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In a first in India, 40,000 troops launch mammoth anti-Naxal operation

then Naxals are not fighting for the poor people.

they are fighting to overthrow the Indian govt. and to stop the development of the nation.

They are using the poor to fulfill their anti national agenda.

GOI should show no mercy. If we do not act then they would make India into another somalia.

If Naxals have control of India, India would become the worst place on earth to live.

So come out of your dreams and wishful thinking.

Naxals are like a poisonous snake. It needs to be rooted out. Do not have doubts about it for even once.

Their fight is not for development of poor people. If you believe that then you yourself have become a victim of their propaganda.
Whats happened is that the naxals started out with genuine grievances and complaints...but they quickly adopted alien methods and practises to achieve their goals. It has presently metamorphosed into a racket of extortion and terrorism against the people of India and Indian establishment. A fine example is the "the difference between congress of pre independence who got us our freedom and the present corrupt and taintes congress" - both entities though share the same name but belong to different worlds. We infortunately cannot adopt tribalism to please them, the only way forward is they adopt modernism with all its lacuna and pitfalls and some benefits.
Development and responsible governance are the best weapons against the Maoist insurgency.

Massive military operations like this are not going to solve the issues which led people to rise against the government in the first place.
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Development and responsible governance re the best weapons against the Maoist insurgency.

Massive military operations like this are not going to solve the issues which led people to rise against the government in the first place.

Over simplification, there is no proof to suggest massive alienation and automatic support for the Maoists. The Maoists are petrified about elections for the very same reason, their claim of people's support will be shown up in any contest. Development & good governance cannot ever be hoped to be achieved without the state holding complete control. Everything has to be done together, not possible to pick & choose.


yeah i got it mate,these scums have killed more than 10,000 innocent civilians and security forces in the past 2 decades just because they have some grievances against the functioning of the GoI.
whenever i see people sympathisizing with the Maoist cause i simply laugh at their ignorance because this is exactly what they are trying to achieve by spreading false propaganda in the common masses and people are really falling for it.
i know a lot about these scums as my maternal family hails from a maoist dominated state.these bast*rds literally running extortion racket in that state and my maternal family has suffered a lot because of them as my eldest uncle own a couple of medium size factories there.they don't deserve our sympathy,they are just like parasites and hence should be eliminated in the most ruthless manner.
i just wish that the next Govt. at the center will have the guts and the will power to eradicate this cancerous problem once and for all from this country.the more we show mercy on these animals the stronger they get.this is the optimum time to wipe out their higher and middle leadership for the good of this country.....

i think you have forgotten about the Gnaneshwari incident in 2010.these scums allegedly killed more than 150 innocent men,women and children just for some fun..:angry:
Jnaneswari Express train derailment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
they have also blew up a bus full of innocent civilians in Chattisgarh only because they had a few Special Police Officers as their co-passengers...
2010 Dantewada bus bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So just by 1 uncalled incident by Naxals eradicate all their sufferings of past 4 decades and make our Politicians right? If u care to remember, this attack is against Naxal ideology and was condemned by all pro-Naxal people. You dont paint the body with color of a single hair.

It looks like people like you are waiting for one incident just as an excuse to hide all the previous atrocities done to them. Do you really think if naxals go non violent, the past atrocities done against them will be tried in court? YES or NO?

and let us not talk bout atrocities plz. What these ppl have faced, you and me sitting in air conditioned houses being privileged to be born to even more privileged parents, is only gods gift and not your talent. so lets not demean an equally talented bunch of people who are not anywhere near our lyfstyle only coz someone chosen by us has become hungry for quick buck by corporations and dictate his police machinary to do as per corporation's desires.

ohh so according to you only the Police Forces are to blame for all this bloodshed.i don't believe that the C.P.I.(Maoist) is full of saints.they have killed thousands of innocent civilians and most of these civilians were poor tribal people.they usually kill anyone only on the basis of mere suspicion.so if the maoists claim that they are fighting for the oppressed classes then why is it that most of the civilians killed by the maoists belonged to the same class!!
Dude. Whats ur age? You talking like a school kid for whome everything in life is only binary. Heard bout fuzzy logic ever?

In simple words its not one is either black or white. You want Naxals to be executed brutally just coz you have 2,3 brutal incidents to show with some figures running in 1000s. Do u even know rite frm start of this movement and even gefore that, how many people have been killed, raped, diseased, etc by our own Govt. I dont say, open all the decade old files and start living in past. But I dont see the change in attitude of our Govt who shud have treated these people as Indians coz they never got the rights what an Indian is supposed to have as per our constitution. So why shud they ideally want to be an Indian.

