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IMF sees India growing slower than sub-Saharan Africa

@UKBengali you seemed to have lot of insight into problems of india. Can you please explain why so many bangladeshis sneek into India inspite having growth less than sub-saharan ?:undecided:
British Indians and Chinese British are not equivalent to, or random samples of, Indians and Chinese. Only skilled and high-caste Indians are allowed to immigrate, which is why India suffers from such serious brain drain. Chinese British are somewhat more representative of the Chinese population as a whole - many are HKers who were given blanket entry permits into the UK without discrimination for skill or education during the return to Chinese sovereignty period. Is this what you mean by comparing apples to oranges?

I can accept your explanations, that caste discrimination and ethnic make-up play a role in the discrepancy in results, but obviously I can't accept that no discrepancy even exists - it's been plainly documented by PISA test scores, Richard Lynn's research, etc.

Is China A Low IQ Society?

@UKBengali is more or less correct.....but the only thing is that, 'caste system' itself doesn't play any role here as the practice is abolished.....corruption is the root cause.....
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I for one never believed in race/geography/religion and IQ correlation. The simple fact that IQ scores can be increased with practice debunks the race/geography/religion and IQ theory.

Environmental factors are the biggest influencers in IQ differentials between people.
Is China A Low IQ Society

Ofcourse, why else do you think they have to copy other people's stuff....
To overcome the problem they are now turning towards eugenics...
A youtube video? With comments disabled? And a massive imbalance of dislikes? Don't waste my bandwidth little boy.

The study you people quote to support your race-IQ theory is dubious. Any science students know how hypothesis are formed, how studies are conducted. This theory doesn't pass any of the tests that should make it a theory.

And why do you think a the video is fake. I quoted from Chinese source. :undecided:

Ofcourse, why else do you think they have to copy other people's stuff....
To overcome the problem they are now looking forward to create 'high IQ' babies by 'high IQ' ...

Majority of Chinese cannot put a coherent argument, I think some of the lowest IQ comments here come from Chinese members.

As regarding 'high IQ' babies by genetic engineering, I don't think Chinese have that ability to that.
As regarding 'high IQ' babies by genetic engineering, I don't think Chinese have that ability to that.

Not quite by 'genetic engineering' but by eugenics.........(I corrected my post above)
The study you people quote to support your race-IQ theory is dubious. Any science students know how hypothesis are formed, how studies are conducted. This theory doesn't pass any of the tests that should make it a theory.

And why do you think a the video is fake. I quoted from Chinese source. :undecided:

I don't really care if in your opinion, you don't like the results of academic research, or you 'feel' it's dubious. It's validity is not for the likes of you to decide. And your video is obviously not from a Chinese source, it doesn't take a high IQ, or even medium IQ to realize that, lol.
I don't really care if in your opinion, you don't like the results of academic research, or you 'feel' it's dubious. It's validity is not for the likes of you to decide. And your video is obviously not from a Chinese source, it doesn't take a high IQ, or even medium IQ to realize that, lol.

It is you people who goes around on PDF to say Chinese have high IQs. Simple statement won't suffice. Prove it to other. That is why others opinion on the study matters.

As on the video, it was based on a study conducted by WSJ.

It says collectively China is low IQ society because a repressive society cannot have intellectual curiosity or creativity that is required to produce high IQ people. I agree with that.
Can someone explain the Chinese obsession with IQ? Especially that of Indians?

@UKBengali any ideas?
It is you people who goes around on PDF to say Chinese have high IQs. Simple statement won't suffice. Prove it to other. That is why others opinion on the study matters.

As on the video, it was based on a study conducted by WSJ.

It says collectively China is low IQ society because a repressive society cannot have intellectual curiosity or creativity that is required to produce high IQ people. I agree with that.


Refer to pages 21-23. I don't want to embarrass your kind here so I won't post your dismal figures, but be warned.

And your second point is pretty desperate. IQ is separate from and isn't measured by 'curiosity' or whatever fuzzy, indistinct qualities you abuse to try and save face. Personally, I happen to think that having a 74% literacy rate has far more deleterious effects on creativity and expression than a "repressive society" (according to you), but maybe that's just my Chinese pragmatism talking - no doubt it's lost on an Indian mentality focused on mysticism and esoterica.
It is you people who goes around on PDF to say Chinese have high IQs. Simple statement won't suffice. Prove it to other. That is why others opinion on the study matters.

As on the video, it was based on a study conducted by WSJ.

It says collectively China is low IQ society because a repressive society cannot have intellectual curiosity or creativity that is required to produce high IQ people. I agree with that.

They have also failed to realise the phenomenon of genetic variation.

IQ results are also influenced by environmental factors. It is usually people who claim to have IQs that are the dumbest
Can someone explain the Chinese obsession with IQ? Especially that of Indians?

@UKBengali any ideas?

Without a high IQ, it's very difficult to modernise a society as the average IQ of an Indian is too low.

India might have smart people, but it's a tiny minority.

We are talking about the AVERAGE IQ. If you cherry pick, you can get both the very high and very low IQ extremes.

The AVERAGE IQ plays a massive role in determining if the population of a country has the intelligence to modernize.

The Average Indian is too dumb to modernize, therefore it's impossible for India to be a modern country.
Without a high IQ, it's very difficult to modernise a society as the average IQ of an Indian is too low.

India might have smart people, but it's a tiny minority.

We are talking about the AVERAGE IQ. If you cherry pick, you can get both the very high and very low IQ extremes.

The AVERAGE IQ plays a massive role in determining if the population of a country has the intelligence to modernize.

The Average Indian is too dumb to modernize, therefore it's impossible for India to be a modern country.

The irony of this statement is of course, this is possibly the most mind numbingly stupid statements I have seen on this board. Congrats on your low IQ post.

This is the shades of the British scientific racists assertions that Asians on awhile were too stupid to modernise.

There are several factors at play. Religion, society, culture and environment and how much a government and culture values scientific enquiry.

If you don't have the motivation, drive and ambition to make use of your IQ you will still remain an under achiever.

I guess this whole Chinese obsession with IQ is pretty much linked to your culture's obsession with supserficiality.

And plus points for bringing scientific racism back in vogue. I thought that it died with Nazism.

And Chinese posters who have posted Indian low IQ comments are also consistently one of the most belligerent, racist and stupidest posters here. That explains something
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