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In Kerala, Inter-Faith Couple Lives in Fear, Plans to Request Chief Minister For Help

i didn't understand your last sentence but the rest of your post is true.

i think you mentioned hyderabad muslims to me before when i had posted about bangalore being among the most burqa-mullah place in india... yes, hyderabad and bangalore are now hopeless cases... but i used to watch the doordarshan serial, farman, in the mid-90's... the serial was set among a nawabi family of hyderabad... i don't remember seeing repressive things in that serial... it seems to have been there in hyderbad but in small scale, and has really blown up since then.

about the gelf nations, they seem now to have completed borrowing their perverted attitudes from the irani "revolution" of 1979... saudia was always irani inspired ( despite what our saudi members say ) but i am not sure about that being true for the rest of the gelf... also, i think that until saddam's iraq was independent, it had a positive influence of the gelf... but after the iraq war of 1990-91 and the sanctions, the wahabi elements in gelf became encouraged and the result was enforcing of wrong attitudes among the migrant worker population... and as you said, the indian immigrants came back with a baggage.

tell me... what year did kerala muslim ladies began dressing differently??

This is anecdotal. But when I lived in Malappurram, it was around late 90's and early 2000's you could see a major change.
Who are they ?

you could have just googled,, but i will explain...

1. aasyia andrabi... burqa from indian kashmir... she had started a terrorist campaign against kashmiri muslim ladies threatening them with acid attacks in case they didn't cover up.

2. tawakkul karman... burqa from yemen and member of a ikhwaani party... she helped nato in disinfo and propaganda campaigns against muammar gaddafi and bashar al-assad... this burqa promoted the mullah morsi of egypt... and for her help, the grateful usa government arranged the nobel "peace" prize for 2011... she is a usa puppet... she has helped nato murder 150,000+ syrians and 500,000+ libyans.

it is such females who deserve boycott not only from muslim community but from every thinking person in the world... actually, they deserve a socialist firing squad.

as for the kerala lady, anshida, i support her... i want other muslim ladies in india to go against their families and marry whom they like... no one should stop them from following their wishes... this is islam, that is socialism, that is humanity... anyone who wishes otherwise can drink a glass of ebola and see if their "pious-ness" and prayers help them survive.
i didn't understand your last sentence but the rest of your post is true.

i think you mentioned hyderabad muslims to me before when i had posted about bangalore being among the most burqa-mullah place in india... yes, hyderabad and bangalore are now hopeless cases... but i used to watch the doordarshan serial, farman, in the mid-90's... the serial was set among a nawabi family of hyderabad... i don't remember seeing repressive things in that serial... it seems to have been there in hyderbad but in small scale, and has really blown up since then.

about the gelf nations, they seem now to have completed borrowing their perverted attitudes from the irani "revolution" of 1979... saudia was always irani inspired ( despite what our saudi members say ) but i am not sure about that being true for the rest of the gelf... also, i think that until saddam's iraq was independent, it had a positive influence of the gelf... but after the iraq war of 1990-91 and the sanctions, the wahabi elements in gelf became encouraged and the result was enforcing of wrong attitudes among the migrant worker population... and as you said, the indian immigrants came back with a baggage.

tell me... what year did kerala muslim ladies began dressing differently??

If I maybe alllowed the freedom to speak more bluntly, people like Zarvan and others go on and on and post about Hindu oppression, and their reaction is knee jerk to a Muslim woman marrying a Hindu man is this,

I have to say, what makes these Muslims any better than the Hindu extremists they seek victimisation from? Is it not correct in me saying that then they accuse Hindu society of being intolerant (which it is, make no bones about it). But practice the same when their womenfolk dishonor them.

