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In Coronavirus Crisis, Korean City Tries Openness, a Contrast to China

It can be worse if it happens in your country, could be like another Spanish flu.
let's compare a 1918 flu to 2020... Well.. you are almost there... one more step and you sink...
Wanna speak about the Black plague too? You know that one who came from China...
You are in denial, I was just talking about the facts. You can list your facts and discuss, but stay on topic.
So now you are denying the fact that your CCP gov hide the mess at the beginning? that same "Mistake" that was already used in all previous outbreaks? that same mistake, that pushed Thousands of death/Cases and impacting your economy?

Because if you guys could forget all of that, and repeating like Parrots how "Great" you quarantine is... unfortunately we can't?
It's a hard decision to quarantine a whole city, very few governments in the world are willing to play the role of a villain. 壮士断腕.

Many posters were out in force accusing China of delayed and slow response to quarantine and contain this unknown new virus when it first emerged in Wuhan city. Now over 2 months after the emergence of this virus let's see how quickly other countries and governments deal with it when it hits.

Different countries have different measures.

Singapore's measures are quite different from China as well. We went for openness and government officials urge the public not to wear masks if they are well.

Many Chinese netizens mock at us and said nasty things about our approach.

It's still too early too say, but I think we have got the overall situation in control so far while keeping our economy going.
let's compare a 1918 flu to 2020... Well.. you are almost there... one more step and you sink...
Wanna speak about the Black plague too? You know that one who came from China...
H1N1 was not that far back, right? How North Americans managed that? There were many theroies about the Black Plague, but China always had very detailed chronicles, there was no trace of it in our chronicles from the same age of the history, don't take rumors as facts.
Even US Mike Pence and Trump thank China for it's swing effort in coronavirus outbreak. Who are you in position to judge China?
So you determine if Trump and Pence are telling truth based on something they say that you like and dislike? Wow, not sure if I should be surprised by your hypocrisy or not.

Trump and Pence also stated that China is putting Muslims in concentration camps and harvesting their organs. I hope that you will not disagree with that.
Different countries have different measures.

Singapore's measures are quite different from China as well. We went for openness and government officials urge the public not to wear masks if they are well.

Many Chinese netizens mock at us and said nasty things about our approach.

It's still too early too say, but I think we have got the overall situation in control so far while keeping our economy going.
The virus doesn't seem to be active in tropical countries, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia...I guess tropical countries don't have to worry too much about it.
H1N1 was not that far back, right? How North Americans managed that? There were many theroies about the Black Plague, but China always had very detailed chronicles, there was no trace of it in our chronicles from the same age of the history, don't take rumors as facts.
Lost cause... In few years nCov gonna be from "Antartica"... You know... Chronicles... Since Science is outdated nowadays...
Trump and Pence also stated that China is putting Muslims in concentration camps and harvesting their organs. I hope that you will not disagree with that.
If you are praised by someone who even hate you,that can mean you really did something so remarkable and even your enemies have to give the credit where the credit is due.
Dixit the one who believe in "US made Corona Bio weapon"...
Take the next door on your left...

I've seen a lot accusation that ccp is lying about coronavirus. Well it could be, as most politician is lying.
But so far I haven't seen any evidence, only narrations. So I am afraid this is merely propaganda.
Lost cause... In few years nCov gonna be from "Antartica"... You know... Chronicles... Since Science is outdated nowadays...
We can discuss, many things in the history are hard to verify, so I suggest you don't say everything in the history with that tone of certainty.
If you are praised by someone who even hate you,that can mean you really did something so remarkable and even your enemies have to give the credit where the credit is due.
Lol, that only applies to honorable enemies who don't have a track record of being deceitful.

Are you saying Americans have never been deceitful? :rofl:
The virus doesn't seem to be active in tropical countries, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia...I guess tropical countries don't have to worry too much about it.

More like ASEAN countries have less capabilities to detect cases. When countries as far as Italy have 200+ cases and Iran almost 100 cases, I don't believe Indonesia/Laos/Myanmar have 0 cases when ASEAN is just next door to China.

Read what their ministers have to say and you will realize that ironically South Korea and Italy are safer as they detect and isolate suspected cases.

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