Supporting Naxalists is not supporting their ideology but questioning our own structure and how it has failed to do justice which was its actual job.

I want to ask, who is gonna take responsibility of the injustice done to these Indians? You? Me? or some Outsider?
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So just by 1 uncalled incident by Naxals eradicate all their sufferings of past 4 decades and make our Politicians right? If u care to remember, this attack is against Naxal ideology and was condemned by all pro-Naxal people. You dont paint the body with color of a single hair.

It looks like people like you are waiting for one incident just as an excuse to hide all the previous atrocities done to them. Do you really think if naxals go non violent, the past atrocities done against them will be tried in court? YES or NO?

and let us not talk bout atrocities plz. What these ppl have faced, you and me sitting in air conditioned houses being privileged to be born to even more privileged parents, is only gods gift and not your talent. so lets not demean an equally talented bunch of people who are not anywhere near our lyfstyle only coz someone chosen by us has become hungry for quick buck by corporations and dictate his police machinary to do as per corporation's desires.

Dude. Whats ur age? You talking like a school kid for whome everything in life is only binary. Heard bout fuzzy logic ever?

In simple words its not one is either black or white. You want Naxals to be executed brutally just coz you have 2,3 brutal incidents to show with some figures running in 1000s. Do u even know rite frm start of this movement and even gefore that, how many people have been killed, raped, diseased, etc by our own Govt. I dont say, open all the decade old files and start living in past. But I dont see the change in attitude of our Govt who shud have treated these people as Indians coz they never got the rights what an Indian is supposed to have as per our constitution. So why shud they ideally want to be an Indian.

Supporting Naxalists is not supporting their ideology but questioning our own structure and how it has failed to do justice which was its actual job.

I want to ask, who is gonna take responsibility of the injustice done to these Indians? You? Me? or some Outsider?
You have lot of sympathy for these poor tribals and Maoists who have been exploited by govt. for decades. Please answer my questions. @IND_PAK is also welcome to clear my confusion

For those who keep on harping about development as answer to Naxalites problem please answer the following questions
1 when schools and hospitals are built in the tribal areas why do naxals bomb them?
2 for infrastructure development land is required. You are not willing to give up forest land and then say that no development is taking place
3 if civilian contractors and workers fear for their life in working in Naxalites area then how will development take place?
4 all development requires money. This money can come through use of immense mineral wealth available in that region. If you don't allow mining and other activities how will development take place?
5 when mines and factories are setup it will lead to job creation and trickle down effect and ultimately everyone will benefit. Sure the owners will get huge profits but if there is no reward why will someone take the risk?
6 Tribals are not been allowed to take part in democratic processes. There were reports during recent elections that tribals had requested EC not to put indelible ink on the fingers as they feared the Maoists will kill those who voted. How will you get the govt you want if you don't vote?
1. Schools and hospitals are rarely bombed, unless they are used as centres of counter-insurgency operations.
2. Forest land is protected, and is not alienable. Who is the you? It is the state itself that protected the environment that tribals lived in, and worked in, it is now the state that is undoing these safeguards and leaving the tribal defenceless.
3. Where did you learn about it, about civilian contractors and workers being killed? Fear of losing their lives is another matter altogether.
4. What is being called development is ecological suicide. Preserving the forest cover, and thereby the micro-climate, preserving the land rather than let it degenerate immediately: are these unimportant?
5. Owners don't make a huge profit, just a profit, unless they are cutting corners.
6. Elections are enemy activity, as far as the Naxals are concerned. Whichever candidate is elected, it makes no difference to the exploitative machinery of oppression.

Maaron s@@le naxaliyon ko !

This is not a nursing home for wounded Neanderthal intellectuals.
For those who keep on harping about development as answer to Naxalites problem please answer the following questions
1 when schools and hospitals are built in the tribal areas why do naxals bomb them?
2 for infrastructure development land is required. You are not willing to give up forest land and then say that no development is taking place
3 if civilian contractors and workers fear for their life in working in Naxalites area then how will development take place?
4 all development requires money. This money can come through use of immense mineral wealth available in that region. If you don't allow mining and other activities how will development take place?
5 when mines and factories are setup it will lead to job creation and trickle down effect and ultimately everyone will benefit. Sure the owners will get huge profits but if there is no reward why will someone take the risk?
6 Tribals are not been allowed to take part in democratic processes. There were reports during recent elections that tribals had requested EC not to put indelible ink on the fingers as they feared the Maoists will kill those who voted. How will you get the govt you want if you don't vote?

