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In first, Turkey included as threat in IDF’s annual intel assessment

1) Assad and Russia created PKK in 1980-es killing tens of thousand Turks.
2) Israel helped to stop wave of PKK terror in the end of 1990-es (that was peak of Turkey Israel cooperation).
3) In 2011 Syrian people started revolt against sadistic regime of Assad. Coward Erdogan refused to support them.
4) In 2012-2013, despite lack of support Syrian rebels captured most of Syria. Coward Erdogan still hesitated to support them.
5) As result of lack of support ISIS, Russia, Iran and US stepped in. Syrian rebels were crushed. Russia literally burned down Turkish villages in Latakia. For 1000 years Turks lived in Latakia, not anymore thanks to Erdogan.

As result of total Erdogan failure north of Syria is controlled by Russia, Iran and Kurds got there a wide autonomy like in Iraq.

Erdogan kissed Putin's butt, gave him 2.5 billion $, ditched F-35, so Putin allowed him to take a little desert strip, while Erdogan could easily control all of Syria if he supported the rebels in 2011-2013. Now he blames Joooz for his failures and declares a tiny desert strip as huge victory.

Yesterday Erdogan threatened Assad with military force if he does not respect a cease fire in Idlib.

And today Assad with Russia bombed the hell out of Idlib. Worst bombings since months. Erdogan officially became a joke.

Good, you finally found your equivalent.
While a former Ottoman velayet Israel is an artificial colony, Turkey is the real deal in the region. The key to stabilization of this region is in the hands of Turkey. Israeli colonists are aware of this fact. The very reason Israel is sponsoring PKK/ YPG parasites is to prevent Turkish armored divisions from rolling over Tel Aviv.
Why WE blame Israel for every problem in the region? This line-of-thought is problematic because WE completely absolve other entities of any miscalculations in the process. This was typical of German Nazi regime as well, with disastrous consequences.

I rarely tag member 500 in my posts but do take a look at his post in this thread. I see ample truth in it.

Zionist my foot.

Fear Allah Almighty only and learn to introspect. He is supreme and not even a leaf can move without his permission. Any wrongdoer will suffer consequences of his actions irrespective of his/her faith.
The secular Arab nationalists will never admit that Ottoman were as liberal and non ethnic as the Roman empire in an all inclusive society. The Palestine crisis is a result of secular Arab nationalism and tribalism. Secular arabs created this crisis which they no longer can handle.

The Ottoman empire of the 19th century did not have the same policies as that of the 12th, 13th etc.

Today Erdogan advocates his version of "Ottomanism" and it heavily includes Turkish language and culture as a center of it. Do you think Arabs will accept it? Dogan has no chance, all he has been doing is meddling in certain Arab states which the US invaded. Hostile, like any other foreign state and hopefully the Arab masses become more aware of this, may Allah Azza W Jal spark their anger and hatred.

The Secular Arab nationalist fought Israel whilst Iran and Turkey were openly trading with Israel.
I can easily say that the Turks have no problems with the Judaism.

but Evangelist-Zionist PENTAGON , CIA also the UK and Zionist Israel have a very big problem with ISLAM and Muslim countries

It seems that Erdogan is just another khomieni

and NETANYAHU is another HITLER

everything has begun in 1991 invasion of Iraq

-- Iraq
-- Syria
-- Libya

who is the next target ? Iran or Turkey ? tiny Israel use the US and the UK to destroy muslim countries in the region

btw since 2013 the US-Israel and their terrorists PKK/YPG , ISIS and FETO tried to destroy Turkey .........but they failed

GEZI Park protests in 2013
Judical and military coup attempt by FETO in 2013 and 2016
Big Pkk terror rebellion in 22 Turkish cities between 2015 and 2016
14 terror atttacks by ISIS in Turkey between 2015 and 2017
TRUMP's economic attack on Turkey in 2018

Egypt , S.Arabia , The Uae , Jordan , Bahreyn rules by American-British puppet Dictators ... No any democracy

when the US and the UK will bring democracy to Egypt , S.Arabia , The Uae , Jordan , Bahreyn ?

or American control Arab Dictators such as SISI , KING ABDULLAH , MBS, MBZ are good boys

but anti American Arab dictators such as SADDAM , QADDAFI , ASSAD were bad boys

the US-the UK who indulges in hypocrisy
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but Evangelist-Zionist PENTAGON , CIA also the UK and Zionist Israel have a very big problem with ISLAM and Muslim countries

and NETANYAHU is another HITLER

everything has begun in 1991 invasion of Iraq

-- Iraq
-- Syria
-- Libya

who is the next target ? Iran or Turkey ? tiny Israel use the US and the UK to destroy muslim countries in the region

Egypt , S.Arabia , The Uae , Jordan , Bahreyn rules by American-British puppet Dictators ... No any democracy

when the US and the UK will bring democracy to Egypt , S.Arabia , The Uae , Jordan , Bahreyn ?

or American control Arab Dictators such as SISI , KING ABDULLAH , MBS, MBZ are good boys

but anti American Arab dictators such as SADDAM , QADDAFI , ASSAD were bad boys

Pentagon = FETO
Pentagon = FETO

FETO = a lapdog as like PKK/YPG ....... TRUMP and other Presidents = Puppet

PENTAGON , CIA and American Senate = ISRAEL

Zionist Jews infiltrated strategic positions in the US ( including PENTAGON , CIA , Media , Hollywood , Oil Companies )

Zionist Rockefeller and Rothschild Families rules the US and the UK

since 1913, it is not the US Government who prints dollars, but a private company which is belong to jewish families

The real Shadow Government is composed by the following families: the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs. together, they own the Federal Reserve which prints the US dollars, since 1913

RIP President KENNEDY . He tried to save the US Dollars from zionist jewish Bankers but He was killed

Zionist Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs families own the European Central Bank which prints the Euro and the Bank of England which prints the British Pound

Therefore, these same families, besides the USA, own also these Nations: Germany , France ,Italy ,Great Britain Spain ,Belgium ,Holland

in the 1970s King Faisal of S.Arabia was killed and deal arranged by Henry Kissinger, the Saud Family joined the slave club

Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws. (Mayer Amschel Rothschild) founder of the Rothschild dynasty

and his son Nathan Rothschild, sent by Mayer to England
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