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‘Imran Khan is crushing the poor’: anger rises as inflation grips Pakistan

‘Imran Khan is crushing the poor’: anger rises as inflation grips Pakistan
Shah Meer Baloch in Islamabad
Tue 9 Nov 2021 11.02 GMT
On Friday night, 27-year-old Asadullah, who sold old shoes on a cart, set himself on fire in the Pakistani city of Karachi.
Ghani, a relative, blamed the state of an economy where rampant inflation is hitting those least able to cope. In comments to local media, he said Asadullah used to get calls from his wife and parents asking him for money, but he could not afford to pay the rent and meet his own expenses and sending money back home was no longer possible.
“We can’t run our homes, that’s why Asadullah committed suicide,” Ghani said. “I know five more people who are fed up with inflation and want to end their lives because of skyrocketing prices. The government should have mercy and decrease the inflation.”
An economic meltdown is putting the Pakistani prime minister, Imran Khan, under immense pressure and bringing the threat of unrest as record inflation – the fourth highest in the world – pushes the price of sugar higher than petrol.
Before coming to power, Khan had vowed to root out corruption and lift people out of poverty as he promised a new and prosperous Pakistan with the creation of 10m jobs. Instead, after a visit to Saudi Arabia last month, he announced $3bn in financial support from Riyadh.
In an address to the nation last week, Khan blamed the opposition for past mistakes and inflation in the international market for the miseries of the people in Pakistan. He also announced a 120bn-rupee relief package providing subsidies on essential food items.
Khurram Hussain, an economic analyst, said it was not enough. “The package is a drop in the ocean and will do little to help the mass of ordinary people. The pressure on Imran Khan will continue to mount because we have seen further price hikes, such as of fuel and sugar, after the announcement of the package.”
He said inflation was imposing a crushing burden on ordinary people because it comes at a time of high unemployment and stagnant wages. Prices of some essential items, such as fuel and electricity, are unprecedentedly high.
The Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), an opposition alliance, has announced a campaign against the government of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the inflation rates the country is witnessing. A long march against inflation was also announced as a part of the campaign from Lahore to Islamabad.
It says ordinary people of the country will struggle to afford basic necessities if prices do not come down.
Two weeks ago, Mohammed Ghufran, 47, a shopkeeper in Mardan, Pakistan’s north-western province, was arrested after he went to a mosque and prayed for cursing the prime minister. Ghufran said he had seen a fall in the number of customers as prices went up. He talked about inflation to daily wage workers, who told him that they could not afford to buy food for their families.
“I rushed to a mosque and announced to the speakers that we should curse Imran Khan,” he told the Guardian. “The prime minister promised a new (Naya) Pakistan and that it would be a welfare state for ordinary people but he has done the opposite. He is crushing the poor.”
Ghufran said he regretted voting for Khan and “everyone I know who voted for him and believed in him” regretted it, too. “People in my neighbourhood supported my calls against Imran Khan after I was released in two days. We believe Imran khan should resign if he can’t control the prices of essential commodities.”
Three years ago, a sack of sugar (50kg) cost about 3,000 rupees (£13) but now it is more than 7,000 rupees (£30). “As he lied to us, I pray God would ask him,” he said.
A government employee, asking to remain anonymous, told the Guardian that the prices of necessary commodities had increased with little increase in income.
The government has failed to control inflation,” he said. “I could run my kitchen for 60,000 rupees (£261) three years ago and now I can’t do it for 90,000 rupees (£393).”

@blueazure @muhammadhafeezmalik @POPEYE-Sailor @Patriot forever @ziaulislam
When have the poor not been crushed in Pakistan or any other country? High inflation and taxes was the demand and result of the IMF loan, either PM was misled by his advisors or pushed ahead with the risk for a short term solution. The West is well aware of the consequences of the economic policy being implemented in Pakistan it has been played out many times in third world countries before with destabalising consequences. It will lead to orchestrated riots (by foreign sponsors) and upheaval and then perhaps intervention by PA. Yes we have seen this pattern before: squeeze and control, squeeze and control.
Approx 50% of military bearucracy judges journalists comes from central punjab and this Mafia will not let PTI government run. This mafia didn't allow ppp to run, destroyed karachi by playing dirty and pushing mqm to create anarchy and terrorism. They want shareef to loot pakistan by partnering with them. These mafias destroyed bengalis and thank god they got independence from these creatures. Afghanis/pushtuns hate them. Its time Pakistan should be divided into 4 different countries to save itself from central punjabi mafias. If sindhi balochi pushtun muhajir and even sirakis really want to prosper then they needs to create a distance with this mafia. PTI is just a scapegoat and pti should be kicked out because this mafia using pti to clean their dirty clothes which this mafia did and doing after Independence of bangladesh.
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Its not a free market

A market economy is where market is free

Here the sugar barons will crush the people by temporary stock and selling simulataneously baning imports or exports

Similarlt govt will crush wheat growers by imposing bans on exports or fixing a price that is TOO low

In market economy the govt only looks at anticompetitive actions, let the market decide the price thus allowing more production and growth

I dont either

Paksistan inflation is due to devaluation and lack of productivity..

