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Ilya Kramnik Russian military expert call Pakistan potential buyer of SU35

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Highly unlikely as future is JF-17 block 3 then J-31.. J-10Cs are more likely if needed to fill up gap.
Incase of J-31 failure somehow this beast can fit in PAF.. but eventually who knows! :coffee:
it seems Russian are trying to indulge us to use the $2 billion credit line which they authorised last year for the purchase of Su-35, this amount I think would be sufficient for the purchase of 24 to 28 SU-35 jets

& for your second point it is yet to be seen that PAF is interested for this deal or not...
It also depends on Russia approving the sale, which I sincerely doubt.
Su 35 unit cost 65 milliom as compare to rafale 1 billion unit cost and SU 35 as good as rafale or may be more better than rafale
So your support was financial or day dreaming like most of the other Pakistanis?

Give me credit for this i was one and few others supporting SU 35 for paf now PAF should also come forward this jet is same price tag of F 16 almost hop Paf now make sense we need SU 35 with india rafale Su 30 mirages Mig 29K we are behind in number and quality.

Our airforce is one dimensional we need jet which give suppirting role to F 16 and JF 17 our murages are at end of life do not count them

And as our sea border is increased we need more jets and ships jets which has twin engine wirk vetter when on sea mission

With growing indian navy we need sophisticated air arm
An Air-force Cannot Supplement Role of the Navy Better to realize it Sooner
Yes but at sea IN CARRIER launched fighter jets to ports of karachi should be intercepted by pak airforce

So your support was financial or day dreaming like most of the other Pakistanis?
Posting QUAID'S pic and have a tongue of indian dont suits you please put modi pic i will be thankfull to you you smell like a jealousy.

And money is not issue dont bring money we have it just need to evalute it and yes you all here oppose me but what i said happened it in its self big slap on people like u
For us SU-35 is must because now we have to give air cover to Karachi and Gawadar, plus additional EEZ zone. so a Long Range Air Superiority Plane is a must.....
to secure sea lane we have to option
1. get a big and advance navy ( we new a single Cruise Ship cost more then a Squadrons of SU-35)
2. Get Best Long Range Planes ( its cheaper and quicker way )

Keep one thing in Mind India is Planning to Build a 200 Battle Ships Navy

to Counter we need 20 - 24 Submarines and Excellent air support.
For us SU-35 is must because now we have to give air cover to Karachi and Gawadar, plus additional EEZ zone. so a Long Range Air Superiority Plane is a must.....
to secure sea lane we have to option
1. get a big and advance navy ( we new a single Cruise Ship cost more then a Squadrons of SU-35)
2. Get Best Long Range Planes ( its cheaper and quicker way )

Keep one thing in Mind India is Planning to Build a 200 Battle Ships Navy

to Counter we need 20 - 24 Submarines and Excellent air support.
Fully agreed with u yaar here few stupid and illitrate in a way of war strategy hurking always ask where is money stupid question if we dont have money than buy 10 mig 21 why buy F 16 stupud questions

I agree with you ur posts are based on reality and future needs we must act F 16 cant be used in air war in karachi we need our sea ports secured by aif cover we dont give free hand to IN as we did in 99
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