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IMF sees India growing slower than sub-Saharan Africa


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IMF sees India growing slower than sub-Saharan Africa - Livemint

IMF sees India growing slower than sub-Saharan Africa

Wed, Oct 09 2013. 12 08 AM IST
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecast economic growth for India to dip to 4.25% in the year to 31 March in its World Economic Outlook released on Tuesday, saying the economy would continue to underperform because of regulatory, infrastructural, and financing issues.

IMF also cut its estimate for global economic growth for the year to 31 December to 2.9% from the 3.1% it projected in July, largely because of deterioration of the economic prospects of emerging markets such as India and, to a lesser extent, China.

The two sets of numbers aren’t comparable because the Indian numbers are for gross domestic product at factor cost, which is what India’s government and economists prefer. The global numbers are at market price, which is what the Fund uses.

The multilateral agency expects the country’s growth to improve somewhat to 5% in the next fiscal year if exports strengthen and supply bottlenecks ease.

The 4.25% growth rate will be the lowest the Indian economy has grown at since 2002-03, when it expanded by 4%. Between 2004-05 and 2011-12, the economy expanded at an average of 8.3% every year.

The latest projection is less than the government’s estimate of GDP growth of 5-5.5%. IMF said robust farm production will be offset by an anaemic performance by the manufacturing and services sectors, and that the current monetary tightening will crimp domestic demand.

The finance ministry, in a quarterly review of the economy for the April-June period posted on its website, said current macroeconomic trends indicate that a combination of global and domestic developments is likely to result in a “shallow U” shaped recovery in 2013-14.

“Further, various high frequency indicators from the industrial sector such as industrial production, manufacturing PMI (Purchasing Managers’ Index) and auto sales suggest that the sluggish trend in the industrial sector is likely to continue for some more time. IIP (Index of Industrial Production) based in-house forecast shows moderation in industrial output till October 2013 and modest recovery thereafter,” it added.

India’s economy grew by 4.4% in the three months ended 30 June, its slowest quarterly pace in four years. In 2012-13, economic growth at 5% was the slowest in a decade.

At market price, India’s economy will expand slower than that of sub-Saharan Africa. IMF shaved its 2013 GDP growth projection for India to 3.8% in terms of market price from 5.6% estimated in July.

The Asian Development Bank on 2 October slashed its growth forecast for India to 4.7% for 2013-14 from 6%. It expects economic growth in India to pick up in 2014-15 to 5.7%, down from the 6.5% projected earlier.

IMF said emerging market and developing economy growth rates are now down some three percentage points from 2010, with Brazil, China and India accounting for about two-thirds of the decline.

“Together with recent forecast disappointments, this growth decline has prompted further downgrades to medium-term output projections for emerging market economies,” IMF said.

The Fund said these reductions in potential growth point to some serious structural impediments.

“For example, India’s potential has been undermined by supply bottlenecks arising from problems in the regulatory framework for mining, energy, telecommunications and other sectors; a consequent slowdown in permits and project approvals; and overstretched corporate balance sheets,” it said. The current pressure on the economy has “put further premium” on fiscal consolidation and implementing structural reforms, the Fund added.

However, IMF reasoned that the current slowdown in India’s growth is a result of unwinding of earlier positive cyclical factors and should not be construed as permanent fall in the longer-term, steady-state growth rate.

India’s growth in 2018-19 will bounce back to 6.7%, which is the average of the past 15 years’ growth (1998-2013), it said.

IMF’s projection of growth of 6.7% by 2018-19 also means India’s potential growth rate is not 8-9%, according to D.K. Joshi, chief economist at Crisil Ltd, the credit rating agency.
“It is a pessimistic forecast,” Joshi said. “It also means the phase of high growth rate from 2003-04 to 2007-08 was a blip.”

However, if the government takes the right policy actions, growth could surprise on the upper side in the medium term, Joshi said.

The outlook in emerging Asia, including India, remains robust over the medium term, anchored by the steady rise in domestic demand, according to an economic forecast for southeast Asia, China and India released on Tuesday by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a grouping of rich nations.

Although emerging Asia has made remarkable economic progress over the past four decades, some of the middle-income developing economies face difficult challenges to sustain their long-term growth and move beyond the middle-income trap, Mario Pezzini, director of the OECD Development Centre, said in a statement. “In the best scenario, if fundamental changes are applied, China and Thailand could become high-income countries within 20 years,” Pezzini said. “On the other hand, Vietnam and India will need more than 40 years to reach the high-income group.”
IMF said that in a number of economies, including Brazil, India and Indonesia, more monetary tightening may well be needed to address continued inflationary pressure from capacity constraints, which will likely be reinforced by recent currency depreciation. Since January, the rupee has weakened about 11% against the dollar and has lost the second most after Indonesian rupiah in Asia.
Sub-Saharan Africa simply has more potential than India. They have a similar population, similar average IQ as suggested by empirical research, but SSA has several times the land area and the natural resources.

You do not actually believe these IQ results now do you?

The two biggest reasons India is in such a bad state economically is the caste system and the multitude of ethnic groups that compose India, with no-one group anywhere near dominant.
You do not actually believe these IQ results now do you?

The two biggest reasons India is in such a bad state economically is the caste system and the multitude of ethnic groups that compose India, with no-one group anywhere near dominant.

it is not that either. Remember just a few years ago we were growing at average 8%. Didnt we have caste system then ? The reason for all the ills India is facing now the inept UPA govt. They inherited a good growth rate from BJP govt and instead of bringing it up they started looting the country and the results are before us. But the UPA will be out soon. We shall go back to our golden days. Multitude of ethnic groups is a thing we are proud of.
You do not actually believe these IQ results now do you?