It seems this 'siege politics' has led to increasing isolation. But this carries with it lessening socialisation opportunities, education opportunities.
But practice the same when their womenfolk dishonor them.

ladies in south asia and gelf are seen as property of the males... father, brother, husband, son... that is the culture... in many case, "honor killing" is the result... this lady, anshida, has now to sit in her house because of hateful reaction from her "community"... if she was dying of cancer and had no money for treatment, this "community" wouldn't have arranged one lakh rupees... and here they are, worrying themselves about her private life.

people like zarvan are young, and they have fallen into wrong company... hopefully, @Zarvan will read about real muslims like nasser, gaddafi and saddam... read about who their enemies were, and who were the proxies of the enemies... and most importantly, differentiate islam from cultural practices and oppressions.
But this carries with it lessening socialisation opportunities, education opportunities.

that reminds me... when in 2009, ram sena was busy in mangalore beating up couples, the muslim ladies there were busy measuring burqa lengths to wear to school and college... these females actually were fighting against school and college managements for their "right" to wear burqa... what is the "education" they have received when it does not tell them difference between freedoms and oppressions...
you could have just googled,, but i will explain...

1. aasyia andrabi... burqa from indian kashmir... she had started a terrorist campaign against kashmiri muslim ladies threatening them with acid attacks in case they didn't cover up.

2. tawakkul karman... burqa from yemen and member of a ikhwaani party... she helped nato in disinfo and propaganda campaigns against muammar gaddafi and bashar al-assad... this burqa promoted the mullah morsi of egypt... and for her help, the grateful usa government arranged the nobel "peace" prize for 2011... she is a usa puppet... she has helped nato murder 150,000+ syrians and 500,000+ libyans.

it is such females who deserve boycott not only from muslim community but from every thinking person in the world... actually, they deserve a socialist firing squad.

as for the kerala lady, anshida, i support her... i want other muslim ladies in india to go against their families and marry whom they like... no one should stop them from following their wishes... this is islam, that is socialism, that is humanity... anyone who wishes otherwise can drink a glass of ebola and see if their "pious-ness" and prayers help them survive.
As for women covering yes they should cover but threatening with acid attacks not allowed at all as for other women she is good lady and doing great job
ladies in south asia and gelf are seen as property of the males... father, brother, husband, son... that is the culture... in many case, "honor killing" is the result... this lady, anshida, has now to sit in her house because of hateful reaction from her "community"... if she was dying of cancer and had no money for treatment, this "community" wouldn't have arranged one lakh rupees... and here they are, worrying themselves about her private life.

people like zarvan are young, and they have fallen into wrong company... hopefully, @Zarvan will read about real muslims like nasser, gaddafi and saddam... read about who their enemies were, and who were the proxies of the enemies... and most importantly, differentiate islam from cultural practices and oppressions.

Let's not forget...

Caste based honour killings.
that reminds me... when in 2009, ram sena was busy in mangalore beating up couples, the muslim ladies there were busy measuring burqa lengths to wear to school and college... these females actually were fighting against school and college managements for their "right" to wear burqa... what is the "education" they have received when it does not tell them difference between freedoms and oppressions...

Again, the question about Burqa is whether they were compelled to wear it. That is the tricky bit.
As for women covering yes they should cover but threatening with acid attacks not allowed at all

well, kashmiri ladies didn't want to cover up and this aasiya was forcing them to... if aasyia would have been in libya or iraq or syria, she would have been shot dead because she was a dangerous criminal.

nasser and gaddafi banned burqa many years before i was born... burqa or any clothing that imposes shame upon a lady for her nature-given physical attributes is a crime against ladies, against men, against humanity, against nature... should i, a man, now be ashamed of my moustache or my fine chest or my deep voice or my dashing looks ( if i say so myself )... should i be ashamed of my manly attributes?? not fair, yes?? hope you understand.

as for other women she is good lady and doing great job

this "good lady" called morsi as "nelson mandela of egypt" ignoring ( or not knowing, most likely ) that mandela and his anc group were greatly supported by muammar gaddafi, a man against whom she collaborated with nato.

this female helping nato/taliban/ikhwaan/qaeda/jemah/hamas murder 150,000+ syrians and 500,000+ libyans does not make her a good lady who is doing a "great job"... it makes her a a war criminal who should be tried in a court like ( Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War ).
Let's not forget...

