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Well, the impeachment idea took this long because PPP was in Mushy's camp. When Nawaz threatened to pull out PPP had to agree with the impeachment.. this all looks like a scripted movie. And i sure hope thats what it is. Impeachment process will fail and Nawaz will have to shut his mouth for a long period. But then.. it will still wont resolve the problems we are facing today.
The charge sheet

ISLAMABAD (August 12 2008): The ruling coalition is in agreement to impeach President Pervez Musharraf for what it says a range of Constitutional violations in his over eight years tenure in power. The Business Recorder has exclusively learnt the details of the 15-point charge-sheet, which is about alleged violation of article 5(1) (2), 42, 190, 209, 243 to 245, 257, 262 and 263 of the Constitution.

These violations encompasses "unlawful" events such as Kargil war and his take-over on October 12, 1999. It was mentioned in the charge-sheet that the president has violated the article 5 (1) (2) of the Constitution which deals with the loyalty to state and obedience to constitution, on various occasions, first on October 12, 1999 a coup against and elected government and declaration of emergency on November 3, 2007. Article 42 for oath of the president was violated by Musharraf by taking oath while in uniform.

The Article 190 titled Action in Aid of Supreme Court was violated by Pervez Musharraf by dismissing, arresting and confining the Chief Justice of Pakistan and other judges of the superior judiciary and their families. Article 209 carries matter relating to the Supreme Judicial Council, which was put into action unlawfully to oust Chief Justice of Pakistan.

Article 243 to 245 have been violated by the president by taking part in public meetings and extending his tenure as chief of army staff for more than eight years. It encompasses command of Armed Forces, Oath of Armed Forces and Functions of the Armed Forces.

The president, according to the charge sheet, also deviated from Article 257 by floating different options for the resolution of Kashmir issue, which is a jugular vein of Pakistan as its future be decided in accordance with UN Resolutions.

Apart from this, the president took part in the elections in uniform which is against the military rules "Any person in uniform is not allowed to contest the elections". He also violated the sanctity of his office by taking part in election rallies and canvassing for a particular political party to extend his rule after taking off uniform.

He also launched an operation in Balochistan killing veteran politician Nawab Akbar Bugti, reason being Sui-Gas royalty which was being paid to him by all the successive governments since the reserve was unearthed in his native land.

The president has handed over a number of scientists to the United States, whose whereabouts are still unknown and their families are moving from pillar to post to find out any clue of their loved ones. But the previous government remained silent on the issue.

The President also admitted time and again that his action of November 3, was unconstitutional but his argument in the favour of his action was that Constitution is for the benefit of the people and not people are for the constitution.

Just to mention one instance of his lavish use of public money, Musharraf bought a 40 kanal farm land at Chak Shahzad in the vicinity of capital and Motorway, which is a project of national importance was extended to his farm on public expense.

In the charge sheet, the ruling coalition also pointed towards using of National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to buy politicians to support Musharraf and King's Party, which was admitted by the Ex-head of the political Section of ISI, Major General Ehtisham Zameer. Additional charges may include allowing the intervention of foreign powers in the internal affairs of Pakistan, Dr AQ Khan issue, Benazir Bhutto's assassination, Lal Masjid operation.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
Impeachment move challenged

ISLAMABAD (August 12 2008): The proposed move to impeach President Pervaz Musharraf by the coalition government was challenged in Islamabad High Court here on Monday. Chairman of Pakistan Peoples' Forum Muhammad Ishfaq Chaudhry filed an application in the IHC, making Makhdoom Amin Fahim, Jahangir Badar and Secretary, Parliamentary Affairs, respondents in the petition.

Pakistan's ruling coalition has agreed to impeach President Pervez Musharraf, setting up a major showdown between the former military chief and the newly elected civilian government. The impeachment move being initiated in the National as well as Provincial Assemblies on Monday.

The draft committee of the ruling coalition, toiling to design a charge sheet against President Musharraf, has claimed that it has achieved the political victory and there are some formalities left over to impeach the President. The petitioner had contented that Pakistan People's Party Co-Chairman Asif Ali Zardari took the decision to impeach President Musharraf without having consultation with its party President Makhdoom Amin Faheem.

As the decision was lacking consent of party President, therefore, it was unconstitutional. The petition further said that if parliamentarians of the PPP went for the impeachment, their membership of the National Assembly would be cancelled according to the Constitution. However, the registrar office of the IHC said that dismissal of the application was likely as it lacked legal grounds needed for filing the application.

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]
2nd province passes anti-Musharraf resolution

PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Northwest Pakistan lawmakers have passed a resolution against President Pervez Musharraf, the second major act in the ruling coalition's campaign to impeach and oust the embattled leader.

