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In Modi's Gujarat, Muslims Struggle to be respected by Hindus

@Icewolf....let us make a helthy discussion about this topic..if you are intrested about it..Then i promise i will not upset you...

It is absolutely wrong that if you think there will be a huge riot...You should stop looking India and its mindset with the prism of PDF or what India Pakistan relation is all about...India and Pakistan rivallry is not entirely responsible for Hindu Muslim rivallary in India...
See I am not saying we are perfect..but we are not worst either...And the good thing is that our political system is slowly evolving towards secularism....but what Indian people donot want is that a muslim person should not be only thinking about his reliion only....Rather he should think about broder goal to take India to the next stage ....Like Abdul Kalam...Think about him...every kid of India is passoanate about him.....

You are worried for no reason.

Why would a elected official put his religion before his state, especially in a country that has declared secularism?

Dont you have any common sense? It would be political suicide for the elected official & the party that he is supporting.
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You are worried for no reason.

Why would a elected official put his religion before his state, especially in a country that has declared secularism?

Dont you have any common sense? It would be political suicide for the elected official & the party that he is supporting.

It took centuries for America to have a catholic president.May be one day India will have a Muslim PM.Considering the fact that a Catholic women is practically running our Govt nothing is impossible.
It took centuries for America to have a catholic president.May be one day India will have a Muslim PM.Considering the fact that a Catholic women is practically running our Govt nothing is impossible.

It's kind of sad to see a 2% Sikh population become PM but a 15% Muslim population cant even become PM.
It's kind of sad to see a 2% Sikh population become PM but a 15% Muslim population cant even become PM.

The day we will have Muslim PM, your media and nation will declare him Hindu agent because it always give a pain to you that India never accepted 2 nation theory. Isn't that true.
Yeah,save your crocodile tears for some of Shias in Pakistan.Speaking of that.I heard you are a Bohra from Gujrat,Are you a Dawoodi Bohra or a Sunni??

Dont worry about us shias in Pakistan. We are doing better than minorities in India.

None of your business.

The day we will have Muslim PM, your media and nation will declare him Hindu agent because it always give a pain to you that India never accepted 2 nation theory. Isn't that true.

Well that day will never come unfortunately as long as BJP is a elected party
Yeah,save your crocodile tears for some of Shias in Pakistan.Speaking of that.I heard you are a Bohra from Gujrat,Are you a Dawoodi Bohra or a Sunni??

One has to marvel at the intellectual level of these hypocrites. These morons have constitutionally banned non muslims from heading their states but they want us to elect a muslim as pm just so that they can issue us a certificate of correctness.

Now who here wants a certificate of correctness from a hindu hating islamic supremacist??? Anyone?
Same advice for you,Don't worry about Muslims in India,they are none of your business.Now go and hide under your bed from TTP.

There are many Indian Muslims with me under the bed. They ran from Shiv Sena and RSS

Atleast we condemn TTP. You guys dont even have balls to condemn Shiv Sena or RSS
Dont worry about us shias in Pakistan. We are doing better than minorities in India.

None of your business.

Well that day will never come unfortunately as long as BJP is a elected party

It seems you are just venting out your frustration.
One has to marvel at the intellectual level of these hypocrites. These morons have constitutionally banned non muslims from heading their states but they want us to elect a muslim as pm just so that they can issue us a certificate of correctness.

Now who here wants a certificate of correctness from a hindu hating islamic supremacist??? Anyone?

Maybe if you were knowledgable in this position, you wouldn't look so stupid

The law which stated Hindus can only vote for their own political leaders so no non-Muslim can have a high position in govt was added during Zia regime. In the late 90's it was refuted by Pakistani Supreme Court. A country with a 1% Hindu population had 2 Hindus as their Supreme Court Judge, yet another country with a 15% Muslim population still struggles to get a Muslim PM
There are many Indian Muslims with me under the bed. They ran from Shiv Sena and RSS

Atleast we condemn TTP. You guys dont even have balls to condemn Shiv Sena or RSS

Really,Now that's news for me.You still call Mohajirs Indians.
And let me tell you kiddo I am one of the biggest critique of rightwing groups.Shiv Sena or RSS are nothing, but thugs, but they still exists because so are the others.You hate them because of your unjustified hatred towards Hindus.
Maybe if you were knowledgable in this position, you wouldn't look so stupid

The law which stated Hindus can only vote for their own political leaders so no non-Muslim can have a high position in govt was added during Zia regime. In the late 90's it was refuted by Pakistani Supreme Court. A country with a 1% Hindu population had 2 Hindus as their Supreme Court Judge, yet another country with a 15% Muslim population still struggles to get a Muslim PM

There couldn't be a more apt obituary to reason and testimony to mullah logic.

Fact - Pakistan bans it, India allows it. Suck it. However nice try.

Really,Now that's news for me.You still call Mohajirs Indians.
And let me tell you kiddo I am one of the biggest critique of rightwing groups.Shiv Sena or RSS are nothing, but thugs, but they still exists because so are the others.You hate them because of your unjustified hatred towards Hindus.

Well those are not used by all Pakistanis..

I hate Shiv Sena & RSS because of the pain they caused in Mumbai. I have already stated Im not Hinduphobic at all.

There couldn't be a more apt obituary to reason and testimony to mullah logic.

Fact - Pakistan bans it, India allows it. Suck it.

But the law doesnt exist anymore, moron. :hitwall:

And you didnt reply to the other points of my post.
Really,Now that's news for me.You still call Mohajirs Indians.
And let me tell you kiddo I am one of the biggest critique of rightwing groups.Shiv Sena or RSS are nothing, but thugs, but they still exists because so are the others.You hate them because of your unjustified hatred towards Hindus.

RSS came forward and helped the people during natural disasters,femine , regional problems etc. Have to contributed constructively anything like RSS for our society? if yes then you having rights to comment them.
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