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Imran Khan Suggests Joint Indo-Pak Civil Nuclear cooperation.


I know that I am going to be bashed by Indians.

But Indians have massive challenges in infrastructure, sanitation and gender equity

'Runs away'

that is why we if invest less in militarizing and more in people, we can solve our problems.

all we need is resolve our territorial disputes, sign a civil nuclear project that bind us together, and a military seize fire pact.


I know that I am going to be bashed by Indians.

But Indians have massive challenges in infrastructure, sanitation and gender equity

'Runs away'

that is why we if invest less in militarizing and more in people, we can solve our problems.

all we need is resolve our territorial disputes, sign a civil nuclear project that bind us together, and a military seize fire pact.

There is a tiny bit of problem that is Narendra Modi is coming to power in India.

Ideas we are discussing, spread over decades to materialize especially when we have to start from confidence building measure. and secondly the point you have raised was already addressed by Imran Khan when he said both side of the leaders should be capable to take on the agenda. and lastly the establishments of both sides must work out on it.

but it doesnot mean that India would create its hegemony on the region.
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Idea is to be worked out, details such as you pointing out doesnot mean its not workable. it simply means you also know what is being talked about.
In a country full of 'revolutionary' ideas and no action, you'd forgive me for being overly skeptical of ideas alone.

Peace! In a defence forum where grown Men stroke themselves over big toys?

What has this world come to :P

"Speak softly, and carry a big stick" - Theodore Roosevelt

all we need is resolve our territorial disputes, sign a civil nuclear project that bind us together, and a military seize fire pact.

And flowers, you forgot the flowers...
@Leader - Sorry if I come across as rude...

I'm getting tired of you repeating Ideas, IDEAS, IDEAS...

You sound like an intern at a corporate office. Full of idealism, hope and a flowery view of the world. You can write out as many ideas to the management as you'd like, they'd be happy to receive the paper to wipe their asses with.

Sit down for about half an with a pen and paper. Close your eyes for a moment, relax and start jotting down ideas that come into your head. You'll find that you're really good at coming up with ideas. You know what that means? No, it doesn't mean you're special. It means every Khan, Sharif and Zardari is just as good.

The hard part is what takes years and decades and generations. It requires persistence and hard work and a great deal of thought. The part that involves actually bringing an idea to life. You haven't even begin to consider the complexities, the people, the agendas, the technicalities, the laws, policies and money involved in this idea. Once you start with that, you'll start to feel hopeless - I can see that you don't want to. You want to hold on to the idea, because it validates your view of a flowery world where everyone is working towards peace but someone just not getting there. Very few people are willing to invest that kind of time and patience into an idea this ridiculous.

So please consider your position on this. I like your optimism, but you need to understand the ground realities.

He has finally lost it, if he carries on like this he will not be winning votes again in kpk, he has lost the plot.

You can never be friends with a snake, it's in its nature to bite.

he knows it everyone, everyone in Pakistan knows it, these are just empty words politician use when they visit a country. He had to say something, cant just say things that we here in Pakistan think about Indians, that wont be nice
@Leader - Sorry if I come across as rude...

I'm getting tired of you repeating Ideas, IDEAS, IDEAS...

You sound like an intern at a corporate office. Full of idealism, hope and a flowery view of the world. You can write out as many ideas to the management as you'd like, they'd be happy to receive the paper to wipe their asses with.

Sit down for about half an with a pen and paper. Close your eyes for a moment, relax and start jotting down ideas that come into your head. You'll find that you're really good at coming up with ideas. You know what that means? No, it doesn't mean you're special. It means every Khan, Sharif and Zardari is just as good.

The hard part is what takes years and decades and generations. It requires persistence and hard work and a great deal of thought. The part that involves actually bringing an idea to life. You haven't even begin to consider the complexities, the people, the agendas, the technicalities, the laws, policies and money involved in this idea. Once you start with that, you'll start to feel hopeless - I can see that you don't want to. You want to hold on to the idea, because it validates your view of a flowery world where everyone is working towards peace but someone just not getting there. Very few people are willing to invest that kind of time and patience into an idea this ridiculous.

So please consider your position on this. I like your optimism, but you need to understand the ground realities.


Agree. In a business, it is just not enough to come up with ideas, but you need to handle logistics, time frame, funding, human resources issues and take into account future predictive patterns socio-economically and act of god scenarios.

