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In Coronavirus Crisis, Korean City Tries Openness, a Contrast to China


Nov 4, 2011
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In Coronavirus Crisis, Korean City Tries Openness, a Contrast to China

Even in the center of the outbreak in Daegu, officials are not restricting the movement of people, which could be a template as the virus moves around the globe.

The New York Times

'Life has to go on.' Daegu , the center of South Korea ’s coronavirus outbreak, is trying a less rigid approach: aggressively warning residents to take precautions while staying open for business.

Even in the center of the outbreak in Daegu , officials are not restricting the movement of people, which could be a template as the virus moves around the globe.

Washing your hands frequently is the most important thing you can do, along with staying at home when you’re sick. Rather than locking down entire cities, as China has done, South Korea has neither forcibly controlled the movement of people in affected towns like Daegu nor banned visitors from China.

Daegu’s mail deliverers still weave through its alleyways, rushing up the stairs with packages. Seomun Market, the city’s largest, reopened on Monday after a day of disinfection.

Most of its hundreds of little shops were still closed, with their stalls covered with olive-green plastic covers, but some displayed their inexpensive shoes and clothes.

Daegu’s mayor, Kwon Young-jin, said his goal was to test all citizens with potential symptoms within the next month, opening temporary monitoring stations across the city, borrowing medical staff from the outside and securing hospital beds in nearby towns.

Outside Daegu’s Keimyung University Dongsan Hospital, which has been designated for treating coronavirus patients, ambulances stood in line while workers fully covered in white protective gear sprayed the vehicles with disinfectants.

Other hospitals in Daegu were ordered to quarantine themselves to protect their patients after a devastating outbreak in the nearby town of Cheongdo, where 100 hospital patients were infected with the virus, including seven who died.

Some workers seized on the public’s wariness about going outside to make money.

Food deliverymen raced through Daegu’s neighborhoods on motorbikes, delivering meals to families who now eat only at home.

Restaurants and coffee shops quickly migrated to smartphone home-delivery apps to stay in business.

Even in the residential area behind the Shincheonji church, the center of the outbreak, workers from a local internet service provider visited homes door to door, plastering their gates with advertisements for high-speed connections.

“We don’t intend to lock the region down as China did with Wuhan,” said Kim Gang-lip, South Korea’s vice health minister. Around Daegu, things have clearly slowed down, but not to a complete stop.

“I have hesitated to come out, eating at home as much as possible, ordering home-delivery food,” said Park Hae-il, 24, a university student, who strolled in the largely empty alleys of the shopping district of Dongseong-ro with a friend, both wearing face masks.

“My gym has been closed and I have canceled all parties with friends since Feb. 18,” he added. “Friends who fled Daegu for their hometowns outside call me to see if it’s OK to come and return, and I tell them that it’s better to stay out.”

But Mr. Park said he saw people hoarding instant noodles in supermarkets. He stood in line for an hour to get a pack of 30 facial masks, the most the shop could sell to an individual. All Daegu’s public libraries, museums, churches, day-care centers and courts have been closed.

The city ordered all schools — from kindergartens to colleges — to postpone their March reopenings.

It discouraged serving food at weddings and funerals. Subway cars carry half their usual passengers, with riders all wearing masks and sitting apart as an intercom urges them to call a coronavirus hotline if they feel ill. When night fell on Monday, the city turned much quieter and darker, with shops closing earlier than usual.

“The virus crept on us without making a sound and delivered us a shocker,” said Ryu Ho-sang, 63, a retiree, who sat in a park dotted by apricot blossoms. He faulted President Moon Jae-in for not locking down Daegu a week ago to contain the virus’s spread.

But even without such a draconian step, Daegu itself has already become something of a national pariah. Large hospitals in Seoul are refusing to accept outpatients from Daegu.

Domestic airlines and bus companies have cut trips to the city, citing a drop in demand. “My cousin in Seoul said I don’t need to come to her son’s wedding,” Mr. Park, the taxi driver, said with a chuckle.

“She said it politely but I knew what she meant: she didn’t want to invite any virus from Daegu.” But Daegu’s citizens have also started to haltingly return to their normal lives. Kim Hee-sook, 78, had not left her home for five days, fearful of the virus she “can’t see, smell or touch.”

