Who is to blame?
I seen it myself. I am being an Indian called with names . Names are ? pa ki , Taliban go to ur country.
And who called it? Was a little kid in a cycle. May be in his 12s .
One time I met this group of teenagers drunk in a subway train. They tried to beat me up as they thought am a Muslim and a Pakistani. But once they came to know that am an Indian they changed their tone and said . ' Big up' . And there were one instance. Two drunk grown white guys tried to harm me .I was drunk too. Went with my colleges nearly 20 people being Punjabis Tamil and north east ... I came out a night club has I was so hungry and jumped into this night burger stand just opposite. Two girls came to me and asked for cigarette smoke . I gave . They sat next to me after lil conversation and want me to take them into near by club then to my room . these two drunk guys watching this cake closer to me and started to tease those girls .Like Why the f$#@ they can date with an Indian or a ****. As one chap came closer to punch me I gave him the punch which he will never forget. And to his friend who try to do the same . Later it became like a gang war as one of my friend say these and called called all my friends . this is how crazy its to be in UK or in Europe. Later police filed complained as racist attack later I was forced to back off from the case .
This is how racism survives in Europe as we speak . But because of some Pakistanis who take radical Islam as their way of living other peace full Asians brown people are being harased.
So who do you blame for this ?
Well as far as I know its because of Muslims ... No one else. So be pissed off.
Will the author take full responsibility of what many other Muslims are doing ?