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Imagining a Remapped Middle East - How 5 Countries Could Become 14

Imagining a Remapped Middle East - How 5 Countries Could Become 14


This is an excellent proposal, but I don't think it's realistic until:

- muslims stop fighting other flavors of Islam (than their own).
- muslims will consistently find and elect leaders (clerics, politicians, military and bureaucracy, both national and regional) who will actually work only towards peace (rather than just preach it occasionally to some audiences) and who are very corruption-proof (at the very least they must be willing to spread national wealth (from oil and other state enterprises) wisely to the people, for instance via free-for-all-citizens (non-religious) educations programs), and who are willing to make decentralized rule possible.

As a european, I would like to express my sincere apologies for what European and other powers did to make such messed up borders in most parts of the Middle East in the (early) 20th century, but I do think improving that situation is mostly up to the citizens of the Middle East themselves.
If I ever see muslims embracing these tips, I will do all I can to restrain non-middle-eastern powers to allow you to redraw your own borders as muslims deem fit.
This is an excellent proposal, but I don't think it's realistic until:

- muslims stop fighting other flavors of Islam (than their own).
- muslims will consistently find and elect leaders (clerics, politicians, military and bureaucracy, both national and regional) who will actually work only towards peace (rather than just preach it occasionally to some audiences) and who are very corruption-proof (at the very least they must be willing to spread national wealth (from oil and other state enterprises) wisely to the people, for instance via free-for-all-citizens (non-religious) educations programs), and who are willing to make decentralized rule possible.

As a european, I would like to express my sincere apologies for what European and other powers did to make such messed up borders in most parts of the Middle East in the (early) 20th century, but I do think improving that situation is mostly up to the citizens of the Middle East themselves.
If I ever see muslims embracing these tips, I will do all I can to restrain non-middle-eastern powers to allow you to redraw your own borders as muslims deem fit.

The solution is larger unifications.
What a absurdity. Totally made up borders in the case of KSA and Yemen. Only complete morons would take this seriously. But let them dream. The amount of nonsense described in that article is so big that I don't even bother to counter it since its stupidity is obvious.

Besides the so-called borders of the 5 (!) new countries in KSA are totally messed up and do not correspondent to the ancient historical regions at all.

I find it very funny that a Farsi of all people propagandizes such absurd theories when his own country is made up by several ethnic groups and regions with their distinct PEOPLE. Not only religious or so-called "tribal" rivalries. LOL.





but we will take all of kashmir :partay:
I don't know, many possibilities based on many things are possible but for sure it is the best choice.

It could be the best option, but I don't see it happening. No leader/ethnicity/tribe/sect wants to give up power in order to form a larger country. The ones that currently exist in the middle east are already riddled with separatism.
It could be the best option, but I don't see it happening. No leader/ethnicity/tribe/sect wants to give up power in order to form a larger country. The ones that currently exist in the middle east are already riddled with separatism.

Not to mention superpowers ( US ) messing around to keep everything as they want it to be, they don't want unification that's why we need them.
@Rostam , this plan also extends to north Africa, Iran , Turkey and Pakistan.

Interesting news on Libya. Libya now is divided into three parts like Iraq with no strong central gov or army.MSM ignores all the recent development.

Libya's southern Fezzan region declares autonomy

Libya’s south-western region of Fezzan declared itself on Thursday an autonomous federal province, Al Arabiya correspondent reported.

Nouri Mohammad al-Qouizi was named as the president of the province, according to Libyan media reports. Local tribal leaders said military chief would later be appointed to protect the region’s borders and its natural resources.

The tribal leaders also said they took the decision because of the “weak performance of the General National Congress and the lack of response to the demands of the Libyan people in Fezzan.”

The move came a month after Cyrenai, in eastern Libya, took a similar step declaring itself also an autonomous federal province.

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Not to mention superpowers ( US ) messing around to keep everything as they want it to be, they don't want unification that's why we need them.

That's very true, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the separatist groups get funding from the US.
Southern Libya Awaits Another Spring

“The government doesn’t care about us because we are from the south,” Mohamed Salah Lichekh, head of the Oubari local council in southern Libya, told IPS, expressing the majority sentiment in this part of the country.

The feeling of being forgotten by Tripoli, which is very strong in southern Libya, is bringing the three ethnic groups – the Arabs, Toubous and Tuaregs – from the Fezzan region in the south together against the Libyan state.

