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Imran Khan Suggests Joint Indo-Pak Civil Nuclear cooperation.

So after Yahoodi Agent, Taliban Khan, Liberal Fascist, Religious Extremist.. IK is now Indian Agent too.. :D

C'mon guys, he just expressed his hope and suggested a thing for possible confidence building measures and to overcome power crisis on both sides. Get over it haters.


You have to be much much smarter to be an agent of any decent country.

IMMMI the IM is too DIM to be an agent.
What Pakistan have to offer from their side in this Cooperation?

Immi's @rse.

What else. hahahaahaha.

I mean this idiot is doing its best to stop the flow of military dollars from EU and USA.

Then he goes around f@rting about nukkies.

Even if Indians have lost all their brain cells (I doubt that will happen) and sign this deal, how on earth IMMI plans to pay for it?

How forking how?


just pathetic.


Same thing with Iranian pipeline. Pakistani Lefties and Mullahns and Ayatullahs jump up and down in their little undies shouting pipeline pipeline, without ever having any forking idea as to how to pay for building the line and then paying for gas that will flow through it.

Peace. this is the objective Sir Imran Khan has put forward.
under IAEA if we put our vested interests in such a civil nuclear project which can put the countries to adopt a Peace path, then what are we, the people, to lose by it?

Immi cannot offer peace to forking KP a province under his forking government.


you say he can offer that to India?


what gives:)


Pide piper made a new tune


kids are dancing to it?

but no change in the real world.
@Leader - Sorry if I come across as rude...

I'm getting tired of you repeating Ideas, IDEAS, IDEAS...

You sound like an intern at a corporate office. Full of idealism, hope and a flowery view of the world. You can write out as many ideas to the management as you'd like, they'd be happy to receive the paper to wipe their asses with.

Sit down for about half an with a pen and paper. Close your eyes for a moment, relax and start jotting down ideas that come into your head. You'll find that you're really good at coming up with ideas. You know what that means? No, it doesn't mean you're special. It means every Khan, Sharif and Zardari is just as good.

The hard part is what takes years and decades and generations. It requires persistence and hard work and a great deal of thought. The part that involves actually bringing an idea to life. You haven't even begin to consider the complexities, the people, the agendas, the technicalities, the laws, policies and money involved in this idea. Once you start with that, you'll start to feel hopeless - I can see that you don't want to. You want to hold on to the idea, because it validates your view of a flowery world where everyone is working towards peace but someone just not getting there. Very few people are willing to invest that kind of time and patience into an idea this ridiculous.

So please consider your position on this. I like your optimism, but you need to understand the ground realities.


When intellectuals put forward the idea of Pakistan, or a separate state, they were also criticized and ridiculed by telling them we like you idealism, but look at ground realities, even Iqbal had to back off from his claim out of fear of treason case.

I know ground realities and I know what is above them, that is Peace.
anyone who wishes Peace is going to agree with Sir Imran Khan, rest of the sub-human barbarians from india and pakistan may continue their bak bak, they value nothing more than wild animals !
Why is that Pakistani politicians suggest something so outrageous that it seems they are mocking Pakistani population, for the statements are unrealistic at best.

If they are so serious for peace, start with small things because Pakistan can make pigs fly but India does not buy the concept.

That's because for many Pakistanis, it is either the pigs flying or nothing. So what if you don't buy the concept. If the pigs can't, $hit certainly can.
@Leader - Sorry if I come across as rude...

I'm getting tired of you repeating Ideas, IDEAS, IDEAS...

You sound like an intern at a corporate office. Full of idealism, hope and a flowery view of the world. You can write out as many ideas to the management as you'd like, they'd be happy to receive the paper to wipe their asses with.

Sit down for about half an with a pen and paper. Close your eyes for a moment, relax and start jotting down ideas that come into your head. You'll find that you're really good at coming up with ideas. You know what that means? No, it doesn't mean you're special. It means every Khan, Sharif and Zardari is just as good.

The hard part is what takes years and decades and generations. It requires persistence and hard work and a great deal of thought. The part that involves actually bringing an idea to life. You haven't even begin to consider the complexities, the people, the agendas, the technicalities, the laws, policies and money involved in this idea. Once you start with that, you'll start to feel hopeless - I can see that you don't want to. You want to hold on to the idea, because it validates your view of a flowery world where everyone is working towards peace but someone just not getting there. Very few people are willing to invest that kind of time and patience into an idea this ridiculous.

So please consider your position on this. I like your optimism, but you need to understand the ground realities.

What you mentioned is the exact difference between mere leaders and visionaries. Both are needed.
Highly unlikely, we barely do business with each other even when we share borders. Going for a civil-nuclear deal will be too much of a dream. The problem will be, if we plan to set up a nuclear plant near border, which side will get the plant? Who will bear the cost of operation? How will the nuclear waste will be processed, and who will get it?
That's because for many Pakistanis, it is either the pigs flying or nothing. So what if you don't buy the concept. If the pigs can't, $hit certainly can.

Either Imran is too stupid to utter such a nonsensical statement or he is clearly mocking the intellect of the common Pakistani - proving to the world that in Pakistan any damn thing can fly, including his back side.
What you mentioned is the exact difference between mere leaders and visionaries. Both are needed.

Yeah, but visionaries are better off sitting under the lamp writing poetry and shit. A visionary politician without the will and experience to pull off his visions is a disaster.
Why is that Pakistani politicians suggest something so outrageous that it seems they are mocking Pakistani population, for the statements are unrealistic at best.

If they are so serious for peace, start with small things because Pakistan can make pigs fly but India does not buy the concept.

this imran guy looks more indian then pakistani because he is the one partying with indian actors like amir khan, many indians support him like they are supporting modi? and they are indians who are every time cheering for him because he is always being pro indian every time he is in indian media?

what ever he said has nothing got to do with pakistani official policy, we will never compromise our nuclear program by making such deals
this imran guy looks more indian then pakistani because he is the one partying with indian actors like amir khan, many indians support him like they are supporting modi? and they are indians who are every time cheering for him because he is always being pro indian every time he is in indian media?

what ever he said has nothing got to do with pakistani official policy, we will never compromise our nuclear program by making such deals

It is OK to party with an Indian with last name Khan.

Hopefully that type of interaction will move Taliban Khan away from his pro-Islamist terrorist stance.


Please do not forget that India itself is buying civilian nuclear stuff from Russia, EU USA etc.

When they buy stuff from third party, unless they buy re-export / full design rights, Indians cannot share that stuff anywyas.

But then

We are asking Taliban Khan to do too much thinking about a complex concept.

Obviously he will fail in that way.

this imran guy looks more indian then pakistani because he is the one partying with indian actors like amir khan, many indians support him like they are supporting modi? and they are indians who are every time cheering for him because he is always being pro indian every time he is in indian media?

what ever he said has nothing got to do with pakistani official policy, we will never compromise our nuclear program by making such deals
Indian or not you decide and give him a nationality certificate as you and your ilk commonly do.

When you suggest that you will not compromise your nuclear program - it makes one wonder what is it that will get compromised :lol:
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