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In A New Wave Of Violence, Kashmir Valley Sees One Youth Becoming Militant Every Third Day

Hahahaha.... Hight of frustration... I don't mind... hahaha
your country height of stupidity , when Iran said we are exporting terrorism to their countryo_O you're exporting terrorism in Pakistan through afghanistan and iran, you forget kalbhoshan yedev and sarbejeet singh what were doing those persons in Pakistan to spread peace in pakistan @Sankpal your courntry is called RAPISTAN @Sankpal :blah::blah::blah:
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In A New Wave Of Violence, Kashmir Valley Sees One Youth Becoming Militant Every Third Day

J&K police chief SP Vaid has urged Sehrai to appeal his son to come back, but the Hurriyat leader said he cannot interfere with his son’s decision. On the same day, Abid Bhat, son of a policeman from Tral in South Kashmir, joined Jaish-e-Muhammad. The photographs of both, brandishing weapons, went viral on social media.

According to police records, 124 locals joined militancy in 2017, compared with 88 the year before and 66 in 2015. Before that, 53 locals took to arms in 2014 and the number was just 16 in 2013.



Some senior police officials don’t consider the number of locals taking up militancy as too big. They are more concerned more about glamourizing of militants through social media.

“As a psychological operation, entry of every local into militant ranks is being exploited to attract more youth,” a senior police official, privy to many anti-militancy operations in South Kashmir, told ET. The government often shuts down Internet during crackdowns and encounters, and has a history of banning social media for some months as well.

The joining of locals holds major symbolic value for militancy, otherwise, at many instances, young local militants, police say, have barely put up a fight during encounters due to lack of proper training and ammunition. Besides, J&K police and the army have managed to “reorganise and revitalise” its informer network that was disturbed and damaged during the five-month-long protests in 2016, after the killing of Hizb-ul-Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani.



“In current militancy, individuals don’t matter; what matters is ideology and how it is being played up,” said another senior police official, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “Barring a few names, how many militants are known to the larger population in the state? What concerns us is that a few educated people from Kashmir are taking up arms.”

Militancy gathered steam and turned deadly in 2017, when Jaish-e-Muhammad took the centre stage and launched massive Fidayeen operations including the attack on the Sunjwaan army camp in Jammu and BSF and CRPF camps in Kashmir.

The police along with the army and CRPF have also intensified their offensive last year through Operation All Out. They killed 213 militants in a year. Various official reports put the number of active militants still in the state at 220-250.

Originally Published In Economic Times

What is new wave here...Valley people are always separatist in nature from the beginning...Rather it will be unusual if they do not take arm agianst US....
because your terrorist army kill the all freedom fighters
Jai Terrorist Hind

Did your logic applies on Sindh, Baluchistan, KP & FATA...

What about Muslims in China, Syria, Iraq Iran and list goes on... why you are killing your own men all over the world...

I'm not going to argue with you on this topic bcos here people r too sensitive and hyper-active on this topic... while your nth foul words would b ignored, you never know what word from an Indian would b enough for warning or -ive rating or ban...

In the mean time enjoy the news...
Since the beginning of this year, more than 48 of these 'yahoos' have been killed. So that means, this quarter's quota has already been achieved and more. On to the Q2.
This is the last stand, glamorization of terrorism, the day these youth understand that there is no heroism in suicide the Kashmir issue will solve itself.
by the time they realize they are just bunch of useful idiots for some one else devious mechanism they will be dead.
Since the beginning of this year, more than 48 of these 'yahoos' have been killed. So that means, this quarter's quota has already been achieved and more. On to the Q2.

bhaai its 31 March..... we are good in achieving targets....

they are joining one in 3 days, we are killing 3 in 2 days...... at this rate they will be extinct from Kashmir... endangered species are better protected in Pakistan, better stay there & never cross the line....
Yeah we use fighter planes and outsourced drones tk target terrorists. Oh wait. !
And why are we not using it exactly ?
GOI is too soft on these rebels. Had it been N.E, GOI would not even hesitate to send the migs to bomb everything.
And why are we not using it exactly ?
GOI is too soft on these rebels. Had it been N.E, GOI would not even hesitate to send the migs to bomb everything.
Except once (in 50s) such fire power was never used on any rebel group. Be it kahsnir, punjab, NE or Maoists.
Were you living in a cave? They are not Indian terror organizations einstein.
indian mujahedeen, khalistan commando force, sikh youth fed. and numerous others who had been declared internationl terrorists organisations of india.well its better to live in caves rather than delusions.
When zihad and wagabism isi ingrained in young minds, they becomes useless for anyrhing except violence. They are meetinga with their fate. This is happhening every where. Islam isi on the verge of collepse so this will happen for next few decades.
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