On Monday, she finally ventured out for some sun. “I got sick of staying indoors all day, watching TV,” she said. “Because of the lack of exercise, I lost my appetite and developed indigestion and insomnia.

If I stayed home any longer, I thought I would die of insomnia” instead of the virus. Many of Daegu’s citizens have turned their anger toward the Shincheonji church, which mainstream churches have long branded as a cult for their unorthodox interpretations of the Bible.

In the past few days, health officials have been struggling to locate hundreds of church members who remained incommunicado. “I don’t care whether they are a cult or not,” said Park Ji-hyok, 25, a college student.

“What makes me angry is that many church members have gone into hiding, rather than cooperating with the government” in curtailing the spread of the virus. The local branch of the Shincheonji church, nestled in a 10-story building near a subway station that used to house a fitness center, remained closed.

On its front wall, a large banner called Shincheonji “a beautiful church that will continue to spread the love and truth.”

Around the church, coffee shops, restaurants and even a bank, 7-Eleven and Burger King were closed, citing the virus. But a post office and a pet shop stayed open. Even before the outbreak, the church was called a nuisance for its neighbors.

Some put out signs warning church members against using their private parking spaces when they congregated in large numbers. “They were so loud when they prayed and sang together,” said Cho Sook-ja, 62, who lived in an apartment behind the church and blamed it for the current disruption in his life.

“Since the outbreak, I have lost much of my private life, unable to go out to markets, public bath house and hair salon. The boss in my building company asked me not to come to work until March 8.”

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It's a hard decision to quarantine a whole city, very few governments in the world are willing to play the role of a villain. 壮士断腕.

Many posters were out in force accusing China of delayed and slow response to quarantine and contain this unknown new virus when it first emerged in Wuhan city. Now over 2 months after the emergence of this virus let's see how quickly other countries and governments deal with it when it hits.
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It's a hard decision to quarantine a whole city, very few governments in the world are willing to play the role of a villain. 壮士断腕.

Many posters were out in force accusing China of delayed and slow response to quarantine and contain this unknown new virus when it first emerged in Wuhan city. Now over 2 months after the emergence of this virus let's see how quickly other countries and governments deal with it when it hits.

Your problem wasn't "Quarantine" but the fact you tried to hid the mess... till it was out of control...
Don't play that game of "Let's see how you do it" as if it's a competition.
China made mistakes, that wasn't the first time, they did the same sh*t in all previous outbreak.
No need to give yourself neither wait a tap on your shoulder.
As always it's innocents that suffered the most, because of your Gov. Own it and move on.

We wouldn't be here, neither had to speak about how X or Y will behave in X or Y situations if you guys took your Gov accountable for what they did, in the past.

But as always... This "Arrogant" behavior of your Gov and you in your previous post is THE "Why" the world is paying for your mistakes.

Seems you guys do need more to Humble yourself...
China is rightfully criticised and Shall be for every mess she does. Period.
Your problem wasn't "Quarantine" but the fact you tried to hid the mess... till it was out of control...
Don't play that game of "Let's see how you do it" as if it's a competition.
China made mistakes, that wasn't the first time, they did the same sh*t in all previous outbreak.
No need to give yourself neither wait a tap on your shoulder.
As always it's innocents that suffered the most, because of your Gov. Own it and move on.

We wouldn't be here, neither had to speak about how X or Y will behave in X or Y situations if you guys took your Gov accountable for what they did, in the past.

But as always... This "Arrogant" behavior of your Gov and you in your previous post is THE "Why" the world is paying for your mistakes.

Seems you guys do need more to Humble yourself...
China is rightfully criticised and Shall be for every mess she does. Period.
WHO made it very clear, China's response to the outbreak was very quick and resolute, the world thanks China for her fast action and containment, you can take the issue to WHO, the highest and most authoritative global organization in this regard.
WHO made it very clear, China's response to the outbreak was very quick and resolute, the world thanks China for her fast action and containment, you can take the issue to WHO, the highest and most authoritative global organization in this regard.
That same Org that said... it's not a Pandemic yet...
That same Org that yesterday said... "Every country" is on their own...

Look... it doesn't matter that you use X or Y when it suits you... Chinese ppl have spoken on social media... You can paint whatever you wish here...it doesn't change the fact... That your ppl finally begin to open their eyes...