Caste based honour killings.

actually, what is called "caste-based honor killings" does not depend on caste at all... would the lady's parents or villagers have accepted if the lady and her man had been from the same caste??

Again, the question about Burqa is whether they were compelled to wear it. That is the tricky bit.

well, a few voluntarily take up the burqa... they are the brainwashed... they are the types who go on marches, saying "burqa is not my compulsion... it is my pride"... it is these few who are most vocal, going to court and newspapers to pressurize their schools and colleges to allow them to wear burqa... threatening those institutions with "oh, you are communal because you stop me from my religion rights"... in this way, they generate sympathy and "leadership".

these few burqas then create an atmosphere of fear for those ladies who don't wear the burqa... the fear is generated by staring at the non-wearers, or by "talking" to them after classes, or by organizing "quran reading" sessions, or by getting relatives of the non-wearers to pressurize...
well, kashmiri ladies didn't want to cover up and this aasiya was forcing them to... if aasyia would have been in libya or iraq or syria, she would have been shot dead because she was a dangerous criminal.

nasser and gaddafi banned burqa many years before i was born... burqa or any clothing that imposes shame upon a lady for her nature-given physical attributes is a crime against ladies, against men, against humanity, against nature... should i, a man, now be ashamed of my moustache or my fine chest or my deep voice or my dashing looks ( if i say so myself )... should i be ashamed of my manly attributes?? not fair, yes?? hope you understand.

this "good lady" called morsi as "nelson mandela of egypt" ignoring ( or not knowing, most likely ) that mandela and his anc group were greatly supported by muammar gaddafi, a man against whom she collaborated with nato.

this female helping nato/taliban/ikhwaan/qaeda/jemah/hamas murder 150,000+ syrians and 500,000+ libyans does not make her a good lady who is doing a "great job"... it makes her a a war criminal who should be tried in a court like ( Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War ).
Nasser and Gadafi were born scums and idiots and most women in Egypt and Libya cover themselves up and they do it proudly. As for Morsi he is a good man and she rightly supported him and Gadafi was nothing but a complete retard executed by his people.
Nasser and Gadafi were born scums and idiots and most women in Egypt and Libya cover themselves up and they do it proudly. As for Morsi he is a good man and she rightly supported him and Gadafi was nothing but a complete retard executed by his people.

nasser and gaddafi were true mujahids.

millions of libyans chanted "allah, muammar, libya... bas" in 2011 as nato bombs were falling from the sky and talibani swords were beheading on the ground... thousands of non-libyans, from russia to africa to europe to north america chanted that.

muammar gaddafi is the present imaam of all muslims... anyone not accepting that is believing what bbc and usa government presents to them as "truth".
Nasser and Gadafi were born scums and idiots and most women in Egypt and Libya cover themselves up and they do it proudly. As for Morsi he is a good man and she rightly supported him and Gadafi was nothing but a complete retard executed by his people.

@Mahmoud_EGY what do you say to zarvan's post... he is a "senior member"... "maria tv" below... :omghaha: what are these things....

Maria Islamic TV Egypt.jpg

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Nasser and Gadafi were born scums and idiots and most women in Egypt and Libya cover themselves up and they do it proudly. As for Morsi he is a good man and she rightly supported him and Gadafi was nothing but a complete retard executed by his people.
who are you to even to talk about abd el nasser morsi fan what did morsi accomplish in his life nasser kicked out the British occupation we took control of our suez canal and helped 3rd world countries gain their independence comparing a not so funny clown like morsi to him is stupid
who are you to even to talk about abd el nasser morsi fan what did morsi accomplish in his life nasser kicked out the British occupation we took control of our suez canal and helped 3rd world countries gain their independence comparing a not so funny clown like morsi to him is stupid

fine words...

and zarvan needs to spend less time with the mullahs ( and on wrong websites ) and more time reading good history and talking to better people... he is young and hopefully will realize what is true... and will participate in betterment of humanity.

i must go to sleep now.
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