The North West Frontier Province assembly's resolution Tuesday came a day after lawmakers in Punjab province passed a similar proposal. As in Punjab, the resolution in the northwest passed overwhelmingly, 107-4.

Musharraf seized power in a 1999 military coup and dominated Pakistan for years, but he grew increasingly unpopular, especially after he fired judges and declared emergency rule last year.

He has been largely sidelined since his foes won February parliamentary elections but has shown no intention of leaving despite impeachment calls.

2nd province passes anti-Musharraf resolution - Yahoo! News
I really wonder now where this impeachment is heading towards. Without any proves & any other credible evidence, Mr. 10% is accusing the President. On Aug 10, 2008 Mr 10% accused President of "misappropriating" a whopping USD 700 million of American Military Aid to Islamabad. Today on Aug 12, 2008 Mr. 10% says that It is premature to say Musharraf misappropriated US aid to Pak Army.

I think Mr. 10% needs to come out this PREMATURITY.

Dirty Road to Impeachment, i would like to call the process. Also please go through the article below. (Source)

Discussion is hitting a new low in decency as the coalition government moves towards the impeachment of President Pervez Musharraf. People calling in to register their opinion during TV debates are shouting phaansi (hanging) for him while anchors regale the nation with triumphant smiles. This is their way of “persuading” the president to quit. While sane and temperate advice is indeed that of abdication, this sort of vindictive hype may be counter-productive by challenging him to dig in his heels and weather the storm. Is that the right way to go about exercising the constitutional right to impeach the president?

Mr Asif Ali Zardari has charged that the president may have embezzled large sums from the American anti-terrorism assistance to Pakistan. But no evidence has been provided. He has piled more charges of the criminal sort to make the prospects for the president daunting in the extreme. While Information Minister Sherry Rehman says the contents of the charge-sheet against him will be kept confidential until the last minute, her leader is mincing no words to air them, saying that his accusations will form a part of the charge-sheet. Clearly, there is no serenity in the project of impeaching a president of Pakistan. Instead, there is a lot of crude intent to take revenge.

Justice was invented by civilization to curb the crudity of revenge-seeking. The Constitution seeks to base the process of impeachment on justice. This means that simply a counting of heads in the joint session of parliament will not be enough. The charges now being shouted by all and sundry will have to be proved and the president will have the right to defend himself. If the charge-sheet simply reflects the passion that now engulfs the nation, it may not stand up in the eyes of law. It is quite clear even in the one-sided debate now unfolding in the media that the jurists are divided on the modality of impeachment.

In the great emotional catharsis that has descended on us we may forget to examine the calls of collective revenge being made from all sorts of different quarters. An Al Qaeda charge-sheet against President Musharraf has also hit the media market. Second in command Ayman Al Zawahiri’s audiotape condemns him for “the proliferation of narcotics, rising Indian influence in Afghanistan, maltreatment of Dr AQ Khan and the killing of the madrassa seminarians at Lal Masjid”. According to him all this was done to please the United States. More significantly, the Al Qaeda tape points to the perils of accepting its simplistic charges as a part of the “national drive” against the president. It accuses him of proposing “a solution of disputed Kashmir that was actually aimed at giving up Pakistani claim on the valley”. It accuses him of accepting the Israeli state on Palestinian territory. It takes to task the country’s politicians, claiming that “Pakistan was being controlled by the US Embassy, while they were destabilizing their own atomic-power nation to please the US”.

This kind of “meeting of the minds” on the president hurts Pakistan. As the newspapers reported the contents of the tape, militants assisted and directed by Al Qaeda surged back in Khaar in Bajaur Agency to besiege the retreating Pakistani security forces. The terrorists swearing allegiance to Al Qaeda have burnt hundreds of girls’ schools in Swat and the Tribal Areas; and in south Punjab threats to girls’ schools have also been administered by people increasingly drawn to the worldview of the terrorists. The PPP is particularly at risk as it ignores the threats being made by the Taliban about “taking over” Sindh.

Political theory tells us again and again that alliances made on the basis of negative emotions seldom prosper. Once the impeachment is over and the president meets the end he meets, this “consensus” will fall apart. The state doesn’t have the ability to impose its writ on more than half the territory, and areas under normal administration also are fast slipping into the zone of “ungoverned spaces”. There are big national decisions to be made not only in the Tribal Areas and the NWFP but also in Balochistan, both relating to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the state.