You don't even have the decency to accept the mistakes of few... That's tell a lot about your guys...
And then, you guys come crying why the World hold such "Mistrust" over China and why ppl behave as they behaved around the world...
You guys will one day end by your own blind ego...
Your problem wasn't "Quarantine" but the fact you tried to hid the mess...
No one hides it now cause it's been around for over two months, but it's still out of control in many countries when it hit them.

New virus and symptoms pop up somewherre in China every single day, when this new virus first emerged, no one knew what it was and how it infected people, how contagious and deadly it was, people basically knew nothing about it, no responsible government will just jump the gun and take actions on something that they have no idea about, a false warning can cause more harm than the various new virus coming out everyday.

Some doctors discussed this virus in a Wechat group and claimed SARS was coming back, now it turned out it is not SARS, people like you are always ready to point fingers at others but I m pretty sure you or your government will act worse if facing the same situation.
No one hides it now cause it's been around for over two months, but it's still out of control in many countries...

New virus and symptoms pop up somewherre in China every single day, when this new virus first emerged, no one knew what it was and how it infect people, how contagious it was and how deadly it was, people basically know nothing about it, no responsible government will just jump the gun and take actions on something that they have no idea about, a false warning can cause more harm than the various new virus coming out everyday.

Some doctors discussed this virus in a Wechat group and claimed SARS was coming back, now it turned out it is not SARS, people like you are always ready to point fingers at others but I m pretty sure you or your government will act worse if facing the same situation.

Keep shielding your Gov... Do whatever you wish... But when the day come and found yourself like those innocents who die/lost their family bc of your Gov incompetence and "let's Hide the mess", don't hope others to shed tears for you.
That same Org that said... it's not a Pandemic yet...
That same Org that yesterday said... "Every country" is on their own...

Look... it doesn't matter that you use X or Y when it suits you... Chinese ppl have spoken on social media... You can paint whatever you wish here...it doesn't change the fact... That your ppl finally begin to open their eyes...

You don't even have the decency to accept the mistakes of few... That's tell a lot about your guys...
And then, you guys come crying why the World hold such "Mistrust" over China and why ppl behave as they behaved around the world...
You guys will one day end by your own blind ego...
Lol.. the one with big ego and speak nonsense is you. You have an agenda against China.


Even US Mike Pence and Trump thank China for it's swing effort in coronavirus outbreak. Who are you in position to judge China? :enjoy:
Keep shielding your Gov... Do whatever you wish... But when the day come and found yourself like those innocents who die/lost their family bc of your Gov incompetence and "let's Hide the mess", don't hope others to shed tears for you.
Based on WHO data, the chance that I get a health problem is much smaller than you. China is pretty good at taking care of the citizen's health.
Lol.. the one with big ego and speak nonsense is you. You have an agenda against China.


Even US Mike Pence and Trump thank China for it's swing effort in coronavirus outbreak. Who are you in position to judge China? You are nothing but a petty liar. :enjoy:
Hi, Troll... Still around?

Based on WHO data, the chance that I get a health problem is much smaller than you. China is pretty good at taking care of the citizen's health.
Yeah... those last month do indeed play in your favor... does it?
The level of denial is beyond sanity... It's as if ppl do not check your sns...
Your problem wasn't "Quarantine" but the fact you tried to hid the mess... till it was out of control...
Don't play that game of "Let's see how you do it" as if it's a competition.
China made mistakes, that wasn't the first time, they did the same sh*t in all previous outbreak.
No need to give yourself neither wait a tap on your shoulder.
As always it's innocents that suffered the most, because of your Gov. Own it and move on.

We wouldn't be here, neither had to speak about how X or Y will behave in X or Y situations if you guys took your Gov accountable for what they did, in the past.

But as always... This "Arrogant" behavior of your Gov and you in your previous post is THE "Why" the world is paying for your mistakes.

Seems you guys do need more to Humble yourself...
China is rightfully criticised and Shall be for every mess she does. Period.

Do you have evidence?

Because It is between you have evidence or you are victim of western propaganda. West built political narration against ccp on corona epidemic. I saw these narration strong in internet.
Do you have evidence?

Because It is between you have evidence or you are victim of western propaganda. West built political narration against ccp on corona epidemic. I saw these narration strong in internet.
Dixit the one who believe in "US made Corona Bio weapon"...
Take the next door on your left...
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