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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

Myself have lived all four corners of India including Chennai for 4 yrs that too in era of kale chasme wale grandpa(Karunanidhi) ....
While in Chennai I used sing
Tamil Teri yadeein Hindi Teri ma .....
While in Kolkata...
Aami Bangla bujbe Ni ....
In Mumbai
Still learning apart from yeda side hole .....
In Delhi
Chaudhary naa ban ....

Have come across many other indian dialects Rajasthani, bundelkhandi, Chhattisgarhi, Bhojpuri n himachali ...

On topics
Couple has done great job despite knowing the risk of their life..There is famous quote in Hindi ...
Neend na jaane tuti khaat
Bhook na jaane jhoota bhaat
Or ishaq na jaane jaat paat...
So lets keep demolishing all invisible walls among humans.... They deserve our salute coz very few do have courage to against such kind of religious goons... May god bring them out of trouble hour safely n bless happy married life.....
bahut deep chala gaya bhai tu to.
Then I think its time that muslim scholars sat together and discussed these verses.In a world where men and woman interact with ppl of different cultures and religions,there interfaith marrriages 're bound to happen. The fact that the boy or gal refused to convert to Islam should be ignored because he/she gives the partner freedom to follow Islam.And that it should not be denied the status of marriage.you also told me that it would be called "sexual activity" if the non muslim fails to convert after marriage. I hope somebody would give me a better interpretation of that verse. @zorash I wish you were here. :(

The verses are there and the Muslim scholars have sat down countless times for them. Look, this is not even a matter of a reported "hadaith" based on accounts which may differ and could be up for greater doubt and debate. So any variance on the interpretation in regards to the Quran is generally very strict in its leeway on how the Arabic is to be interpreted.

Its like defining 12th Century English and saying that in today's times the meanings agreed upon by people then, and people after them.. are no longer applicable today. You cannot take Aramaic and say that the meanings of today's Aramaic or Sanskirt reflect more on the ideas than the meanings then. The same way if you tell someone from the 18th Century that you are removing bugs from your code.. they will understand it in terms of insects being removed from some secret code.. and not as a programming term because that meaning did not exist then. Hence the same way, there are is only certain amount of leeway you can achieve with the interpretation of these verses and those too much be seriously well backed up by other cross reference to verses or Arabic literature of the time.

Yes, inter faith marriages are bound to happen...and YES there are rather strict rules on them within the Quran. Its just how it is. There should be no need to apologize for it. If you do not agree with them as a Muslim then for the general society you will be cast out unless or until proven otherwise that you are not in violation of these edicts. So returning to the topic at hand, the girl's spouse must have converted to Islam before marriage or she will continue to be regarded as one who has committed sin and her marriage not considered legal.

Now comes the more prevalent issue of whether this can be changed to accommodate to the society.. well, here is the news flash for all apologists.. it cannot. Islam is accommodating but this is more like a cell taking in a body and making it a part of its shape rather than a fluid in a glass. That is just how it is and I believe in that as well (to make sure that I am not apologizing for it but stating the ground reality in my view).

Are there disagreements that could be brought backed in by enough theological and scripture based proof? I do not know, so far I have encountered none that have satisfied me. But I am ALWAYS open to these ideas if they are backed up by the aforementioned proof and not our wish to see it that way.
Suggestion for that man is to convert and choose a Muslim name.

Then become a good Muslim or atheist/agnostic in mind doesnt matter.
The pre-condition to that is her husband EMBRACING Islam BEFORE they get married. Anything other than that is considered sexual activity based alone and hence is NOT sensible by the strictest Islamic definition. Rather it is equated to dis-belief.

Also the burqa is irrelevant in this entire matter. The discussion on how a woman dresses and her choice in the matter is also irrelevant.

If you did wish to bring in relevancy and sensibility from the definition of Islam(and not Muslim society), it would be a Muslim woman who is able to convince a man by virtue of her education and knowledge of both Islam and Worldly matters(Economics, Science, Arts etc) to embrace Islam. Anything else is NOT sensible by Islamic definition.

India has special marriage Act under which provision such Marriage are valid. Under spl marriage Act of India and Hindu can marry a Muslim and can remain Hindu for life time. So does a Muslim can marry a Hindu and can remain Muslim life long...

Islam no longer apply on Indian Law.. If some one In India want Shariat, they can jump the fence (either east or west)...
India has special marriage Act under which provision such Marriage are valid. Under spl marriage Act of India and Hindu can marry a Muslim and can remain Hindu for life time. So does a Muslim can marry a Hindu and can remain Muslim life long...

Islam no longer apply on Indian Law.. If some one In India want Shariat, they can jump the fence (either east or west)...

As I said, that is perfectly normal and acceptable as it is the LAW of the LAND. Any death threats, harassment or injury caused to couple will contradict the law of the land and they are liable to be punished(and should be) without much ado.
Suggestion for that man is to convert and choose a Muslim name.
Then become a good Muslim or atheist/agnostic in mind doesnt matter.
Why? would that give the guy some magical powers he doesn't have?
. so, the christian men are essentially muslim.
You are totally wrong there.
I'd like to put an example of the mentality of Muslims in central Kerala - few houses away from where I live, a Muslim family lives and their daughter(highly educated) married a hindu iyer (collegues, I guess). they married in the registrar office and a huge reception was given in a big marriage hall in our town. both Hindus and Muslims participated and both the families are supportive. couples are living in USA now, but the way the local people accepted this interfaith marriage must be applauded. I was told, decades back Muslims were members of Temple committees in this part of Kerala and I wonder how can this imaginable in North India or even in other parts of South India? definitely, the Muslims here were(are!) more tolerant and progressive.

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