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In first, Turkey included as threat in IDF’s annual intel assessment


May 10, 2015
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"Despite officially maintaining diplomatic ties, Israel’s military has added the Republic of Turkey to its list of threats in an annual assessment for the coming year, in light of the country’s growing aggressiveness in the region, The Times of Israel learned Tuesday. This is the first time Israeli Military Intelligence has included Turkey on the list."

In first, Turkey included as threat in IDF’s annual intel assessment
With the purge after the failed coup, the S-400 deal and moving forward with its own T-FX and Turkey’s efforts to help Libya control its EEZ, Turkey is impeding The Aran-Israeli Alliance. Hence this open notice.

Turkey is countering with the Turkstream gas pipeline and other ways to make it needed by Europe, and therefore counter any regional pressure.
Israel lost control over Turkey
because of FETO Terror Organization was kicked out of all public institutions including the Turkish Armed Forces , Police , National Intelligence Organization , Judge

Turkish Armed Forces blocked Israeli dirty plan in Syria ( Israel dreamed about creating Pkk/Ypg terror state in Syria against Turkey

Turkish Armed Forces blocked Israeli dirty plan in the Eastern Mediterranean ... Israel dreamed about stealing Turkish EEZ


Israel support terrorist groubs Pkk/Ypg to destroy territorial integrity of Turkey , Iraq and Syria in the region

Israel is trying to steal Turkish EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean

Israel shows no moral or human restraint toward the Palestinian People

Israel occupied most of Palestine and killed tens of thousands of civilians including children and women

Israel use Greece , Egypt , the Uae and S.Arabia as pawns against Turkey

Israeli lobby in the US declared economic- asymmetric war on Turkey

in short , Israel is the biggest threat to Turkey and Turkish People
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Israel lost control over Turkey
because of FETO Terror Organization was kicked of all public institutions including the Turkish Armed Forces , Police , National Intelligence Organization , Judge

Turkish Armed Forces blocked Israeli dirty plan in Syria ( Israel dreamed about creating Pkk/Ypg terror state in Syria against Turkey

Turkish Armed Forces blocked Israeli dirty plan in the Eastern Mediterranean ... Israel dreamed about stealing Turkish EEZ


Israel support terrorist groubs Pkk/Ypg to destroy territorial integrity of Turkey , Iraq and Syria in the region

Israel is trying to steal Turkish EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean

Israel shows no moral or human restraint toward the Palestinian People

Israel occupied most of Palestine and killed tens of thousands of civilians including children and women

Israel use Greece , Egypt , the Uae and S.Arabia as pawns against Turkey

Israeli lobby in the US declared economic- asymmetric war on Turkey

in short , Israel is the biggest threat to Turkey and Turkish People
1) Assad and Russia created PKK in 1980-es killing tens of thousand Turks.
2) Israel helped to stop wave of PKK terror in the end of 1990-es (that was peak of Turkey Israel cooperation).
3) In 2011 Syrian people started revolt against sadistic regime of Assad. Coward Erdogan refused to support them.
4) In 2012-2013, despite lack of support Syrian rebels captured most of Syria. Coward Erdogan still hesitated to support them.
5) As result of lack of support ISIS, Russia, Iran and US stepped in. Syrian rebels were crushed. Russia literally burned down Turkish villages in Latakia. For 1000 years Turks lived in Latakia, not anymore thanks to Erdogan.

As result of total Erdogan failure north of Syria is controlled by Russia, Iran and Kurds got there a wide autonomy like in Iraq.

Erdogan kissed Putin's butt, gave him 2.5 billion $, ditched F-35, so Putin allowed him to take a little desert strip, while Erdogan could easily control all of Syria if he supported the rebels in 2011-2013. Now he blames Joooz for his failures and declares a tiny desert strip as huge victory.

Yesterday Erdogan threatened Assad with military force if he does not respect a cease fire in Idlib.

And today Assad with Russia bombed the hell out of Idlib. Worst bombings since months. Erdogan officially became a joke.

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While a former Ottoman velayet Israel is an artificial colony, Turkey is the real deal in the region. The key to stabilization of this region is in the hands of Turkey. Israeli colonists are aware of this fact. The very reason Israel is sponsoring PKK/ YPG parasites is to prevent Turkish armored divisions from rolling over Tel Aviv.
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Turkey recognizes the legitimacy of the Israeli state and advocates a two-state solution as one of the few Muslim countries. But we waiting that; Israel must declare its official borders, abolish the Gaza blockade and respect the UN resolutions.There is an important community in there, the majority of which represent the common historical ties of the Jews and Turkish Muslims, especially immigrants from Istanbul and Izmir to Israel. Someone who knows the centuries-old historical relationship between Judaism and Turkish people can see this much more clearly.

