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Impact of Bollywood on pakistani news channel

Greek is native to Greece and Latin is native to Italy. Other only started speaking those languages, Same like North Africans adopted Arabic.

Other languages were created later, This is what i was saying before.
It was not referred to India at that time also.

yes it was , Hindu and Bhudist culture was there up to islami invasion , when persians had some part of afghan under control they used to refer it as "indian part of Persian empire"
yes it was , Hindu and Bhudist culture was there up to islami invasion , when persians had some part of afghan under control they used to refer it as "indian part of Persian empire"

It was referred to gandhara at that time.
It was referred to gandhara at that time.

for non-indians it was all india, basically BHARATA term was used for 8 or 15 different rulers from same "ancestry" and their combined ruling area. there was term for that maha-ashte or something check on wiki or somewhere and Gandhara was one of them, it wasn't different country in that sense.
for non-indians it was all india, basically BHARATA term was used for 8 or 15 different rulers from same "ancestry" and their combined ruling area. there was term for that maha-ashte or something check on wiki or somewhere and Gandhara was one of them, it wasn't different country in that sense.

Ghandhara was separate from majority india now keep crying. :lol:
bollywood makes song for all kind of situations....look at them...they have used one to show flood news.
Ghandhara was separate from majority india now keep crying. :lol:

Sanskrit=> Shaurseni Prakrit=> Punjabi
Sanskrit=>Sharuseni Prakrit=> Hindi/Urdu

I can't see that you guys were different and separate.
Majority of the time in history present day Pakistan was not its part.

This is what i was trying to say it was a separate country.

The non-Muslim architectures found in modern day Afghanistan and Pakistan 'speak' otherwise.....
If Pakistan(and Afghanistan) were separate MUSLIM entities all along then Hindu and Buddhist architectures wouldn't be there....

when you are talking about HISTORY(past) of a particular region then you have to consider the earliest possible history....and the name Bharatvarsha indicates the earliest RECORDED history of the Indian subcontinent....
This name is indicated in the VEDAS....and the oldest among the vedas(the RIG Veda) is more than 7000 yrs old(5000 B.C. or earlier)

Thus we see that the RECORDED history of Bharatvarsha is more than 7000 yrs old......the name India itself is more than 2000 yrs old....
Pakistan is created in 1947 by dividing India...i.e out of those 7000 yrs, Pakistan isn't part of Indian history for the past 65 yrs ONLY.......


Firstly 15th August is the Day of Independence ...................U know na meaning of Independence or May be not ..Muft mein milli tumhe Aazadi, Uski ki Kadaar tum kya jaano....Kabhi uske liye Khoon bahate to pata chalta:hitwall:

U need to learn History from neutral source Buddy..ISI ne bahut bewakkof bana ke rakha hai tum logo ko

There is a general mis-conception that India (or to be more accurate, �Bharat�) as a nation did not exist until the British brought hundreds of princely states and fiefdoms under central rule. This is false and historically inaccurate � those of you who have read History would be aware that Samrat Ashok�s kingdom probably had the largest expanse of land of any kingdom in ancient times and of course included almost all of the Indian sub-continent � i.e. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and parts of neighbouring states such as Nepal and Afghanistan.

In the words of Shri Srinivasan Kalyanaraman, �For those who think that the nation of Bharat is a British creation, they should be reminded about Rigveda verse by Vis’vamitra RV 3.53.12: vis’va_mitrasya raks.ati brahmedam bharatam janam, (this mantra of Vis’vamitra will protect the nation of the people of Bharatam). In Tamil bharatam (written pa_ratam) refers to the Hindu ra_s.t.ra. ” http://hindu_dharma.blogspot.com/2006/02/india-that-is-bharat.html

There are also references in ancient literature, including the �Bhagavad-Gita� to large parts of the landmass that we now call India, as �Bharat� or �Bharatavarsha�. See e.g. an article written by Shri Bhatnagar at http://humnri.com/HumZ/Articles/Article.aspx?number=15181

��from Scanto V of Srimad Bhagavatam -Chapter 19 -The description of Jambudwipa concluded:
The people of Bharatavarsa touch with their body too the water of these rivers, which purify them by their very names.(17)Candravasa Tamraparni, Avatoda, Krtamala, Vaihayasi, Kaveri, Veni, Payaswini, Sarkaavarta, Tungabhadra, Krsna, Venya, Bhimarathi, Godavari, Nirvindhya, Payosni, Tapi, Reva, Surasa, Narmada Carmanvati (and) Sindhu, two big rivers — Andha (Brahmaputra) and Sona (Sone) — Mahanadi, Vedasmrti, Rsikulya, Trisama, Kausiki, Mandakini, Yamuna, Saraswati, Drsadvati, Gomati, Sarayu, Rodhaswati Saptavati, Susoma, Satadru, Candrabhaga, Marudvrdha, Vitasta, Asikni (and) Viswa are (the names of) the principal rivers.(18)

But all this would be irerelevant if we ourselves forget our name � so let us make an effort to remember (and to make others aware) that India does have an indigenous name � �Bharat� � and let us be proud of it.
BHARAT -------

This literature were written When Ur URDU din't even Exist & they mention Name "BHARAT" British just renamed it India....But In Hindi we still call it Bharat .......

NOw Apna Angota moo mein Daalo aur Soo jaao..Baachon ke soone ka time ho gaya:D
No i am just saying.

We were separate.

We are separate.

We want to remain separate.

Don Bhai,

This "separate identity" is precisely what is being endangered by all this bollywood influence on our society.

For example, Veena Malik is challenging the orthodoxy by all her daring activities IN INDIA. Does this not strike you as insulting to Pakistan? Why couldn't she challenge the orthodoxy without going to India? Why couldn't she challenge the orthodoxy using her real (birth-certificate) name of Zahida Malik? What is this thing with the absurd Hindu name of “Veena”?

In this regard, I must tell you that I have heard many people in our local Pakistani-American community say that making Urdu the compulsory National Language of Pakistan was the BIGGEST BLUNDER made by our Quaid-e-Azam.

Even though Official Urdu and Official Hindi are not really mutually intelligible, the common-man versions of these two languages (“Hindustani”) are very similar in spoken form. This commonality between our country and Hindu-India is having devastating consequences. We are now being drowned in a Tsunami of Hindu-Indian culture.

As many Maulvi have correctly pointed out, this immersion in Hindu-Indian culture will reduce our hatred for Hindus and draw us closer to them in sympathies. If this continues, as the Maulvis predict, then most Pakistanis will not think of Hindus as "the other". They will start to feel that Hindu-Indians are not that different from Pakistanis. Then they will ask the dreaded question: If we are so similar, then WHY was Pakistan created?

And that question will be the beginning of the attack at the very foundation of our country. I am afraid that Pakistan may not survive such an ideological attack. There is a very real danger that Hindu-India will culturally & intellectually colonize our country without firing a single physical shot.

Please everybody, think carefully about what is said here before you resort to any knee-jerk reaction triggered posts.
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