Actual governance is the unglamorous organisation of mundane affairs
that is why we if invest less in militarizing and more in people, we can solve our problems.

all we need is resolve our territorial disputes, sign a civil nuclear project that bind us together, and a military seize fire pact.

that is why we if invest less in militarizing and more in people, we can solve our problems.

all we need is resolve our territorial disputes, sign a civil nuclear project that bind us together, and a military seize fire pact.

Ideas we are discussing, spread over decades to materialize especially when we have to start from confidence building measure. and secondly the point you have raised was already addressed by Imran Khan when he said both side of the leaders should be capable to take on the agenda. and lastly the establishments of both sides must work out on it.

but it doesnot mean that India would create its hegemony on the region.

unrealistic approach
1- India claim Kashmir (both Pakistani and Indian) is there territory.
2- India declined the peace deal on Siachen
3- India continuously violating Indus Water Treaty

I wonder how IK solve these disputes

@Leader - Sorry if I come across as rude...

I'm getting tired of you repeating Ideas, IDEAS, IDEAS...

You sound like an intern at a corporate office. Full of idealism, hope and a flowery view of the world. You can write out as many ideas to the management as you'd like, they'd be happy to receive the paper to wipe their asses with.

Sit down for about half an with a pen and paper. Close your eyes for a moment, relax and start jotting down ideas that come into your head. You'll find that you're really good at coming up with ideas. You know what that means? No, it doesn't mean you're special. It means every Khan, Sharif and Zardari is just as good.

The hard part is what takes years and decades and generations. It requires persistence and hard work and a great deal of thought. The part that involves actually bringing an idea to life. You haven't even begin to consider the complexities, the people, the agendas, the technicalities, the laws, policies and money involved in this idea. Once you start with that, you'll start to feel hopeless - I can see that you don't want to. You want to hold on to the idea, because it validates your view of a flowery world where everyone is working towards peace but someone just not getting there. Very few people are willing to invest that kind of time and patience into an idea this ridiculous.

So please consider your position on this. I like your optimism, but you need to understand the ground realities.

u can call it Utopia
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First I thought Imran acted so bizarre just 'cause the Taliban scared the crap outta him. But now I am positive he needs clinical help for his mental condition.

And before any poster here goes monkey at my statement, let me clarify - No! I am not advocating any shock treatments! Just a rehab... a long one.
This is a great idea, a idea that can bring Peace, prosperity and progress in the region.

hats off to Sir Imran Khan for a giving a ground breaking and brave idea !


This is a great idea, a idea that can bring Peace, prosperity and progress in the region.

hats off to Sir Imran Khan for a giving a ground breaking and brave idea !

Hahahahaha sorry to say but when you heard the Nawaz Sharif's statement about Visa Free thing your comments were not the same..
He has finally lost it, if he carries on like this he will not be winning votes again in kpk, he has lost the plot.

You can never be friends with a snake, it's in its nature to bite.
Not if you are immune to the venom. You have to take small bites in order to build immunity to the potion. Now on the other hand you are friends with a bigger snakes like USA,CHINA they probably don't have poison but they can strangle you to death. Kind of worse way to go knowing you would be swallowed in whole. "Namo nishan nahi batcheyga."
hahahahha is ko jamaimah khan se Divorce ka sadma aj ho raha hai :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::crazy::crazy::crazy:
that why its said, don't over do it every time

if civil nuclear technology is so un threatening then can anybody tell us why US refused to provide that harmless technology to pakistan?
PPL please do not take IK seriously on this ... Jab sei woh stage sei gira hai, khabhi khabhi us ka brain kaam nahi karta ... he was planning to say china but at the last moment got india out of this mouth ....

khuch tu khayal karoo bemaar hai bechara
Why is that Pakistani politicians suggest something so outrageous that it seems they are mocking Pakistani population, for the statements are unrealistic at best.

If they are so serious for peace, start with small things because Pakistan can make pigs fly but India does not buy the concept.
Hahahahaha sorry to say but when you heard the Nawaz Sharif's statement about Visa Free thing your comments were not the same..

Acha? show me my comment then if you are true?

unrealistic approach
1- India claim Kashmir (both Pakistani and Indian) is there territory.
2- India declined the peace deal on Siachen
3- India continuously violating Indus Water Treaty

I wonder how IK solve these disputes

u can call it Utopia

that is why I said its an idea of Peace needs to change the mindset not only of the leaders but also of establishment, it aint easy, but for the sake of region, we should work on it.
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