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In Last Decade India has Iinked Defense Deals worth over $50 billion

50 billion $$$ is t
that all ?????

India is not USA or EU. 50 Billion is an eye-brow raising money for any third world country, specially India where average person earns under 2 dollars a day.
India is not USA or EU. 50 Billion is an eye-brow raising money for any third world country, specially India where average person earns under 2 dollars a day.

50 billion per decade = 5 billion $ per year (average)

This is certainly a small amount as GDP of India is taken into account.
As Indian economy developed, so defence budget is. However the prcentage of GDP is kept same.
Indian Military modernization is going on at a rapid pace

Kargil war in 1999, Operation Parakhram in 2001 after Parliament attack and terrorists attacks between 2000 and 2010, really pushed the bureaucrats to approve deals faster.

Strategic weapons programs directly come under Prime Minister. Funds are sanctioned faster. eg Ballistic missile nuclear submarines. There are still some problems while dealing with individual departments eg Delay in approval for Train coaches for Rail mobile launchers by the Indian Railways.

People in the Military circle feel that Indian Military will be well set by 2015.

1. By 2015, Indian Military would have the following Tactical and Strategic Nuclear Missiles


a. BrahMos I (Supersonic Cruise Missile) (Conventional or Nuclear warheads)

Range - 300 km @ 300 kg , 600 km @ 150 kg

b. BrahMos II ( Hypersonic Cruise Missile) (Conventional or nuclear warheads)
Range - Unknown

c. Nirbhay (Long range subsonic cruise missiles) (1000 km to 2500 km) Turbofan engine development is already going on. Russian scientists have already been employed at some labs to help with the metallurgy problems.


d . Shourya (Nuclear capable Quasi-Ballistic Missile) (Range 750 km to 2000 km)


e. Prithvi I, Prithvi II, Prithvi III Ballistic Missiles

f. Agni I (850 km to 3400 km ), (under production since 2003)

g. Agni II (4000 to 8000 km) (Under production since 2001)

h. Agni II (AT) (extended range version would eventually replace Agni II) Testing is going on.

i. Agni III (3 stages variants) (A, B, C, and SLBMs) (under production since the end of 2008) (Variants testing is still going on)

Range for Agni III with 3 stages

4000 km @ 3000 kg payload

8000 km @ 1500 kg payload

15, 000 km @ 750 kg payload

j. Agni IV (Agni III variant - Agni III (3B) with 4 stages)

K. Agni V (under development) (Land based and sea based SLBM variants)


2. Anti-Ballistic Missile Program will be matured by 2015. Mass production would have started already.

a. AAD Anti-Ballistic Missile (Interception at 15 to 30 km altitude) for SRBMs

b. PAD Anti-Ballistic Missile (Interception at 80 km altitude) for SRBMs, MRBMs

AAD and PAD anti-ballistic missiles have been tested several times.

c. AD-1 Anti-Missile for IRBMs and ICBMs interception

d. AD-2 Anti-Missile for IRBMs and ICBMs interception

e. Anti-satellite Missile Program (has already started)

source: India developing weapons against satellites

f. Lasers are also being developed by BARC but would see the light only by 2020 (KALI-5000 laser)

3. INDIAN ARMY - Artillery modernization is going on. Next generation tanks could be a joint development with Russia.
F-INSAS -( F-INSAS means Futuristic Infantry Soldier As a System ) program is also going on. MBRL Pinaka rocket range extension work is also going on and the list goes on and on ........

Indian Army by 2015

4. Indian Air Force

India's indigenous fighter jet engine Kaveri development would be completed in collaboration with French engine maker snecma. M88 core would be integrated with Kaveri engine.

Indian Air Force by 2015


280 x su MKI

126 x F 18s or Rafales or Mig 35s

100 x LCA (Light combat aircrafts)

60 x Mig 29s (upgraded)

50 x Mirage 2000 H (upgraded)

150 x Mig 21 (would be eventually replaced and the numbers maintained with locally produced LCA)


100 x Mig 27s (Upgraded)

120 x Jaguars (Upgraded)

Indian air force by 2020

at least 60 x PAK-FA (stealth fighter)

5. Indian Navy tops the list by giving orders worth billions of dollars to local shipyards (stealth frigates, destroyers, submarines)

a. Indian Navy would have at least 5 nuclear powered submarines by 2015

3 x INS Arihant Class (Ballistic Missile nuclear submarines)

2 x Akula class II (Nerpa) Nuclear powered submarines.

Indian Military is already strong but in 5 yrs time, It will be a force to reckon with !!
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India is not USA or EU. 50 Billion is an eye-brow raising money for any third world country, specially India where average person earns under 2 dollars a day.

you should be worried about your own third world failed country
India is not USA or EU. 50 Billion is an eye-brow raising money for any third world country, specially India where average person earns under 2 dollars a day.

average annual GDP of India over last 10 years
approx $ 2100 bn

average annual aquisition considering total of 50 bn over 10 years: 5 bn

% of GDP 0.24%

considering India's Defence spending is 2.5 % of its GDP, we are talking new aquisitions being 10% of Defence spending. Not high at all..

