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Imran Khan Suggests Joint Indo-Pak Civil Nuclear cooperation.

Idea is good after 25 years (Hoping that both countries solve their differences)
@Ravi Nair
Edit the post to English..... or else might get an infraction.....Btw when i get bored looking at kudumbam.... I tend to troll here.... :P
He has finally lost it, if he carries on like this he will not be winning votes again in kpk, he has lost the plot.

You can never be friends with a snake, it's in its nature to bite.

India is our neighbourer, many across the border think the same about Pakistan.

the point is what do we want, stability of the region, peace and progress or war, and continuous downfall...

while replying, do keep in mind we are third world country !
India is our neighbourer, many across the border think the same about Pakistan.

the point is what do we want, stability of the region, peace and progress or war, and continuous downfall...

while replying, do keep in mind we are third world country !


what are you saying man, that is like almost as bad asn Indian admitting their country is a third world country
Poyee swantham kudumbham nokedo manushya

what are you saying man, that is like almost as bad asn Indian admitting their country is a third world country

we need to workout on Peace. Indians should see where they are wrong, and we should see where we are wrong.. admit who we are and stop playing in hands of war mongers !

Edited post to avoid possible infraction. I apologise.

I shoud type in English when not in Kerala corner


we need to workout on Peace. Indians should see where they are wrong, and we should see where we are wrong.. admit who we are and stop playing in hands of war mongers !

I know that I am going to be bashed by Indians.

But Indians have massive challenges in infrastructure, sanitation and gender equity

'Runs away'
He doesn't have to carry the idea through swampy waters, getting shot at by powerful stakeholders and dragged down by many of his own people while remaining unsure of how the idea might be treated if he gets to the other side.

Making statements is easy; ideas are even easier; it's the execution that kills you.

He's still immature and needs to grow up as a politician.

Who puts the money into the initial construction?

Who provides the fuel?

How is the energy output distribute?

Who handles the hazardous waste?

Can we or the Indians shut down the plant in case of an escalation of conflict?

How will this affect the Kashmir issue and each other's involvement in militant proxies? Or is that no longer a prerequisite to peace between us?


Let me know when he has a consensus on a realistic plan rather than an off-hand politically motivated statement.

Idea is to be worked out, details such as you pointing out doesnot mean its not workable. it simply means you also know what is being talked about.

Ideas like this one is revolutionary, if its shared today, it doesnot mean it should be pursued from tomorrow, elts brain storm on how it can achieve, and how it can bring the desired objective between the two nation; that is Peace.

But I thougt you hated India!


I've seen you accusing Indians of meddling in your affairs and stuffo_O

what gives:)

I dont hate indians but only give a befitting reply according to the pdf standards.... :lol:

but whats wrong with normalized relations, where we or our children can be sure of Peaceful environment and friendly relations between the two nations.
your choice is either to become one of the war mongers, or becomes advocates of Peace. your call !


there is no shortage of war mongers on both sides of the border, so I suggest to join Peace club. :D
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Idea is to be worked out, details such as you pointing out doesnot mean its not workable. it simply means you also know what is being talked about.

Ideas like this one is revolutionary, if its shared today, it doesnot mean it should be pursued from tomorrow, elts brain storm on how it can achieve, and how it can bring the desired objective between the two nation; that is Peace.

I dont hate indian but only give a befitting reply according to the pdf standards.... :lol:

but whats wrong with normalized relations, where we or our children can be sure of Peaceful environment and friendly relations between the two nations, you choice is either to become one of the war mongers, or becomes advocates of Peace. your call !
There is a tiny bit of problem that is Narendra Modi is coming to power in India.
Peace! In a defence forum where grown Men stroke themselves over big toys?

What has this world come to :P
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