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Ilya Kramnik Russian military expert call Pakistan potential buyer of SU35

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" According to Kramnik, Russian negotiators, originally seeking to export a larger order of 48 planes, are also negotiating safeguards in the event that China makes a copy of its plane, as was the case with its Su-27 fighter jet, which was copied by the Chinese J-11 jet.

Other potential buyers include Pakistan and Brazil, with Kramnik also referring to figures from manufacturer Polet, which makes parts for the Su-35, showing increased production of its onboard system in order to fulfil orders for a total of 60 aircraft from Vietnam, Venezuela and Indonesia.

Read more: http://sputniknews.com/russia/20150726/1025064028.html#ixzz3h0mGCVwq "

This news is warming up in different respectable defence news portals and forums. It seems news has some smoke, let see the if there is any fire too. Ilya Karmik is well respected defence analyst and reporter.
Even they can sell PAF used upgraded SU-27s at cheap rates. I'm sure PAF will buy it.

Their must be some smoke at PAF even to help Russians to bait India towards Russian Defence Industry more and in return get some other lucrative deals I.e RD 93 MA....@Oscar
Otherwise PAF whole philosphy negates SU35 Induction.
PAF can make up a deal for Russian jets and back out from JF-17s. Also they can sell off the new 50 blk2 to Burma and also the 50 blk1.
I think 2 squadrons of Su-35 for Pakistan Navy will be a great option. This seems to be a rumor that was probably spread by the Russians specifically to bait the Indians. Hopefully Russia and Pakistan will reach agreement to sell Su-35 to PAF. The Su-35 at $65 million each will cost $3.2 billion for 48 fighters.

PAF can make up a deal for Russian jets and back out from JF-17s. Also they can sell off the new 50 blk2 to Burma and also the 50 blk1.

Not a chance. Pakistan is committed to at least 150 JF-17s with 50 of each Block I, Block II and Black III. We have to develop our defense industry we have had enough of arms embargoes.
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I think 2 squadrons of Su-35 for Pakistan Navy will be a great option. This seems to be a rumor that was probably spread by the Russians specifically to bait the Indians. Hopefully Russia and Pakistan will reach agreement to sell Su-35 to PAF.
That might be the exact reason we might be interested in them.
For us SU-35 is must because now we have to give air cover to Karachi and Gawadar, plus additional EEZ zone. so a Long Range Air Superiority Plane is a must.....
to secure sea lane we have to option
1. get a big and advance navy ( we new a single Cruise Ship cost more then a Squadrons of SU-35)
2. Get Best Long Range Planes ( its cheaper and quicker way )

Keep one thing in Mind India is Planning to Build a 200 Battle Ships Navy

to Counter we need 20 - 24 Submarines and Excellent air support.
I think 2 squadrons of Su-35 for Pakistan Navy will be a great option. This seems to be a rumor that was probably spread by the Russians specifically to bait the Indians. Hopefully Russia and Pakistan will reach agreement to sell Su-35 to PAF.

Not a chance. Pakistan is committed to at least 150 JF-17s with 50 of each Block I, Block II and Black III. We have to develop our defense industry we have had enough of arms embargoes.
So why not PAF go cheap by buying SU-27s with upgrades may be 80-120 of them.
So why not PAF go cheap by buying SU-27s with upgrades may be 80-120 of them.

Su-27s are not multi role jets while Su-30/35 are that is why PAF was interested in 30s and is interested in 35s.

So if possible PAF may be able to take route of buying used 30s with goodies of 35 while also going for up to 48 new 35.
CPEC has changed Pakistan's defense requirements, now PAF & PN have to make sure that our foe is not in position to threaten blocked even from gulf of Aden.
Su 35 unit cost 65 milliom as compare to rafale 1 billion unit cost and SU 35 as good as rafale or may be more better than rafale
what!! the rafale is 1 billion each, is that in rupees !! remember the jet is about €80 million each and the su35 price varies to the amount from $65-85 million each the factors are the avionics, engines maintenance training, weapons and servicing. all of these are factors to the price of any jet
what!! the rafale is 1 billion each, is that in rupees !! remember the jet is about €80 million each and the su35 price varies to the amount from $65-85 million each the factors are the avionics, engines maintenance training, weapons and servicing. all of these are factors to the price of any jet
Dear 45 to 65 mil of SU 35
65 million each SU comes almost with full package

Rafake is around 102 million i heared it
Su-27s are not multi role jets while Su-30/35 are that is why PAF was interested in 30s and is interested in 35s.

So if possible PAF may be able to take route of buying used 30s with goodies of 35 while also going for up to 48 new 35.
CPEC has changed Pakistan's defense requirements, now PAF & PN have to make sure that our foe is not in position to threaten blocked even from gulf of Aden.
Ask even SUKHOI about the upgraded SU-27s they are multirole.:pakistan:
Rafale M fly away cost is 108 million is off 2011 in 2015 it might be to 110 million

Its 108 mil dollar
Lets just say we are not getting them since there is no statement from our side.
Yaar go to wiki and check even i had same emotions as u

Lets just say we are not getting them since there is no statement from our side.
We dont make statemebts until it is fully materialised S 20 subs MI 35 we never officialy said we buy them officialy means by military FM 90 is another example F 16 from jordan
Ask even SUKHOI about the upgraded SU-27s they are multirole.:pakistan:

If those 27s were that good in being multi role then why China and India went to buy 30s? There are limitations even with upgrades of 27s. 30s have better air frame and can house 35s tech in it. With 35s engines 30s will be much better plane and will not need canards like Indian MKIs.
Dear 45 to 65 mil of SU 35
65 million each SU comes almost with full package

Rafake is around 102 million i heared it
well you heard wrong, you must be talking about the new rafale variant including r and d or that must be in dollars i am talking in euros for the rafale and dollars for the su35
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