The two biggest reasons India is in such a bad state economically is the caste system and the multitude of ethnic groups that compose India, with no-one group anywhere near dominant.

Well I'm not turn a blind eye to academic research. Maybe you could argue that the results were distorted by caste discrimination, malnutrition, the diffuse and incoherent patchwork of ethnic groups in India, but you can't argue that the results obtained are invalid.
Well I'm not turn a blind eye to academic research. Maybe you could argue that the results were distorted by caste discrimination, malnutrition, the diffuse and incoherent patchwork of ethnic groups in India, but you can't argue that the results obtained are invalid.

Yes I can as they do not compare like with like.
it is not that either. Remember just a few years ago we were growing at average 8%. Didnt we have caste system then ? The reason for all the ills India is facing now the inept UPA govt. They inherited a good growth rate from BJP govt and instead of bringing it up they started looting the country and the results are before us. But the UPA will be out soon. We shall go back to our golden days. Multitude of ethnic groups is a thing we are proud of.

This is delusional, economic indicators have some of the strongest time lags of all social systems. Bush is arguably still more responsible for the economic climate in the USA than Obama. India's multitudinous problems are structural in nature and run far deeper than whichever party is in power.

Yes I can as they do not compare like with like.

What do you mean? Their observations are mistaken? Or they fabricated their data?
it is not that either. Remember just a few years ago we were growing at average 8%. Didnt we have caste system then ? The reason for all the ills India is facing now the inept UPA govt. They inherited a good growth rate from BJP govt and instead of bringing it up they started looting the country and the results are before us. But the UPA will be out soon. We shall go back to our golden days. Multitude of ethnic groups is a thing we are proud of.

Will the BJP dare to overturn the Food Security Bill or NEGERA?

Congress is smart. Even if the BJP wins they'll make sure they are bankrupt.
it is not that either. Remember just a few years ago we were growing at average 8%. Didnt we have caste system then ? The reason for all the ills India is facing now the inept UPA govt. They inherited a good growth rate from BJP govt and instead of bringing it up they started looting the country and the results are before us. But the UPA will be out soon. We shall go back to our golden days. Multitude of ethnic groups is a thing we are proud of.

Remember that during the period that India was growing 8-9%, China was doing 11-12% a year. India was riding a world-wide economic boom.

These Chinese do not help themselves with this obsession about supposed low Indian IQ. In reality, India cannot develop like China as it is a patchwork of different ethnicities rather than the 90% Han dominated China.

It is no accident that unitary Sri Lanka and BD have been the best performing nations economically in South Asia, when measured in how much progress they have made taking into account the years of independence they have had to develop.

What do you mean? Their observations are mistaken? Or they fabricated their data?

Do you want to make a comparison between Indian and Chinese kids in the UK?

You live in the UK and you are blind that they perform very similarly academically.

If Chinese genetically had a 25 IQ advantage over Indians, then Chinese would massively outperform Indians but that is not the case.

For your own good, I suggest you stop using IQ to explain the condition of India and focus more on caste discrimination and the ethnic make-up of India to explain it's present condition.
caste discrimination is a non factor,dalit people india also have better iq than most bangladeshi/pakistani cabbies i have seen.
Do you want to make a comparison between Indian and Chinese kids in the UK?

You live in the UK and you are blind that they perform very similarly academically.

If Chinese genetically had a 25 IQ advantage over Indians, then Chinese would massively outperform Indians but that is not the case.

For your own good, I suggest you stop using IQ to explain the condition of India and focus more on caste discrimination and the ethnic make-up of India to explain it's present condition.

British Indians and Chinese British are not equivalent to, or random samples of, Indians and Chinese. Only skilled and high-caste Indians are allowed to immigrate, which is why India suffers from such serious brain drain. Chinese British are somewhat more representative of the Chinese population as a whole - many are HKers who were given blanket entry permits into the UK without discrimination for skill or education during the return to Chinese sovereignty period. Is this what you mean by comparing apples to oranges?

I can accept your explanations, that caste discrimination and ethnic make-up play a role in the discrepancy in results, but obviously I can't accept that no discrepancy even exists - it's been plainly documented by PISA test scores, Richard Lynn's research, etc.
Maybe you would accept that Bangladeshi's in the UK are a random sample then?

They have overtaken the white kids in academic results and will soon catch up with Chinese and Indians the way it is going.

Unless you think the Indians are a different race to Bangladeshi's then your conclusions are not valid for Indian IQ.

Too many Chinese refuse to see the real reasons of Indians present condition and that is:

1. Caste system - lower caste are treated with complete contempt by higher caste Indians that run the country. That is one of the reasons why majority of the money that central government allocates to the poor gets siphoned off.

2. Multitude of ethnicities with no-one at all dominant. Can you think of a successful state composed of many ethnicities where none is dominant in the modern age?

Now there is a chance that caste discrimination may minimise over time that it becomes irrelevant but my second point is not solvable.
Maybe you would accept that Bangladeshi's in the UK are a random sample then?

You tell me, I'm not familiar with the Bengali community here. Can any BD national immigrate to the UK, or is the sample here biased by self-selection, and the filtering effects of the UK immigration system?
You tell me, I'm not familiar with the Bengali community here. Can any BD national immigrate to the UK, or is the sample here biased by self-selection, and the filtering effects of the UK immigration system?

Pretty much the majority of the Bengali's in the UK come from the poorer districts of BD where people were mainly farmers.

The educated and well-off saw no need to come to the UK.
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