Also understand.. Based on how defence contracts are being structured, a lot of this money is entering India economy as most of these contracts require the awarded company to use Indian industry for sourcing a large number of commodity components. Some of the recent ones have this % age as high as 50%.

And this does not include the Tech Transfer contracts ..

Having said that, No price too high for national security..I guess most of us (no matter what country) will agree..

To my fellow Indians: These are fairly legitimate discussions, even if some of the questions are asked in imflamatory tones.. Lets not derail stimulating discussions by reacting to those tones. Sometimes those tones may well be unintentional..

The mammoth size of india GDP which runs in $trillions and its very large forex of $270billion allows india the luxury of $multi billion defense spending.

In other words India has the money

Pakistan one tenth the GDP very small nos in comparison cannot afford this sort of spending.

Regardless of 500 million in poverty is not going top alter the military power/ economic gap that india enjoys of pakistan
Half of India's defence equipment outdated: Report

NEW DELHI: At least half of the country's defence equipment is obsolete and needs urgent upgrade, a report said on Wednesday, underlining gaps in
its defence preparedness in a region roiled by Islamist militancy and military rivalries.

Only 15 per cent of India's equipment is "state of the art", according to the first comprehensive report on the country's defence sector prepared by global consultancy firm KPMG and the Confederation of Indian Industry.

New Delhi changed its defence procurement policy last year to further open its defence sector to the world and local companies after the Mumbai attacks in November 2008, in which 166 people were killed.

The attack revealed glaring holes in the country's security system.

The new report, released by Defence Minister A K Antony, says the country will have to focus on improving homeland security after the Mumbai attacks and the government needs to support private firms in manufacturing equipment locally.

The government says it is keen to upgrade its largely Soviet-era arsenal to counter potential threats from Pakistan and China with a series of acquisitions and by phasing out old weapons.

The country has lost nearly 200 Russian-made MiG series aircraft in crashes since 1990, blamed by the air force on manufacturing defects.

The country wants to increase its air force squadrons from 34 (612 fighters) to 42 (756 fighters) by 2020 with modern aircraft. The army also needs new weapons urgently, the report said.

Bofors Howitzers were the last major acquisition made by the Army way back in 1986, it said.

"The Kargil conflict of 1999 (with Pakistan-based militants in Kashmir) highlighted the shortcomings of equipment held by the armed forces, highlighting the need to modernise the equipment portfolio," the report says.

Since early 2000, India began to buy weapons from other countries like Israel and the United States to replace Russian-origin defence equipment and is now speeding up deals.

India is currently the 10th largest defence spender in the world with an estimated 2 per cent share of global expenditure.

The United States, Britain, China, France and Japan are the leaders in global defence spending, each accounting for 3-5 per cent of total global expenditure.

Last August, the country started field trials to buy 126 multi-role fighter jets, defence officials said, moving forward on a $10.4 billion deal, one of the the biggest in play.

India is also seeking heavy lift helicopters, submarines, ships and artillery for its army, valued at millions of dollars, the KPMG report says.

All deals are part of a $100 billion budgetary provision over the next 10 years, Indian officials say.
see that's the illusion you have crafted for your self.

There are so many ways to dis prove you i am going to take my time to do so one by one.

Sri lanka




Not to mention all the Military assistance India Gives Sri Lanka.
Sri Lanka's troops got training in India
The country's flagship was obtained from India



















as for everyone else

Indo-US civilian nuclear agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India, France agree on civil nuclear cooperation

Kazakh nuclear, oil deals hang in balance - International Business - Biz - The Times of India

NDTV.com: UK, Canada eye India's nuclear business

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Russia agrees India nuclear deal




I suggest you brush up a Little bit on

Foreign relations of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there is just too much information out there to disprove you. There is no way i can squeeze it into one post.

India has a lot of trust from many foreign nations. May have gone ahead to forge and attempt to forge strong solid relations.

Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal will have the most gain from Having better ties with India. At the forefront trade and Military security.

Trade with china is growing at a staggering rate. and we have cooperated On almost all global issues. Ranging from Energy, trade and climate change.

Pakistan is very much alone in no one can trust India campaign

Under this "trust", your gvot said your army will finish us(china) and pakistan in 96 hour??? If it is trust, i think we dont need it.
Under this "trust", your gvot said your army will finish us(china) and pakistan in 96 hour??? If it is trust, i think we dont need it.

That's right that's what we said, what are you going to do about it,

wright a letter to the Chinese communist government to take your personal opinions into account in their planning.

If i understand correctly that's political expression.

That's against the law in your country.

So what are you going to do Smart guy.:coffee:
There is a dedicated thred for indian ecönomy where indian poverty related discussions ( which pop up only in threads describing indian growing muscle) can be done.

When Brahmos strikes a city will ur army counter it with banners and reasearch papers on indian poverty?

if not, the same energy if spent on methods to counter india will bear more results.

Will it be correct to highlight milk scam in a thread about chinas ABM system or about pakistani poverty n bomb blasts in a jf17 thread ?

Every country in asia has similar issues, why pinpoint india?
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