other people knows that you are this level of idiot and dumb head.
Now a days muslims are voting BJP only because they started hating congress....because they realized congress is backstabing...

Muslims want to tell congress that, dont thing that our votes come for free...In Gujarat also it is the same..

What do expect from Modi?? Who did not allow even refuge camp to run peacefully... Forget running any camps..
This cruel man forced refuge camp to close just to tell the world...every thing is normal.

Many muslims vote to BJP thinking that, BJP will not stage any more riots as long as they are in power...

Many muslims asks, how does congress makes any difference when people itself are so divided?

Many people claim BJP winning in Gujarat as Modi is clean...People are voting his party for many reasons...

Now look at this in some other way..:

Gujarati Muslims did not run away like kashmiri pundits..they were brave enough to settle there.
If Gujrati muslims decided to move on...then you should say it is their Badappan....Give credit to them not to killers.

It is muslims them selves now a days are building schools and other stuff in Gujarat for muslims...Not govment.
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