1. Coz schools and colleges dont serve the purpose what it shud. Tribals need food 1st and then education. Their fight is not against illiteracy but against politicals gimicks to eat up their land just coz it has billions of worth of minerals. Dont you think if I own a land and it has something valuable I ought to get a justified percentage of it? Just imagine if Some country wud have exploited arabs for the zillions of Oil reserves they have. Just imagine non arbas tried to rule Dubai? What wud be ur stance? Why do u think these new Land reforms were such a brutal requirement before they were passed in parliament? It all depends on how u define development. Only building schools wont hinter our politicians to eat maximum chunk of someone else's property just coz hes a minister. Hope u got the point.

2. Coz the land required for Development is not acquired in constitutional manner but by manipulating Constitution by Politicians coz they are in Constitutional Power.

3. Civilian and Contractors come later. 1st clean the dirt before that. Once done, Contractors will be helped and supported by the locals for betterment of their people and Country. But again you know how noncorrupt our Contractors are. He He.

4. If you are naive then lemme enlighten you, Maximum chunk of investment goes to a. Corporation b. Politicians c. Contractors d. IF ANYTHING REMAINS, for the people whome its supposed to go. Consider yourself in 4th place where you ought to get maximum chunk of development and investment. Now first go and put things in order then oppose the naxalites.

5. I agree regarding job creation but that has to be done in justified manner without corruption. We have corruption everywhere in India but understand that in those areas corruption puts a lot of on stake for these tribals. And ultimately we will see exactly what happaned to native Americans. This example is enough to understand that greedy Capitalist and corrupt and greedy politicans will nowhere benefit these tribals but in a way benefit people like you and me who dont deserve any benefits before the tribals getting them. Do understand the side effects of Capitalism if kept unchecked and supported with corruption.

6. Coz tribals are the biggest collateral in the fight of Red vs Blue. They want better life if not the life they deserve but that noway makes Naxalite ideology wrond and our corrupt officers right. Its a fight of justice vs injustice and is irrespective of how tribals lead their life.

Now I dont support anyside in this case coz today Naxalites are also getting adamant and arrogant just like our Govt. 2 wrongs dont make right. Hence, both have to come together with positivity.

I dont find our Govt serious enough to give up their source of najayaz income. :D. until that is done, dont oppose Naxalite movement.

also do remember that in general every revolutionary movement in THIS WORLD started as a non violent movement. You shud go into basics to udnerstand why it turned out to be violent.

Every nonviolent movement need audience and screen space. Do u think they have the voice in their own country? No. Coz the rulers of THEIR OWN COUNTRY are adamant on cleansing them. What do u do in such scenario?
So just by 1 uncalled incident by Naxals eradicate all their sufferings of past 4 decades and make our Politicians right? If u care to remember, this attack is against Naxal ideology and was condemned by all pro-Naxal people. You dont paint the body with color of a single hair.

It looks like people like you are waiting for one incident just as an excuse to hide all the previous atrocities done to them. Do you really think if naxals go non violent, the past atrocities done against them will be tried in court? YES or NO?

and let us not talk bout atrocities plz. What these ppl have faced, you and me sitting in air conditioned houses being privileged to be born to even more privileged parents, is only gods gift and not your talent. so lets not demean an equally talented bunch of people who are not anywhere near our lyfstyle only coz someone chosen by us has become hungry for quick buck by corporations and dictate his police machinary to do as per corporation's desires.

Dude. Whats ur age? You talking like a school kid for whome everything in life is only binary. Heard bout fuzzy logic ever?

In simple words its not one is either black or white. You want Naxals to be executed brutally just coz you have 2,3 brutal incidents to show with some figures running in 1000s. Do u even know rite frm start of this movement and even gefore that, how many people have been killed, raped, diseased, etc by our own Govt. I dont say, open all the decade old files and start living in past. But I dont see the change in attitude of our Govt who shud have treated these people as Indians coz they never got the rights what an Indian is supposed to have as per our constitution. So why shud they ideally want to be an Indian.

Supporting Naxalists is not supporting their ideology but questioning our own structure and how it has failed to do justice which was its actual job.

