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In Memory of Sqn Ldr Ajay Ahuja & Flt Lt K. Nachiketa


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Twenty Years before the Indian Air Force Pilot, Abhinandan dropped in for a cup of nourishing Pakistani Tea, on this day aka 27th May 1999, Two other IAF pilots, namely S/L Ajay Ahuja and F/L Nachiketa also tried to intrude into Pakistani airspace during the Kargil conflict. Suffice to say, both were shot down by ANZA II MANPADS resulting in S/L Ajay Ahuja being killed while F/L Nachiketa taken as a POW. Interestingly for repatriation, unlike Abhinandan, Indian authorities weren't keen to take back their pilot in front of the media thus no one from Indian Embassy was present to receive F/L Nachiketa, thus he was handed over to the Red Cross.



Flight Lieutenant K Nachiketa and Abhinandan Varthaman.

Twenty Years before the Indian Air Force Pilot, Abhinandan dropped in for a cup of nourishing Pakistani Tea, on this day aka 27th May 1999, Two other IAF pilots, namely S/L Ajay Ahuja and F/L Nachiketa also tried to intrude into Pakistani airspace during the Kargil conflict. Suffice to say, both were shot down by ANZA II MANPADS resulting in S/L Ajay Ahuja being killed while F/L Nachiketa taken as a POW. Interestingly for repatriation, unlike Abhinandan, Indian authorities weren't keen to take back their pilot in front of the media thus no one from Indian Embassy was present to receive F/L Nachiketa, thus he was handed over to the Red Cross.

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Flight Lieutenant K Nachiketa and Abhinandan Varthaman.
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wonder what happened to their careers ?
And shortly thereafter an Alantique strayed into India territory....
You are weasels with no integrity and ethics. You shot down an unarmed plane within Pakistan. Scurried in like hyenas to grab scraps from a downed plane and then rushed back across the border. Dirty is all I can say.

Both those pilots responsible for the crime met a very untimely demise, did they not.
You are weasels with no integrity and ethics. You shot down an unarmed plane within Pakistan. Scurried in like hyenas to grab scraps from a downed plane and then rushed back across the border. Dirty is all I can say.

Both those pilots responsible for the crime met a very untimely demise, did they not.
Yeah he was fried in his own jet. Karma is indeed a bit h.
Shooting a slow unarmed aircraft size of an airliner is surely an achievement by Indian standards. But we know what happened to Indian nerves when two MiGs were scrambled to a PAF threat.
Fried the mi with its 8 passengers. Imagine how much indian military was shitting themselves.
And shortly thereafter an Alantique strayed into India territory....
You are proud of shooting an unarmed plane...what a gandoo Indian.
A professional soldier who had to face professional risks and faced it.
RIP my dear brother.
Yiu mean his *** was toasted professionally. And bs talkers like you shit all day long
And shortly thereafter an Alantique strayed into India territory....

The aircraft that was used to shoot down that unarmed aircraft has killed far more Indians including the pilot who shot down that unarmed aircraft than the Pakistanis present on that atlantique aircraft

Poetic justice
And this is what happens to the IAF when facing a proper challenge....

In August 1999, Indian .Pakistan hostilities were at a peak, a PN Atlantique aircraft had been shot down by India and the tension on the borders was described as at at knife edge. There were constant air patrols, each side was monitoring the other around the clock resulting in aircraft being constantly scrambled. One of these resulted in two IAF MiG-21s being scrambled from an airfield in Indian occupied Kashmir, in the heat of the moment, while baring down the runway, No 2 MiG got caught in the leaders slipstream and began losing control and it's pilot proceeded to eject, the Indian air controller watching panicked and gave the call for eject without referring to No2, the MiG leader who was by this time airborne assumed that the call is for him so he also promptly proceeded to eject.
Whether an air violation by the PAF materialized on that day or not but it certainly caused the IAF the loss of two aircraft....some sources describe it as the cheapest kill of the conflict.

18th August 1999

Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Srinagar AFB Take Off from Srinagar AFB No.2 in a two aircraft take off. Pilot was too close to No.1 and lost control in the slipstream and crashed after take off. ATC called out for him to eject. No1 in the formation responded to the wrong call and ejected Flying Officer G S Dhindsar
18th August 1999

Indian A. F. MiG-21Bis Srinagar AFB. Take Off from Srinagar AFB No.1 in a two aircraft take off. Responded to a misguided 'Eject' Call given by the ATC to Flying Officer Dhindsar who was the No.2 Flight Lieutenant K S Deswal
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