This hype has its dark side too. Normally impeachment is not a zero-sum game. If the impeachment fails the legislature doesn’t fall, and the government survives to live another day. But if the process is exaggerated to such an extent that it looks like a duel unto death, then in the case of a lapse of impeachment, the government may have to bear an extremely unpleasant popular backlash. There is also the possibility that in such circumstances the permanent establishment might ask the president to use 58-2(b). It is therefore advisable to tone down the blood-curdling aspects of the pre-impeachment rhetoric and go about it in a civilized way.
2nd province passes anti-Musharraf resolution

PESHAWAR, Pakistan - Northwest Pakistan lawmakers have passed a resolution against President Pervez Musharraf, the second major act in the ruling coalition's campaign to impeach and oust the embattled leader.

The North West Frontier Province assembly's resolution Tuesday came a day after lawmakers in Punjab province passed a similar proposal. As in Punjab, the resolution in the northwest passed overwhelmingly, 107-4.

Musharraf seized power in a 1999 military coup and dominated Pakistan for years, but he grew increasingly unpopular, especially after he fired judges and declared emergency rule last year.

He has been largely sidelined since his foes won February parliamentary elections but has shown no intention of leaving despite impeachment calls.

2nd province passes anti-Musharraf resolution - Yahoo! News
We all knew all four might pass it. But we have to wait and see how Sindh rolls! If Sindh doesn't do it, that's curtains for the impeachment crap! Which would mean Amin Fahim has stuck one up to Zardari.

But Zardari boy is clever. He's offered CM to Amin Fahim's son. ;). Wonder why Pakistanis love Soap Operas! They can just watch the news!
^^^it is estimated that Amin Fahim has support of ~20-30 PPP MNA's. he is going to play his cards. he dosnt have any sympathy for musharraf.
He wants PPP not a temp position in Sindh. We all know once he loses his cards Zardari can just kick his son out of Sindh. On the other hand if he keeps Mush, he can blackmail both.
Is it safe for Mushraf to stay in Pakistan after his impeachment ?

The taliban will want to take him as soon as his security is reduced.

Hope he has a honourable stay in Pakistan. He is a soldier, no matter what he did to pakistan.

He is a person with good vision for Pakistan, but does not have an idea of how to do it. He may be a good soldier, but not a good politician.
Is it safe for Mushraf to stay in Pakistan after his impeachment ?

The taliban will want to take him as soon as his security is reduced.

Hope he has a honourable stay in Pakistan. He is a soldier, no matter what he did to pakistan.

He is a person with good vision for Pakistan, but does not have an idea of how to do it. He may be a good soldier, but not a good politician.

Good politicians !!!?? Well that was already an endangered specie in Pakistan and since long ,I dont think that it exists any more......

I agree with you..whenever he quits, Pakistan is not likely to be post-retirement abode for Musharraf...He had great times and terrible moments during his tenure......But I do feel sorry for the guy who fought for Pakistan ( twice), dedicated his life for his country....and in the end,circumstances have developed such that his own country cant promise a safe heaven for him....:tsk:
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Good politicians !!!?? Well that was already an endangered specie in Pakistan and since long ,I dont think that it exists any more......

I agree with you..whenever he quits, Pakistan is not likely to be post-retirement abode for Musharraf...He had great times and terrible moments during his tenure......But I do feel sorry for the guy who fought for Pakistan ( twice), dedicated his life for his country....and in the end,circumstances have developed such that his own country cant promise a safe heaven for him....:tsk:

Politicians live on voters, are voters an endangered spices to you, the good politicians are those who support Musharraf and the bad ones are those who support Democracy, that is fundamentally correct from a view that ignorance is bliss. I doubt you would even understand the meaning of Politician, to even go further and discuss what governance systems are is meaningless.

To you it is either Musharraf or no hope, what happens if Musaharraf died in his chair being a president for is unlimited tenure, who will the people of Pakistan go to Kiyani, Sheiks or democracy, I dont want your answer on this.

Power should be in the hands of the People of Pakistan, they must have the right to have change, you and I dont decide that, it is the People who deiced who they feel would be leader, force your way into power through arms, no dictator last for ever it dies and with it dies his dynasty so that is why the people vote is supreme I dont care what your reservations are on that but they know more than you, because they are voters, and not supporters of tyrants they have lived under is regime long enough to see why Democracy and the Pakistani Constitution remain, the first lines of the Constitution say that "Pakistan must be a democracy" so it shall be.
Allies turn their back on president
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

By Khalid Kheshgi

PESHAWAR: The politics of opportunism showed its true colours in the NWFP Assembly on Tuesday when a political party and some parliamentarians, who reaped the fruits during Musharraf’s eight years rule, left him in the lurch at a time when he needed them most.

The PPP-Sherpao, once a close ally of President Musharraf, and other MPAs who actively backed and participated in the presidential elections in Oct 2007, supported a provincial assembly resolution, demanding of President Musharraf to take a confidence vote or resign from the office; otherwise he would be impeached.