The basis of the problem between Turkey and Israel is an intergovernmental arm wrestling. For us, in principle, we oppose Zionist policies, and the insolent moves of the current Israeli government make this conflict more visible. But for our people, I can easily say that the Turks have no problems with the Judaism.
But for our people, I can easily say that the Turks have no problems with the Judaism.

This is a tricky one. Judaism is not the same as Zionism. No one should have problem with Judaism. However, Zionists use Judaism for the legitimacy of the state of Israel. Therefore, an objective compartmentation between Zionism and Judaism is very difficult. OTTOMAN were the most Jewish friendly that ever existed among non Jews. But did the Ottoman ever anticipate that one of their velayet would later become the epicenter of Zionist hegemony, apartheid and neo colonialism by using Judaism ?
This is a tricky one. Judaism is not the same as Zionism. No one should have problem with Judaism. However, Zionists use Judaism for the legitimacy of the state of Israel. Therefore, an objective compartmentation between Zionism and Judaism is very difficult. OTTOMAN were the most Jewish friendly that ever existed among non Jews. But did the Ottoman ever anticipate that one of their velayet would later become the epicenter of Zionist hegemony, apartheid and neo colonialism by using Judaism ?
Bro, as you know, the idea of Jews having a Sharia state emerged much later. However, this does not mean that the Ottoman Empire was not affected. There are a lot of documents in the history archives on this subject, and even some academics interpret this issue along with depth trap of Ottoman's in disintegration period.

One common reason for the disintegration of the Ottoman state was that it was blocking this process(dream of Herzl). After the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, a very rapid redesign and socio-political preparation process started in the region, under British patronage. Just a few years laters, With the Second World War, the whole world was made ready for it.Everybody knows rest of story.

On the other hand, Since 67 to 2019, we cannot ignore the process and the differences it has created in the circumstances. Israel has institutionalized in the region in one way or another. A unilateral solution is no longer possible for both sides. I totally agree with your other words.
Bro, as you know, the idea of Jews having a Sharia state emerged much later. However, this does not mean that the Ottoman Empire was not affected. There are a lot of documents in the history archives on this subject, and even some academics interpret this issue along with depth trap of Ottoman's in disintegration period.

One common reason for the disintegration of the Ottoman state was that it was blocking this process(dream of Herzl). After the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, a very rapid redesign and socio-political preparation process started in the region, under British patronage. Just a few years laters, With the Second World War, the whole world was made ready for it.Everybody knows rest of story.

On the other hand, Since 67 to 2019, we cannot ignore the process and the differences it has created in the circumstances. Israel has institutionalized in the region in one way or another. A unilateral solution is no longer possible for both sides. I totally agree with your other words.
Bro, as you know, the idea of Jews having a Sharia state emerged much later. However, this does not mean that the Ottoman Empire was not affected. There are a lot of documents in the history archives on this subject, and even some academics interpret this issue along with depth trap of Ottoman's in disintegration period.

One common reason for the disintegration of the Ottoman state was that it was blocking this process(dream of Herzl). After the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire, a very rapid redesign and socio-political preparation process started in the region, under British patronage. Just a few years laters, With the Second World War, the whole world was made ready for it.Everybody knows rest of story.

On the other hand, Since 67 to 2019, we cannot ignore the process and the differences it has created in the circumstances. Israel has institutionalized in the region in one way or another. A unilateral solution is no longer possible for both sides. I totally agree with your other words.
The secular Arab nationalists will never admit that Ottoman were as liberal and non ethnic as the Roman empire in an all inclusive society. The Palestine crisis is a result of secular Arab nationalism and tribalism. Secular arabs created this crisis which they no longer can handle.
the Jews are behind the Kurdish separatists and also behind the hardcore Turkish secular fundamentalists, I hope Turkey can resist the Zionist control but I doubt it, especially with Arab dictators siding strongly (behind the curtains) with Israel, I feel Turkey might go back to an anti Islamic country but in which case Turks will suffer the consequences, consequences related to its territorial integrity which is threatened by PKK and Daesh and consequences related to its economy which could be besieged by Trump and hurt by Arab GCC Sheikhs
Is Pakistan there?
Have been (jointly) topping the list since 1947....

The more at the top of the position at the Zionists' enemy list the higher the Makam in Jennet....

"The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray" - Sura El Fatiha (Ayet#7)
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