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Imran Khan's arrest: Zaman park under attack

Military says it looks after affairs of country as its best interest. It’s ok to disagree.
The constitution says the civilians look after the affairs of the country as well as that of Armed forces. There is no room for disagreement with core constitutional and democratic principles.
the filthy number 129 kangaroo judiciary is beginning to succumb to Imran Khan's (the public's rather) pressure. I hope and pray that the masses assert themselves in the face of these kangaroo judges and dictate that if the judges don't wanna suffer the same fate as the punjab police and rangers then they need to forget about questioning Imran Khan in ANY matter until dirty harry first resigns and surrenders to the court, until jurnayl bajwa returns to Pakistan and surrenders to the court, until rana sanaullah resigns and surrenders to the court, until nawaz sharif returns and surrenders to the court and until a proper fir is lodged against dirty harry for attempted assassination of Imran Khan in wazirabad. until then, we the people have ZERO faith in these kangaroo courts and therefore will NOT allow them come even remotely near Imran Khan!

The scene is changing now, not of Zaman park but this stunt of IK. He never listens to law still law is relaxed for him to bring him into senses. LHC has relaxed it again for a breather.

The changing scene is that he is now being seen as a dangerous customer for Pakistan by Military and ISI. They haven’t been part of this stunt but have watched closely.

Firstly, 90% chances that in his case of becoming PM, they will intervene so he doesn’t become PM. They have started to consider him dangerous in destabilising Pakistan and its affairs. Secondly, bright chances that he will be assassinated somehow sooner or later.

This Zaman park incident has made the civilian bureaucracy hate him too. They consider him mentally unstable to run country.

Let’s see what happens next but this psycho khan thinks he has played a politically perfect move instead he is being highly disliked by making a mockery of law (whatever is left of it in Pakistan) and also trying to destabilise the country. As a politician he is seen a trouble maker.

You summed up everything that is wrong with Pakistani military generals and their psyche in this post
Seems like the strategy is to prepare the ground for Military take over. No respite for the people of Pakistan, only people power on a grand scale can change the direction and outcome.
The scene is changing now, not of Zaman park but this stunt of IK. He never listens to law still law is relaxed for him to bring him into senses. LHC has relaxed it again for a breather.

The changing scene is that he is now being seen as a dangerous customer for Pakistan by Military and ISI. They haven’t been part of this stunt but have watched closely.

Firstly, 90% chances that in his case of becoming PM, they will intervene so he doesn’t become PM. They have started to consider him dangerous in destabilising Pakistan and its affairs. Secondly, bright chances that he will be assassinated somehow sooner or later.

This Zaman park incident has made the civilian bureaucracy hate him too. They consider him mentally unstable to run country.

Let’s see what happens next but this psycho khan thinks he has played a politically perfect move instead he is being highly disliked by making a mockery of law (whatever is left of it in Pakistan) and also trying to destabilise the country. As a politician he is seen a trouble maker.
by the ISI? oh so our illustrious jurnayl nadeem ganjum finally got a chance to leave hiramundi and do some work for a change, aye?
Military says it looks after affairs of country as its best interest. It’s ok to disagree.

Just like the arrogance of captain of air blue flight 202 led to its crash causing 152 deaths, IK is doing exactly the same.

And u and ur gods in GHQ are doing ______
How many of them kiddo had attempted assassinations and got shot. How many of them had their supporters picked up sexually tortured, killed, how many of them had the whole state machinery being used to stop elections.

You need to look at the bigger picture, I agree with law being followed if IK needs to attend court he should but the state needs to act responsibly not the way they are now to deliberately cause violence and mayhem. Its clear people of Pak had enough of this but we shall see how far they will go to get their freedoms.
Do you even know what happened with Khuajaa Saad Rafiq, Shahid Khaqqan Abbasi, Javed Hashmi, Pervez Rasheed in Jail ?? Let me explain this way....When Senator Pervez Rasheed was violated....his screams were presented live via mobile phone to Gen Mushi...Senator Pervez Rasheed still lives in the rented house and his family is still suffering from mental trauma it endured.....And that's was not the end. They were thrown behind bars in Attock or Lahore fort in smelly dark rooms for years......You need to learn what happened to key political figures during all the four Marshal Law times. I have presented only few samples.

BeNazir Bhutto exactly knew that she would be erased, she took a chance, came back to Pakistan and gave her life, and she mentioned all those possible names responsible out of which one is the current President of Your beloved PTI who blamed Imran Khan not so long ago for always allowing his diaper changed by the boots.

Now Thank to the Almighty that Imran Khan's life was intact on that horrible day, but what you guys need to realize that politics is always about the art of probabilities/possibilities. If Imran Khan can declare Pervez Ellahi, Sheikh Rasheed his key playes who repeatedly mocked/insulted Imran Khan in Musharraf's era...and despite the repputation/connections they had with the establishment, than certainly Imran can have dialogue with all the stake holders despite all the odds. His vindictive approach by which he punished all the opposition and media from 2018-2022 is the biggest hurdle in his way. You guys need to realize that Imran cannot lead Pakistan with the blunders he committed already. Only God knows why he opened up so many fronts despite the biggest support of establishment any PM ever had...!!
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