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IN MIG-29K + Vikramaditya

Just out of curiosity here, what are/could be the key differences between a PAF JF-17 and a PN JF-17? As they both will be essentially land based, since PN doesn't plan to operate a carrier, will there be any substantial difference in avionics, armaments etc.?

IMO Naval JF-17 will be a dedicated naval attack role platform equipped with Exocet AShM and appropriate sensors to detect naval targets. Radar should be of different kind more of sea, Air, Land mode then Air, Land, sea mode.
Lets face it ....We r not getting any Raptor...What I had in mind was the naval Babur launched from F-22P...with a range of 700km...that will hit INS carrier even if its parked in bombay dockyard......JF-17 will take over from Mirage...we might not need a special AC for this role..as JF-17 can carry RAAD with 350km Range...Thus I guess the time for Harpoon and Exocet is over....I do would like to see a squadron of tHUNDER at GWADAR so the Indian fuel supply can be BLOCKED..and it will help take out any attempt by IN ship or Mig-29K to stop the blocked....remeber by the time MIg-29K reaches Gawadar ie (IF IT DOES) ,....it will be on very low fuel level......while Thunders will be close to their base in Gwadar... plus all our ships should have Ft-2000 rather thatn C-802A
Lets face it ....We r not getting any Raptor...What I had in mind was the naval Babur launched from F-22P...with a range of 700km...that will hit INS carrier even if its parked in bombay dockyard......JF-17 will take over from Mirage...we might not need a special AC for this role..as JF-17 can carry RAAD with 350km Range...Thus I guess the time for Harpoon and Exocet is over....I do would like to see a squadron of tHUNDER at GWADAR so the Indian fuel supply can be BLOCKED..and it will help take out any attempt by IN ship or Mig-29K to stop the blocked....remeber by the time MIg-29K reaches Gawadar ie (IF IT DOES) ,....it will be on very low fuel level......while Thunders will be close to their base in Gwadar... plus all our ships should have Ft-2000 rather thatn C-802A

sir i want to remember you a few things 1)the anti-ship missile capability depands on radars and sensors. not range. attacking mumbai dock-yard from pakistan costal areas is possible only by ballastic missiles 2)blocking indian trade route make pakistan ships much dangour to attack
The distance btw Gawdar and the port of Oman is less than 300km....Pakistan can effictively close that gpa without havng its ships get out of the cover Pakistani fighter jets based at Gwadar under war footing.So I doubt that Pakistan navy will be in any problem..on contrary Indian Navy ships from roughly 1000km away from the Indian coast trying to breach the blocaked will be exposed to the entire sea shore of Pakistan ....IN wont risk moving its sole Carrier so far way from the sea shores ..bcz that will be open a great hole for the PN in the South West....If 99,2002 or 1971 are any indicators of IN movement that ur carrier will be east of bombay....plus any ship can be targeted using Cruise Missle...or Air Lauched cruise Missle like RAAD where the Missle has onboard sensors in addition to GPS inertial navugation...Thus hitting a ship in Bomaby from Karachi is not a big deal for us ANYMORE
Wrong supersonic26...India operates mirage 2000H/TH clearly not 2000-9 better be updated yes if Pakistan get them we can operate even if India operates or call them selves to master it Hellenic Air Force and turkey both operates F-16s and have mastered it.

Buddy tell me what's difference between mirage 2000H/TH and 2000-9? Does both has different design? Does both fly's differently? 2000-9 is upgrade one. Nothing more. If pakistan buying 2000-9 then india will upgrade our mirages before u get 2000-9. Now tell me buddy does a new comer loves taking on pilot who flying mirage by closing eyes? Indian pilot master of mirages. They proved it in kargil war.
Mirage 2k9 is our best option.And especially the UAE mirages are pretty well upgraded