Despite clashing after the revolution which brought an end to Muammar Gaddafi’s rule in 2011, these three ethnic groups today live in relative calm. They are united against a government they accuse of wrongs, the first being its absence in the region.

Oubari is a predominantly Tuareg town, situated 200 kilometres west of Sebha, the capital of Fezzan. In this town of 40,000 people, there are problems with the telephone network. And the police presence on the damaged roads is rare.

“My cousin is a policeman but he only goes to the police station to collect his pay,” one local resident who requested anonymity told IPS.

This situation is not uncommon in this highly fragmented region. The head of the local council in Sebha, Ayoub Zaroug, said “The Chief of Police explained to me that his men don’t want to work because they are afraid.”

Things are similar in Mourzouk, Fezzan’s southernmost district. In this predominantly Toubou area, public services are glaringly lacking.

Ibrahim Ahmed, the chief of Agar, a small Arab village in Mourzouk, told IPS: “Yesterday [Sept. 3], there was a fire. We do not have a fire brigade, so we called Mourzouk town. But they didn’t have one either.

“We don’t have anything: no army, and no functional police force. Our police station doesn’t have cars, or radio communication – there is no support from Tripoli. In fact, all public services are suffering.”

Faced with these shortages, Libyans in the south have learned to manage by developing parallel systems based on tribal ways of life, Agila Majou, a representative of the Arab tribe Ouled Slimane, told IPS. “Today, since the government is incapable, we resolve problems between the tribes.”

For example in Qahira, a poor neighbourhood in Sebha, “a group of 60 people made up of revolutionaries and resident volunteers” provides security, according to the Toubou head of this slum, Adam Ahmed. “They patrol the area and use their own arms. When there is a problem, the tribal leaders come together,” he told IPS.

Ahmed added that most criminals flee and hide in partially constructed buildings that were abandoned by an Indian company during the revolution. “We know where they are, but no one is arresting them.”

An annoyed Youssef Souri from the Mourzouk local council added: “And even if they are arrested…We have asked the government three times to reopen the court. But we have not received a response.

“When a robbery is committed, if the person is arrested, he spends a few days in prison. His family then acts as a guarantor and pays a security deposit, which is repaid after the trial.”

In criminal cases, the procedures differ: “Murderers are sent to Sebha, where judges continuously postpone judgements for fear of reprisals,” Souri told IPS.

This de facto autonomy has given certain sections of the population ideas: why not vote for a Libyan federation? This idea, which is taking centre-stage in Cyrenaica in east Libya, has begun to germinate in the hearts of people in the south.

Take for example Ibrahim Youssef, director of an organisation in Mourzouk, who said “I am a federalist because I want Fezzan to benefit from its wealth which currently goes entirely to Tripoli. But I want a real federation, not three countries like people in the east [are calling for].”

Colonel Wardacoo Barca, who is in charge of security in Mourzouk, admitted to having “met with federalists from the east.” He told IPS, however, that “We are going to meet with the Tuaregs to draft a proposal for government.

“We want the money earned from Fezzan petroleum to come back to us and also, better representation in government and in the diplomatic corps. If Tripoli doesn’t respond, we will support the formation of a federation,” he said.

“If we demand a federal state, we are convinced that all our African neighbours will support us.”

From under his yellow cheich or scarf, Barca added: “What we really want is a government that is present everywhere…and some form of recognition.”

For the Tuaregs, recognition would also include nationality. A member of the Oubari Reconciliation Commission, Jeli Ali, stressed that 14,000 Tuareg families, who have not been able to provide proof of their ancestors’ birthplace have not received their Libyan national identity number – which is essential for university enrolment and employment as a civil servant.

“We are victims of racism,” Ali, a Tuareg, complained. “Who are the original inhabitants of Libya? Not the Arabs, but the Tuaregs, the Toubous and the Berbers. We have land as proof of our nationality, they have paper,” he told IPS.

Ali warned: “We are not going to let it be. History shows that rights are eventually obtained, by force if necessary!”

IPS – Southern Libya Awaits Another Spring | Inter Press Service


That's very true, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the separatist groups get funding from the US.

They most definitely do.

It's not just the U.S though, superpowers ( the U.S and Europeans) have to do these things to keep the conflict going in the ME. Can you imagine if Middle East and the muslim world, create something like the EU. they have most of the oil and gas.
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