The only quick ffix is what PMLN did..i.e let imports to flood the country..which in turn will lead to CAD crisis and a second run of devalution

Rupee devalued by 70% yet people dont expect 70 inflation is what surprises me

Having said that on top of this you have a global infation which is only getting worse

So pakistanis shoild vote for nawaz group that will hopefully open import doors leading to everything imported

Food inflation is because farmers are being constantly screwee in innovative ways by the govt while people in cities arent

This is encouraging people to simply not grow
Anything ..people have moved to sugarcane a highly ineffecient crop away from cotton
But khan promised to fix this country. Have you see dollar to rupee rate? he has made many world records. This is not only me who is questioning this government. there are many others who are not happy. Please don't compare yourself with global crisis. you don't even pay half to your people as compared to other developed countries. His strategy has failed. He is still using IMF. He is no different from PMLN.
You mean to say that petrol prices don't affect the supply chain?
I knew logistics and supply chain aren't a Pakistani forte but this is a new low.

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I know but i said it with a reasonable evidence. Prices were out of control even when petrol was near 130 so please relax and chill. You can't justify PTI every time.
High inflation and taxes was the demand and result of the IMF loan
No one in Pakistan apart from kitchen cabinet of PM know details on the IMF. The deal was classified as national security matter by the gormint.
either PM was misled by his advisors or pushed ahead with the risk for a short term solution.
Both instances reek of corruption aka incompetence.
But khan promised to fix this country. Have you see dollar to rupee rate? he has made many world records. This is not only me who is questioning this government. there are many others who are not happy. Please don't compare yourself with global crisis. you don't even pay half to your people as compared to other developed countries. His strategy has failed. He is still using IMF. He is no different from PMLN.

I know but i said it with a reasonable evidence. Prices were out of control even when petrol was near 130 so please relax and chill. You can't justify PTI every time.
How dare you compare him to PMLN
I am going to vote for maryum nawaz.

Khan was a bigger fool or me for beleieving he will never go to IMF for 24b deficit
When Amreeka is your qibla this will happen. Everything is linked to usd. Usd itself in America is going through inflation.

Yahan par bhi masla ban rha hai.

I'm not saying the stupid controversial overseas Pakistani vs PMLN thing. Just making an observation.
How dare you compare him to PMLN
I am going to vote for maryum nawaz.

Khan was a bigger fool or me for beleieving he will never go to IMF for 24b deficit
Yeah same old tactics. always blame previous governments. Sir this is the age of social media. Nobody can fool this nation now.
Petrol prices will rise further from Rs 148 to Rs 160 now, crushing Pakistani public even further.
So you want subsidies on imported item?

I just want reduction in daily items prices, petrol, wheat, rice, sugar, and travel costs all around !!! period!!! Imran Khan is killing Pakistanis through the ever rising loan burden day by day!
How dare you compare him to PMLN
I am going to vote for maryum nawaz.

Khan was a bigger fool or me for beleieving he will never go to IMF for 24b deficit

He could have survived without seeking bailout if economic conditions were better but unfortunately PMLN left country bankrupt and IK had no choice but to seek help from IMF.
PMLN spent 8 billons dollars to control the inflation by artificially keeping rupee from falling.
COVID-19 didn’t help the economy and ultimately Ik had to make some tough decisions.

These are all facts and have been discussed many times in this forum.

Some people are dumb and stupid who think that country which is on the verge of economic collapse he can survive and thrive within a short period of time. For Pakistani economy to thrive, It will take multi prong strategy to pull Pakistan out of economic crisis and turn into sustainable economy. It will take 10 to 15 years to fix all the holes in the economy.
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If some people actually think that it is Imran Khan crushing the poor, then their level of acumen is more than questionable, more so their credibility is in question.

Pakistan has endured corrupt politicians who came to power under the banner of democracy and mercilessly plundered Pakistan's wealth while largest segments of Pakistani society were plunged into poverty.

Today there is a inflation running rampant, globally. America, Britain, France and other Western nations are all feeling the smackdown of inflation. But we have a different level of turncoats in Pakistan, who live for the opportunity to put the blame squarely on the government who is led by a man that has integrity and honor.

Instead of working together, the turncoat mindset in a segment of Pakistani society is to lay the blame thick on the government. Why? Because they are not the ones in power and all the time they aren't in power, they cannot loot and plunder the way they have been for the last 20 odd years.

To them I say that do what you're doing, Allah is watching you and when HE has decided to bring down HIS punishment upon you, there will be no escape from it. No matter where you try to run and hide. Be it in America, Britain, Emirates or Riyadh-Najd ... there will be no one who will be able to protect you.
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