Buddy you are right. Mirage 2k9 is pakistan's best option but please now dont make it next big thing just because its pakistan's best option. Mirage 2k9 not even made it in MMRCA. Heard of Rafale buddy? Its in MMRCA and u well might see Rafale in indian Navy if india picks Typhoon for IAF. Now if that going to happen then imagine sukhoi-30MKI, Typhoon, Rafale, mig-29k, FGFA, Lca flying together by around 2015 - 2017. Its not good sight for any country who known as india's enemy.
The distance btw Gawdar and the port of Oman is less than 300km....Pakistan can effictively close that gpa without havng its ships get out of the cover Pakistani fighter jets based at Gwadar under war footing.So I doubt that Pakistan navy will be in any problem..on contrary Indian Navy ships from roughly 1000km away from the Indian coast trying to breach the blocaked will be exposed to the entire sea shore of Pakistan ....IN wont risk moving its sole Carrier so far way from the sea shores ..bcz that will be open a great hole for the PN in the South West....If 99,2002 or 1971 are any indicators of IN movement that ur carrier will be east of bombay....plus any ship can be targeted using Cruise Missle...or Air Lauched cruise Missle like RAAD where the Missle has onboard sensors in addition to GPS inertial navugation...Thus hitting a ship in Bomaby from Karachi is not a big deal for us ANYMORE

Buddy heard of Brahmos missile? Indian navy has it, Indian army going to have it and so does indian airforce. Now i want to ask have you seen Brahmos making huge holes in huge ship and breaking them into pieces? Check the video in youtube. Brahmos making so big holes that even pakistan's ships would look small. We dont need any other missile to be used. Few brahmos will do the job. i not included 2nd version of hypersonic brahmos because supersonic will do the job and buddy please dont mention indian aircraft carrier. It doesn't need to be near anything as it carriers jet fighters. Again you should know mig-29k capablitys. They will be over Gawdar in case of war. Check google what indian navy played role in kargil war. They blocked everything and pakistan got scared. That was in 1999. Now indian navy growing rapidly. They went way too much ahead of pakistan's navy.
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Lets face it ....We r not getting any Raptor...What I had in mind was the naval Babur launched from F-22P...with a range of 700km...that will hit INS carrier even if its parked in bombay dockyard......JF-17 will take over from Mirage...we might not need a special AC for this role..as JF-17 can carry RAAD with 350km Range...Thus I guess the time for Harpoon and Exocet is over....I do would like to see a squadron of tHUNDER at GWADAR so the Indian fuel supply can be BLOCKED..and it will help take out any attempt by IN ship or Mig-29K to stop the blocked....remeber by the time MIg-29K reaches Gawadar ie (IF IT DOES) ,....it will be on very low fuel level......while Thunders will be close to their base in Gwadar... plus all our ships should have Ft-2000 rather thatn C-802A

Come on. such posts leads to further baseless arguments. We all have to admit that IN is not a joke infact PN at this stage is a joke. our frigates, naval combat jets are no match for today's IN. RAAD is not the answer to every solution thats why we have a dedicated AShM to be launched from air which are exocet and harpoon and by no means their role will be taken over by a land attack cruise missile. Mig-29 is gonna be a major threat to PN from now on up to 3-4 years until they dont have a new MRCA of their own. carriers dont move alone infact they are escorted by a huge surface fleet including subs and frigates.

The distance btw Gawdar and the port of Oman is less than 300km....Pakistan can effictively close that gpa without havng its ships get out of the cover Pakistani fighter jets based at Gwadar under war footing.So I doubt that Pakistan navy will be in any problem..on contrary Indian Navy ships from roughly 1000km away from the Indian coast trying to breach the blocaked will be exposed to the entire sea shore of Pakistan ....IN wont risk moving its sole Carrier so far way from the sea shores ..bcz that will be open a great hole for the PN in the South West....If 99,2002 or 1971 are any indicators of IN movement that ur carrier will be east of bombay....plus any ship can be targeted using Cruise Missle...or Air Lauched cruise Missle like RAAD where the Missle has onboard sensors in addition to GPS inertial navugation...Thus hitting a ship in Bomaby from Karachi is not a big deal for us ANYMORE
No plan for building a new air base in gawadar for now even if it is planned now it will take up to 5 years. and just to let you know the topic is about IN Mig-29K. does Pakistan have somthing like that? NOPE. K is a dedicated naval attack fighter meaning it can take out enemy sea targets more effectively then the latest block 52+ that PAF is going to have. and again. RAAD is a land attack CM not a AShM and only exocet and harpoon can fill that air launched AShM role not RAAD.

