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Imran Khan has formally launched 'No one Sleeps Hungry' programme

A Muslim majority country like Pakistan the institutiond of zakat and sadaqa are there and provide a net for the underprivileged in our society. Pakistanis excel at supporting the needy.
All decent countries have policies and mechanism to do the same.
For a prime minister who has the ability to create policy to encourage growth in the economy, to provide employment and empowerment for the public, spending most of his efforts in this is a travesty. Franky speaking a dereliction of his post and moral bankruptcy. As an individual this is indeed noble and Edhi is a testament to that, and indeed ik for his philanthropy. But a pm has the ability to afford real meaningful change.
In that ik has utterly failed.

Do you realise collection and distribution of zakat is the duty of the state from an Islamic perspective?

Or will you say anything to criticise?
i dont understand why people can not understand simply math

you have one kid you GDP per capita food per capita will be better
you have two kids divide it to 50-50
you have 4 devise it to 25-25-25-25

its plain simple . 43 percent of Pakistan's population faces food insecurity. Of this number, 18 percent of people in Pakistan severely lack access to food. As many as four out of 10 under five children are stunted in Pakistan
globally A child dies from hunger every 10 seconds Poor nutrition and hunger is responsible for the death of 3.1 million children a year.
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) said 7 million people have died of hunger this year :hitwall:

Bachey do hi achey.
I was in Pakistan when they were running this on TV. People need to stop copulating like rats. Unfortunately the mental awareness is not present in most people to understand what it takes to give a child a quality life.
Most people I have spoken to or know in Pakistan have 5-6 kids and I always ask, "how and what are you doing to make sure they have good education and put food on the table"

I have always had the same reply back "Allah gave me kids he will feed them as well". :hitwall:
Good Initiatives , even if each city of Pakistan 10,000 are given food due to program
it will add up very fast
Do you realise collection and distribution of zakat is the duty of the state from an Islamic perspective?

Or will you say anything to criticise?
I'm criticizing ik as a pm.
Did he start the zakat system?
Please use your mind without emotions. I mean if this is the best thing he can do, ie drive a burger van distributing food then shame on us that this is our capacity and capabilities as a nation
Edhi was a great man may Allah most high give him abundance in paradise, but I didn't want him to be pm
Please use your mind without emotions.

look who is talking. the guy that think Dar-onomics was a great idea.

I mean if this is the best thing he can do, ie drive a burger van distributing food

at least Imran Khan was distributing the food to the needy. your Nawaz Sharif, the fat fu*k, would have just parked the van in the woods and eaten all the burgers. kha kha ke burger ban gaya hai.

Edhi was a great man may Allah most high give him abundance in paradise, but I didn't want him to be pm

if Imran Khan can take a little time out of his schedule to promote a good cause and attract more support for it, then he has done a great deed and his reward is with Allah.
And in summer maybe pmik can drive an ice-cream van
look who is talking. the guy that think Dar-onomics was a great idea.

at least Imran Khan was distributing the food to the needy. your Nawaz Sharif, the fat fu*k, would have just parked the van in the woods and eaten all the burgers. kha kha ke burger ban gaya hai.

if Imran Khan can take a little time out of his schedule to promote a good cause and attract more support for it, then he has done a great deed and his reward is with Allah.
I remember a few weeks ago he didn't have time to be with the grieving relatives of the slain workers in Baluchistan. But never mind
So these poverty reduction, philanthropic schemes will make people pay more taxes. As now people have this feeling that they are indirectly doing the charity through govt.

That's true, it may work the way you proposed.

The one major benefit Khan has going for him that the previous governments lost is the trust of the people. People may not always agree with him but they at least acknowledge that he's honest and he won't waste their tax dollars unnecessarily or shuttle it way to private bank accounts in Europe.

I personally don't think people will pay because of the reason you described. From my perspective people will pay taxes for one or both reasons:
  1. They don't want to face the legal/financial repercussions of not paying
  2. They understand the benefits of taxation
My personal view is that if you're going to tax you need to show concrete evidence of their tax dollars at work and it has to be something that benefits the tax payers directly and later on you can invest in things that they may not directly see.

This is one of the reasons why I stated that the better route is addressing Pakistan's chronic infrastructure shortage because that not only helps the poor but also the rich and middle class by creating a wealth of jobs and expanding their businesses while giving them visual confirmations of improvement and growth in the form of new cities and skylines.

Don't forget the international sanctions against them imposed by the US, designed to destroy thier economy.

In terms of Bhutto he certainly had challenges but enjoyed good relations with Nixon it wasn't until Carter that things broke down and as far as I know the embargoes that he placed on Pakistan cut off military and financial assistance to the country they weren't targeting the nations economy.

Remember Venezuela was once the richest nation in Latin America. Chavez was apparently warned as early as 2002 that his policies would lead to severe financial crisis but he didn't listen. There's a limit to what sanctions can be imposed on Venezuela since they're a member of the WTO (since 1995) and from my understanding US sanctions on the country have only targeted specific individuals within the government and military or denied their government access to US financial markets. However, Venezuela was never prevented from selling it's oil nor were they banned from accessing European markets and trading in the Euro. The sanctions don't help but it was Chavez' government taking on massive yoy budget deficits to sustain the Bolivarian Missions and lack of diversification away from oil revenues that caused their financial collapse. Everything was great for Maduro in 2013 when he took over but it wasn't until oil prices plummeted the following year in 2014 that things became as bad as they are now.

I'm not an economic expert, I'm not going to pretend to be so if you guys find fault in my arguments then I'd love to read them and I'll change my opinion accordingly.
Another gimmic by stupid PM of Pakistan. Instead of reducing poverty through GDP growth rate, here is the men handing out couple of rotis like we are living in 18th century.

In the history of Pakistan, have you seen any direct spend on and money being given to poor before by any government?

GDP growth doesn't happen overnight in heavily indebted and near bankrupt countries! Find one example in the world.

Easy to talk shit and criticise. What next? Have a dig at PKR1m health card for each family too - that your family will soon benefit from as well (if in Punjab).
Unfortunately Pakistan is a lost cause now and only Allah is Hafiz... I have lost hopes in this country, It cannot be saved by these snaked within
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