I want to ask, who is gonna take responsibility of the injustice done to these Indians? You? Me? or some Outsider?
no injustice has ever been done on these "so called" Indians.it's not the fault of this nation that they were born as poor people,so were the other 320 million citizens of India who are living below poverty line,so by your justification they should all pick up arms and start fighting against India!if they are to blame someone,they should probably start by blaming their parents who brought them to this unjust world knowing all the pros and cons of what would happen to their children.it's not the fault of the country that they are poor.it;s the fault of their parents who bred like cats and dogs and produced dozens of children.
can you show me one single incident of State sponsored atrocities against the tribal people!on the contrary i can show you hundreds or even thousands of incidents of maoist atrocities on innocent tribals and police personnel.don't try to be a naive person,you are basically romanticizing the maoist ideology which is simply violence and nothing else.the forests and the land don't only belong to the tribals but to all other citizens of this country.it's like saying that as i am staying in Delhi,so it belongs to me and my clan only but we don't usually speak that way,do we!!
no injustice has ever been done on these "so called" Indians.it's not the fault of this nation that they were born as poor people,so were the other 320 million citizens of India who are living below poverty line,so by your justification they should all pick up arms and start fighting against India!if they are to blame someone,they should probably start by blaming their parents who brought them to this unjust world knowing all the pros and cons of what would happen to their children.it's not the fault of the country that they are poor.it;s the fault of their parents who bred like cats and dogs and produced dozens of children.
can you show me one single incident of State sponsored atrocities against the tribal people!on the contrary i can show you hundreds or even thousands of incidents of maoist atrocities on innocent tribals and police personnel.don't try to be a naive person,you are basically romanticizing the maoist ideology which is simply violence and nothing else.the forests and the land don't only belong to the tribals but to all other citizens of this country.it's like saying that as i am staying in Delhi,so it belongs to me and my clan only but we don't usually speak that way,do we!!
Ha Ha. I knew that was gonna come. Now you putting the blame on destiny and justifying their poverty coz God wants so. So Talibanic. :D

WTF maan, you mixing up Urban and Rural Poverty to Tribal Poverty. **** ur Basics dude. :D

Well if thats the stance, then Naxals wud say, we will write our own destiny by our means.

what you just said above is exactly what USA use to say during cold war. Then we saw Che Guevara and rest is History. Its ur cations that call for a reaction. Radical attitude will get u radical reaction.

And regardin 30 Crore poor people in India, its not their destiny. Being privileged by birth doesnt mean you disregard the unprivileged. You never know, in future you mite switch sides, then we will see how u react. Its Govt's job to bring all people out of poverty. For this u need proper justice to prevail which is missing in out country.

What do u think this AAP movement is all bout? Just coz Anna got a screen space in National Capital doesnt mean these Naxalites too will get it. Hence, the violence. But ideologically both are same. ONe movement is priveleged another is not (AS PER UR DEFINITION).

and regarding forests belong to whome and all. Then do be assured that currently neither tribals nor YOU are getting benefits from the forests but our Politicians. By the way, Are you a Politicians who sees his percentage going in drain due to these Naxalites. :D
1. Schools and hospitals are rarely bombed, unless they are used as centres of counter-insurgency operations.
'Schools are soft targets for the Naxals' - Rediff.com India News

The Insurgency Threatening India's Schools - TIME

India: Protect Education in Naxalite Conflict | Human Rights Watch

Please read the links. They bomb schools even if no security personnel are based there.

2. Forest land is protected, and is not alienable. Who is the you? It is the state itself that protected the environment that tribals lived in, and worked in, it is now the state that is undoing these safeguards and leaving the tribal defenceless.

The tribals don't want to give the land and then they say there is no development. Tell me where will the roads, schools, hospitals, power plants etc. be built? in Raipur and Ranchi? How will a school in Raipur help a tribal in Dantewada? If the tribal in Dantewada has to be benefited the school has to be built in Dantewada and for that the forest land has to be acquired.

3. Where did you learn about it, about civilian contractors and workers being killed? Fear of losing their lives is another matter altogether.

There is always a fear of naxal activities. when they blowup power plants and schools, bomb trains etc it will naturally lead to a fear among civilians

Maoists blast power station in Bihar - The Hindu

Naxal Terror Watch: Bomb found in a toilet of Sampark Kranti train, no casualties

4. What is being called development is ecological suicide. Preserving the forest cover, and thereby the micro-climate, preserving the land rather than let it degenerate immediately: are these unimportant?

