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In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

One question: Does India want to starve it's Muslims?

They can consume other meats, beef is not their staple food you know. Muslims in India don't consume beef that regularly, the ones in North India anyways.
Buffalo meat is also called beef right? Anyways, majority of Indians eat buffalo meat. So they wont be affected that much.
Buffalo meat is also called beef right? Anyways, majority of Indians eat buffalo meat. So they wont be affected that much.

No it's called bison meat. Beef meat is only from cow. Cows and buffaloes are two different animals and not the same meat.
Criminalisation of beef eating is so so weird.
Guess what a rapist and beef eater will be serving almost same jailterm, only in case of rapist a constable can't arrest him because he doubted the rape! Bjp doesn't know their priorities right!
These guys are changing secularism to sensitivism!

Hey I find satanic verses insensitive, ban this.

Hey taslima spoke bad about my religion, ok deport her!

Hey cow eating is prohibited in my interpretation of Hinduism, jail the stake lovers.

What a circus!
Criminalisation of beef eating is so so weird.
Guess what a rapist and beef eater will be serving almost same jailterm, only in case of rapist a constable can't arrest him because he doubted the rape! Bjp doesn't know their priorities right!
Such Weird laws are enacted and passed in India now a days.:undecided: It is simply pathetic to start with. these kind of laws are the baby steps towards theocracy. let us hope terrorists sanghi groups will not infiltrate into majority Hindu sentiments. it is easy to start a believer vs Infidel war with these kind of laws. As a Indian Citizen, everyone must feel shameful instead of glorifying "anti-meat" terrorism. karnataka,gujarat gone, now madhya pradesh also going to radical Hindus. I hope India remain Secular without religion interfering governments. This is Seriously shocking! 7 Years for eating that tasty Beef!
MP law: 7 yrs in jail for eating beef, cops can raid on mere suspicion - Indian Express

This is a law proposed by MP assembly.Under Art.200 of Indian constitution,a governor can reserve a bill for consideration of President.

Power of the Governor to reserve Bills for consideration by the President

In this case the bill does not become a Law until President(Central government) assent to it.The president could do following things.

In case of a money bill

1.He could assent to it.

2.He could refuse to assent.

In case of other bills

1.He could assent

2.He could refuse to assent.

3.He could sent back the bill for reconsideration.If the bill is passed again by state even then he is not bound to assent.

The bill was reserved for assent of president by Governor.President recommended some changes.MP assembly has not consented to change.The bill is back on president's table.
^^^It has been approved by the president.

These stringent provisions will be notified after the Madhya Pradesh Gau-Vansh Vadh Pratishedh (Sanshodhan) Bill, 2010 received the President’s assent on December 22.

Citing public interest and communal harmony, the BJP government argued that existing legislation provided for only a three-year jail term for cow slaughter and had several flaws. The state government amended it in July 2010 and sent it to the President. The new provisions will enable authorities to punish transporters, their employees and drivers with jail terms from six months to three years.

MP law: 7 yrs in jail for eating beef, cops can raid on mere suspicion - Indian Express
“where he has reason to believe that an offence (under this Act) has been, is being or is likely to be committed and take necessary action’’

This is pretty scary! It necessarily means the accused has to prove his/her innocence, not the other way around.
Does Pakistan allow pig meat to be sold?
As a Singaporean, if I want to eat spare ribs or Pork Chops when in Pakistan, can I?

BTW, when I was in India, i was surprised to see that Mc Donals sells only Chicken and fish burgers, but there is a sign there and in KFC that says that all meat products are Halal......So I guess Muslim sensitivities are taken care of.
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