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In 2014, the Russian Air Force will receive 18 Sukhoi Su-34


Jun 23, 2013
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Russian Federation

ITAR-TASS. Wednesday Director of the Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant Chkalov Sergei Smirnov said that in 2014, the company will make 18 Sukhoi Su-34 in the state defense order.
"Last year we did 14 aircraft (Su-34). This year, doing not just plan (16 aircraft - TASS), but over the plan and make the two machines, "- he said.
The first three aircraft will go to the customer at the end of May. Currently, the aviation company conducted series of test flights.
Plant signed a contract to supply 32 Su-34 Russian Defense Ministry in 2008, and in 2012 was signed another contract providing for the production of 92 bombers until the end of 2020.
Fighter bomber Su-34 developed by DB "Sukhoi." Its main purpose - the defeat air, ground and sea targets in all weather conditions using rockets and bombs. In total Russian Air Force will receive 150-200 such bombers, which will replace the currently used Su-24.
В 2014 году ВВС России получат 18 фронтовых бомбардировщиков Су-34 » Военное обозрение
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@vostok: Is this flanker's RCS low enough to evade radar guided SAM's?
wont this be a problem

This is precisely what I was pondering over.

A strike role fighter ought to have low visibility to radar, to successfully evade the SAM's and other air defense systems to be able to carry out it's strike missions.

@vostok: Is this really a good choice? I know it's weapon arsenal is quite impressive, but it does compromise on RCS front, which could prove to be lethal in a combat scenario?
This is precisely what I was pondering over.

A strike role fighter ought to have low visibility to radar, to successfully evade the SAM's and other air defense systems to be able to carry out it's strike missions.

@vostok: Is this really a good choice? I know it's weapon arsenal is quite impressive, but it does compromise on RCS front, which could prove to be lethal in a combat scenario?
Advantages of the Su-34 in addition to the weapons that it can stay in the air for a long time, since the pilots can stand up, stretch their legs, normally go the toilet, warm up food. It can be on duty in the sky for 24 hours and more. In addition, Su-34 has a titanium box in the cockpit that can withstand a direct hit from a 30-mm projectile.
Stealth is not a panacea for all ills. Especially if your opponent has a modern air-defense system.
US use stealth as most important tool against modern air defenses, how a huge RCS bomber can evade a modern air defense, long range radars & AWACS??

Right now this plane is good for after SEAD/DEAD missions and launching Standoff weapons.
US use stealth as most important tool against modern air defenses, how a huge RCS bomber can evade a modern air defense, long range radars & AWACS??

Right now this plane is good for after SEAD/DEAD missions and launching Standoff weapons.
We do not know in practice how effective is "stealth" in real fight against modern saturated multilevel air-defense. U.S. stealth was shot down even in Serbia with antediluvian Soviet weapons.
yeah but the prob was that one shot in over i guess 20 to 30 years doesn't add much ring to it
We do not know in practice how effective is "stealth" in real fight against modern saturated multilevel air-defense. U.S. stealth was shot down even in Serbia with antediluvian Soviet weapons.

Su-34 have the highest RCS in flanker family so how it can avoid modern air defenses which will be able to see it from long range?
No. Visibility to radar of this aircraft is the highest among modern flankers.
With all respect mate,Flankers are the name for Su-27 family,and Su-34 is a Fullback and not a Flanker.
P.S:correct me if I am wrong!
Russians could have made stealthy Su-34 with small RCS like french Rafael, it could have help a lot as its a bomber with capability to handle air threats.
With all respect mate,Flankers are the name for Su-27 family,and Su-34 is a Fullback and not a Flanker.
P.S:correct me if I am wrong!
Su-34 - representative of the Su-27's family. It's first name was Су-27ИБ (Su-27FB - fighter-bomber).

Russians could have made stealthy Su-34 with small RCS like french Rafael, it could have help a lot as its a bomber with capability to handle air threats.
In SU-34 design almost does not use composite materials. It's not expensive bomber, which eventually completely replace the fleet of Su-24. There is no sense to make it expensive with stealth technology.
In SU-34 design almost does not use composite materials. It's not expensive bomber, which eventually completely replace the fleet of Su-24. There is no sense to make it expensive with stealth technology.

Then it is made for only 3rd world air defense to handle if it don't have all gizmos of 21st Century. It won't stand against EU countries without heavy escort.
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