Environment protection is good but if it comes in way of basic development then it is not worth it. Bihar and jharkhand have huge coal reserves and we have a situation that power plants are idle because they dont have coal.
27 power stations grapple with less than 7-day coal stock: CEA - Economic Times

Power plants grapple with coal shortage - The Hindu

5. Owners don't make a huge profit, just a profit, unless they are cutting corners.

that profit is required for continuing investment. The leftists should remember making profit is not a sin or crime.

6. Elections are enemy activity, as far as the Naxals are concerned. Whichever candidate is elected, it makes no difference to the exploitative machinery of oppression.

If elections are enemy activities then these naxals are the enemy of the state and the state has every right to eliminate them with extreme prejudice.

Some more activities of the enemy combatants Naxals
Naxals chopped off limbs from bodies: CRPF man : East, News - India Today
Jharkhand: Naxals plant IED inside body of CRPF jawan - Rediff.com India News

dont expect CRPF to handle these Naxals with kid gloves. If they pick up a gun they will die with it.
1. Coz schools and colleges dont serve the purpose what it shud. Tribals need food 1st and then education. Their fight is not against illiteracy but against politicals gimicks to eat up their land just coz it has billions of worth of minerals. Dont you think if I own a land and it has something valuable I ought to get a justified percentage of it? Just imagine if Some country wud have exploited arabs for the zillions of Oil reserves they have. Just imagine non arbas tried to rule Dubai? What wud be ur stance? Why do u think these new Land reforms were such a brutal requirement before they were passed in parliament? It all depends on how u define development. Only building schools wont hinter our politicians to eat maximum chunk of someone else's property just coz hes a minister. Hope u got the point.

I beg to differ. With education they will get jobs and with that they will get food. depending on handouts for sustenance is wrong.

Give a man a fish you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish you feed him for a lifetime

2. Coz the land required for Development is not acquired in constitutional manner but by manipulating Constitution by Politicians coz they are in Constitutional Power.
What is "constitutional" manner for acquiring land? You want Mumbai prices for Dantewada land? And if you feel laws are wrong then become legislators and change the law

3. Civilian and Contractors come later. 1st clean the dirt before that. Once done, Contractors will be helped and supported by the locals for betterment of their people and Country. But again you know how noncorrupt our Contractors are. He He.

We are cleaning the dirt by eliminating the maoists

4. If you are naive then lemme enlighten you, Maximum chunk of investment goes to a. Corporation b. Politicians c. Contractors d. IF ANYTHING REMAINS, for the people whome its supposed to go. Consider yourself in 4th place where you ought to get maximum chunk of development and investment. Now first go and put things in order then oppose the naxalites.

If I dont make any money from the venture why will I invest. Making money is not a crime. If locals resent the outsiders that much let them invest themselves and get all the benefits.

5. I agree regarding job creation but that has to be done in justified manner without corruption. We have corruption everywhere in India but understand that in those areas corruption puts a lot of on stake for these tribals. And ultimately we will see exactly what happaned to native Americans. This example is enough to understand that greedy Capitalist and corrupt and greedy politicans will nowhere benefit these tribals but in a way benefit people like you and me who dont deserve any benefits before the tribals getting them. Do understand the side effects of Capitalism if kept unchecked and supported with corruption.

Everyone suffers from corruption. I suffer from corruption when I have to pay a bribe to get my passport. I don't go around bombing govt. offices. I elect good people who will govern in a clean manner.
And these tribals dont even pay any taxes. it is not their crores of money that is looted by the politicians in their multi 1000 crore scams. These tribals help elect corrupt politicians just for a bottle of desi tharra on the eve of elections. These corrupt politicians then loot my hard earned money

6. Coz tribals are the biggest collateral in the fight of Red vs Blue. They want better life if not the life they deserve but that noway makes Naxalite ideology wrond and our corrupt officers right. Its a fight of justice vs injustice and is irrespective of how tribals lead their life.

They should stop sheltering the maoists in their villages and homes. this will reduce collateral damage.

Every nonviolent movement need audience and screen space. Do u think they have the voice in their own country? No. Coz the rulers of THEIR OWN COUNTRY are adamant on cleansing them. What do u do in such scenario?

Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Anna Hazare- All led non violent movements which were brutally suppressed by the the govt of the countries. still they succeeded. You should have right intentions in your movement to succeed
Only in India will you have apologists for a group that has killed hundreds of innocent people in the last couple of years.

Only in India will you have apologists claiming that government employees don't have the right to go anywhere they want and that killing them is justified if they are near territory which you have marked to be yours.

**** logic.
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