Buddy tell me what's difference between mirage 2000H/TH and 2000-9? Does both has different design? Does both fly's differently? 2000-9 is upgrade one. Nothing more. If pakistan buying 2000-9 then india will upgrade our mirages before u get 2000-9. Now tell me buddy does a new comer loves taking on pilot who flying mirage by closing eyes?
hey buddy. then why do Indians require Mig-29K? why not use the Mig-29A? both have same design both fly same. :hitwall:
I am not in favor of M2K9 for naval attack role but the latest mirage-2009 leaves old IAF M2 far behind. IAF dumped the upgradtion plan for its M2 fleet in favor of the russians mig-29.
Indian pilot master of mirages. They proved it in kargil war.
:rofl: You dont require "MASTER PILOTS" to drop PGMs LGBs on bunkers when their is no electronic warfare, AIR, Ground threats around.
Buddy heard of Brahmos missile? Indian navy has it, Indian army going to have it and so does indian airforce. Now i want to ask have you seen Brahmos making huge holes in huge ship and breaking them into pieces? Check the video in youtube. Brahmos making so big holes that even pakistan's ships would look small. We dont need any other missile to be used. Few brahmos will do the job. i not included 2nd version of hypersonic brahmos because supersonic will do the job and buddy please dont mention indian aircraft carrier. It doesn't need to be near anything as it carriers jet fighters. Again you should know mig-29k capablitys. They will be over Gawdar in case of war. Check google what indian navy played role in kargil war. They blocked everything and pakistan got scared. That was in 1999. Now indian navy growing rapidly. They went way too much ahead of pakistan's navy.

IN IAF IA first have to induct brahmos in its inventory then dream about next step.
btw... their is something called CIWS and anti-AShM systems on frigates. PN is not using some 17th century pirates ships.
IN IAF IA first have to induct brahmos in its inventory then dream about next step.
btw... their is something called CIWS and anti-AShM systems on frigates. PN is not using some 17th century pirates ships.

Indian army already has brahmos, and IAF will soon induct brahmos too. If you see a thread in Pakistan section you will find a thread started in 2006 where Pakistan called PAKFA as rubbish and rumored project which is never going to start. Well it is going to take its first flight today...

btw Forgive that kid,even I found his post quite immature, he took everything for granted. :tup:
IN IAF IA first have to induct brahmos in its inventory then dream about next step.
btw... their is something called CIWS and anti-AShM systems on frigates. PN is not using some 17th century pirates ships.

dude for ur information bramos has been inducted by the indian army and indian navy and the air variant is being tested in russia to install in MKI so we dont just dream we achieve what we have dreamed :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee:
Come on. such posts leads to further baseless arguments. We all have to admit that IN is not a joke infact PN at this stage is a joke. our frigates, naval combat jets are no match for today's IN. RAAD is not the answer to every solution thats why we have a dedicated AShM to be launched from air which are exocet and harpoon and by no means their role will be taken over by a land attack cruise missile. Mig-29 is gonna be a major threat to PN from now on up to 3-4 years until they dont have a new MRCA of their own. carriers dont move alone infact they are escorted by a huge surface fleet including subs and frigates.

No plan for building a new air base in gawadar for now even if it is planned now it will take up to 5 years. and just to let you know the topic is about IN Mig-29K. does Pakistan have somthing like that? NOPE. K is a dedicated naval attack fighter meaning it can take out enemy sea targets more effectively then the latest block 52+ that PAF is going to have. and again. RAAD is a land attack CM not a AShM and only exocet and harpoon can fill that air launched AShM role not RAAD.

hey buddy. then why do Indians require Mig-29K? why not use the Mig-29A? both have same design both fly same. :hitwall:
I am not in favor of M2K9 for naval attack role but the latest mirage-2009 leaves old IAF M2 far behind. IAF dumped the upgradtion plan for its M2 fleet in favor of the russians mig-29.
:rofl: You dont require "MASTER PILOTS" to drop PGMs LGBs on bunkers when their is no electronic warfare, AIR, Ground threats around.

A very balanced and honest opinion... People sometime forget that unless and until you don't acknowledge your weakness you don't improve....Everyone has their weakness and strengths and an intelligent person will keep the strengths intact and in parallel remove the weakness...
Well I had this wierd idea.. as you people have an option to exercise 18 more F 16s why dont you make it a dedicated naval squadron first?

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