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In Kabul, Tillerson sets the tone for Pakistan visit

Trump has aggrevated Korea.. is walking out of Iran deal... this is the time to push the envelope...

He shud be greeted with harsh tone

ANA is collapsing... they are in no position to take on pak as well... push the envelope
Senate chairman rejects Tillerson's statement, calls it 'unacceptable'

Senate Chairman Raza Rabbani on Tuesday expressed concern over the statement made by United States (US) Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Afghanistan a day earlier.

"His [Tillerson] tone and tenor are not acceptable," the Senate chairman declared. "His statement came one day before his visit to Pakistan. It seems like a viceroy told Tillerson what to say [on his visit]."

He also summoned Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif to appear before the Senate on Wednesday and inform about the "US demands". He said that the Parliament and Senate have been kept in the dark about the conditions that were laid down by the US.

He also suggested that Tillerson should read the resolutions and recommendations passed by the Parliament "so he knows what [Pakistan's] reaction is".

In a surprise visit to Afghanistan on Monday, Tillerson had said that Pakistan "needs to take a clear-eyed view of the situation that they are confronted with in terms of the number of terrorist organisations that find safe haven [in the country]".

He arrived in Pakistan earlier in the day and held meetings with Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, Army Chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa and other top officials.https://www.dawn.com/news/1365953/senate-chairman-rejects-tillersons-statement-calls-it-unacceptable
Chiller-son take a chill pill man ... USA diplomacy is ruined by trump administration. USA can not afford to lose another ally in the region .
Time has come to give a middle finger to US and all indian pithoos.
Consequences mean trade restrictions,sanctions,no loans from IMF and World Bank and perhaps drone strikes deep inside Pakistan.Is Pakistan read for this?
sanctions we already faced so would not be an issue. No loans from IMF will be blessing. We are already facing blackmail by IMF.
As far drone attacks in cities well that is a cause of concern. Lets see if it could be materialise. But already an understanding between US-Pak can be seen wrgt to targeting Hq network and TTP specially when they are about to spill-in from Afghanistan into Pakistan.
Real players since the American occupation of Afghanistan are numerous Afghan warlords themselves who are too used to dollars. As of now they simply don't want to let go of this من و سلویٰ.

Both engage TTP, JUA and others as their double agents to carry out their well planned missions in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

It is American way of saying Thanks. First using them and then eliminating them by what ever means including drone strikes.

At least this keeps the heat on.. serves as an excuse for Americans to extend their stay for as long as they wish.

I am afraid our general is just saying what he has to say. No direct link to the increased drone strikes.

The warlords were referred to as the "can do warlords" but that is a strategy gone in tatters because the warlords used the yanks to bomb their opponents instead of Taliban. Every strategy in afghanistan has failed they are on a life support and can't do much.
Fight for USA or Face Consequences,
1) If you cooperate with USA, face consequences in shape of RAW/NDS/CIA/Mossad Proxies attacking Pakistan
2) If you don't, face consequences in shape of sanctions, Pak being Declared a terrorist state, what next, will they invade Pakistan ?
Objective; Destabilize Pakistan either way...
Last time COAS said world need to do more.. And drones came. So just watch before you say .. :-)

Trolling to be put aside however, drone came at PAK Afghan border and hunted TTP top name and surely, Doval is upset over loss of payment, if he paid ever. Drone did not enter Pakistan and it is clear as daylight so no repetition wanted here.
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