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Imran Khan's message to Lahore - 21st April Jalsa

PTI need to accept the result and move forward. It's clear military want to maintain a good relationship with the US for multiple reasons even if that meant having to cast IK aside. It showed IK's lack of diplomacy and foresight and experience to throw everything into the Russian corner; Pakistan needs to maintain its relationship with all. Unfortunately having an independent policy is only good if you are economically strong, which Pakistan isn't.

Pakistan should have the same foreign policy as India... I.e. not a slave to America and still keeping relations with Russia.

Enough of this Beggars can't be Choosers.
Foreign policy needs to be a low priority matter in any future government in Pakistan. Internal reforms to create a properly functioning government and economic growth need to the main areas of concentration.

For most of its history Pakistani rulers have been playing superpower geopolitics while ignoring the economy. At least for 20 years Pakistan needs to forget about playing foreign policy games and concentrate on economic development. China has done that for decades and become an economic giant.

Almost every branch of government is broken. Concentrate on fixing that and building the country internally. Improving the lives of people should be the main concern.

Once Pakistan has a good economy then other countries will take it seriously and foreign policy matters will take care of themselves.
By the way, to give everyone an idea about what economic development can do.

If we hit 7% GDP growth rate the economy doubles in 10 years. If we sustain it for 20 years Pakistan’s GDP would be 4 times what it is now. It will be a nominal $1 trillion economy.

The military budget can be 4 times what it is now. Exports could be $250 billion. Then Pakistan would be considered prosperous, and a serious country in the world stage.
IK life is in danger and he needs to improve his security. Establishment has a plan to eliminate IK and destroy PTI. They might attempt to assassinate him.
Pakistan cannot progress till there is an independent foreign policy.

74 years since independence, the remnants of East India Company are still here.

Pakistan must import wheat and oil from Russia, it is for the benefit of Pakistani people.

Sitting in US/NATO lap has destroyed our tribal areas, 400+ drone attacks, thousands of bomb blasts. This cant repeat. Economic loss of over $130 billion USD. 90000 Pakistanis were killed mercilessly, including 7000 Soldiers.

and now they want to re-establish the US bases in Pakistan to restart such attacks. Just because of few $$$ from Coalition Support Fund (CSF).

Pakistan gave Shamsi airbase to NATO from 2001-2011

Congratulations my countrymen,
The walwala of the Peshawar jalsa was felt in rawalpindi but they said so what!

The jazba of the Karachi jalsa was felt in Rawalpindi but they thought it will fizzle out!

Now the Thap of the Lahore jalsa was seen in Rawalpindi and they are worried :pakistan: what will happen if they decide to March from all parts of Pakistan to Rawalpindi . Who will stop this salab of people who will be swept away?

The only option left now is to dissolve the assembly and go for elections ! Mubarak ho the struggle for a free Pakistan has just started. It will be hard, we will lose some on the way but inshallah we will be free! Our children will be free! :pakistan:

early celebrations are as bad as premature ejaculation they wil announce election they will even hold the election but issue is those election will be heavly rigged and PTI wont accept the results of the election and mobilize crowd and then real shit show will start when Wardi Mafia to protect its WADERA asset will murder PEOPLE and then we will eventually lose Pakistan! Insha Allah not!
early celebrations are as bad as premature ejaculation they wil announce election they will even hold the election but issue is those election will be heavly rigged and PTI wont accept the results of the election and mobilize crowd and then real shit show will start when Wardi Mafia to protect its WADERA asset will murder PEOPLE and then we will eventually lose Pakistan! Insha Allah not!
I am celebrating our small success along our tenuous journey. The journey will be though and full of hard obstacles. We will need to celebrate every victory , big or small to get past the bleakness and hopelessness!
Raheeq Abbasi

پھر کہتے ہیں عدالتوں کو کوئی کنٹرول نہیں کرتا۔
سپریم کورٹ میں ہفتوں پرانی 63 اے پٹیشن پر سماعت عید کے بعد تک موخر اور لاہور ہائیکورٹ کا کل دائر ہونے والی پٹیشن پر 24 گھنٹے میں حمزہ کا حلف لینے کا حکم۔
یار آپ نے 22 کروڑ کو پاگل یا پٹواری سمجھا ہوا ہے؟

Rauf Klasra


اگر تکبر، غرور اور خوشامد کے کوئی چہرے ہوتے—پرانے زمانوں میں بادشاہ اس طرح ہی درباریوں سے بیعت لیتے تھے—نیا بادشاہ اور اس کے نئے درباری۔۔ !



Imran Khan


مینار پاکستان کا میدان آج بھی یہاں 5 بار حکومت کرنے والی ن لیگ کا منہ چڑا رہا ہے۔ ایک جلسہ ہی کر لو​

The field of Minar-e-Pakistan is still facing the PML-N which has ruled here for 5 times. Have a meeting

3:58 AM · Apr 22, 2022
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