Six of the eight MPAs, who voted in the presidential elections, virtually disowned their previous stand on Tuesday. PPP-S MPA Sikandar Hayat Sherpao, justifying his party stand, told The News NWFP senior minister and ANP parliamentary leader Bashir Ahmad Bilour visited his residence in Peshawar while PPP Co-chairperson Asif Ali Zardari made a request to Aftab Ahmad Khan Sherpao in Islamabad to support the resolution in the NWFP assembly.

“We respect their request for the sake of democracy and the mandate given to them by the people in the general elections,” Sikandar added.A total of 34 MPAs participated in the presidential election held on Oct 6, 2007, of whom 31 ballots were cast in favour of Gen Musharraf, two votes were declared invalid while one had gone to presidential candidate Justice (retd) Wajihuddin.

The ANP, the JI, the PPP and the PML-N had resigned from the NWFP Assembly in protest against what they called controversial presidential election while the JUI-F did not participate in the elections.

Fifteen PPP-S MPAs, nine PML-Q, six independent MPAs and four MMA dissidents had cast their votes in the presidential elections. Qazi Muhammad Asad from Haripur, who has joined the ANP and won berth in the cabinet, was the only PML-Q MPA, who did not turn up during the polling despite the fact that his party had fully supported Gen Musharraf in the presidential election.

Eight of the MPAs, who voted for Gen Musharraf, were re-elected to the NWFP assembly. They were Sikandar Hayat Sherpao, Israrullah Gandapur, Syed Murid Kazim and Attiqur Rehman of the PPP-Sherpao, Qalandar Khan Lodhi, Wajihuzzaman and Nighat Yasmin of the PML-Q and Syed Qalb-e-Hasan as independent.

Provincial ministers Pervez Khan Khattak and Habibur Rehman Tanoli, having affiliation with the PPP-S till recent past, had indirectly supported Gen Musharraf in his election as Liaquat Khattak, brother of Pervez Khattak and Ghazala Habib, daughter of Habibur Rehman Tanoli, had cast their votes in the same controversial election.

Only Qalandar Lodhi and Nighat Aurakzai remained loyal to the military dictator.Interestingly, the then-chief justice of the Peshawar High Court, Justice Tariq Pervez, had presided over the presidential elections held in the provincial assembly, who was later on deposed as a result of Nov 3 action of Musharraf.The lawyers’ community, protesting outside the provincial assembly building, had severely criticised him for presiding over what they called illegal and unconstitutional elections.

Allies turn their back on president
Pakistan does not rely on individuals for survival and especially not military dictators. These are the ones that have created more problems than solutions for Pakistan. If some one believes that a military dictator is the only hope for the nation than GOD bless this nation. Their are far better options available than Mr. Musharaf.

Its time to say :wave: to Mr. Musharaf.
Ok good. Say bye to Musharraf and make Zardari the President of Pakistan? :lol: Musharraf is the key here that will keep in check the corrupts. Once he goes, there is no one but a puppet of the corrupts replacing him or worst the corrupts themselves!
So you believe Mr. Musharaf is not corrupt. Let me remind you some of his great deeds:

1. HBL 51% shares sold Agha Khan foundation for 22 billion ruppes. Worth of HBL was estimated at 570 billion rupees.

2. UBL was sold for only 13 billion rupees. Assets were worth a lot more unfortunately I do not have the figures.

3. PTCL 26% shares sold for 2.2 billion dollars in 2005. Later 370 million dollars were reduced. The winning part had pledged not to reduce the manpower but by 2007 30,000 workers lost their jobs.

4. KESC was sold for 16 billion ruppes. Its property alone was worth more than that and the situation has also not improved for the people of Karachi.

5. Pak Saudi Fertilizer was sold to fauji foundation for 8 billion rupees. Its annual profit at the time of privatization was 4 billion rupees annualy.

6. Pak Arab fetilizer was sold to Arif Habib group for 13 billion rupees. The price of the land of the factory alone was 40 billion rupees.

7. The largest Public sector factory Pak American Fertilizer was handed over for just 16 billion Rupees.

After the privatization of these factories, the price of a pack of fertilizer has gone up from Rupees 1300 to 3700 Rupees. This has put a massive extra burden on the peasants and all agricultural inputs have gone up.

8. Then there is the famous Pakistan Steel case where supreme court ruling is clear.

Do I need to give more examples. In total it is estimated that around Rs. 1550 billion corruption has taken place under the name of privatization during Mr. Musharaf era.

We call Mr. Zardari Mr. 10%. I think Mr. Musharaf is Mr. 70%.
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