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In India 7 yrs in jail for eating beef; cops can raid on mere suspicion

Well MP has got weird politicians, in one hand you have digvijay and in another uma bharti!
Piss drinking generally is not a good idea. I mean how do you tell people like "This morning I got up and served me a fresh glass of Gao Jol." It is weired indeed. :woot:

Yeah its called generalization. Not even 0.00001% Hindus practice such thing. Its like saying all Muslims have 5 wives at home.
The law is bit weird, i mean constable can arrest anyone because of mere suspicion! That too 7 years jail term for beef eating!

I dont think one can criminalize beef eating. The could have banned cow slaughter or brought some control over it(like killing only in an enclosed place, not in public).
Anyway folks, I enjoyed the exchanges, the mercury is nearing 32 degrees ( 0 in Celcius) for the first time this winter. Gotta go and get me an icecream !!!
We never claimed to be secular but if secular country give you 7 year in prison for eating beef then how its better than country who run by sharia law..at least sharia law don't punish you for eating your fav meal :D

I was answering on respect of religion part and the 7 year prison thing is only MP specific which is a state of India.. Beef is anyways sold at many places in India for the people who like it.. Kerala/West Bengal/Goa and many other places its available..

You should compare yourself with other secular countries and which secular country give punishment for eating beef beside India :P

I can not compare India with most secular countries in the world.. Most of the western countries also had blasphemy laws at least we don't have those in India.. Secular countries in Middle east still ban pork and alcohol sale.. Secular countries in Europe has blasphemy laws

Here's the list --> Blasphemy law

In this list you will find all the major Secular countries.. Do you want me to compare India with them? Nobody is perfect they have too many fallacies themselves to be considered a standard of some form..

Can you get same punishment for eating pork which is forbidden for Muslims?

Most of the places in which do not serve Beef do not serve pork too.. It's not that people who are not eating beef are distributing pork all around.. To be honest both pork and beef are not commonly served in India and if you go to MP you will not even get Pork anywhere if you ask for it..
Piss drinking generally is not a good idea. I mean how do you tell people like "This morning I got up and served me a fresh glass of Gao Jol." It is weired indeed. :woot:

Anywhere in the Quran it does not say to drink piss...

But what about the Hinduism book? ;)
Yeah its called generalization. Not even 0.00001% Hindus practice such thing. Its like saying all Muslims have 5 wives at home.

If I can keep them from fighting, this may be a good idea. I think I will love the youngest one more than the others. Thats just me.
But this will create jealousy, oh boy can't win them all !!
Whining * 5 wives = Holy crap !!
Poor indian Muslims and non-Hindu's will be deprived the pleasure of eating a succulent, juicy steak.




This guy would have found it unacceptable to ban steak. ;)
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