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If Sri Lankan Air Force officers are expelled, we will train them: Pakistan

Wouldn't be a bad idea to be honest.

Unfortunately successive Sri Lankan governments continue to be beholden to India and continue to try and build a better defence relationship with India, despite it being pretty obvious that India does not want to do so. I just don't see why Sri Lankan security personnel have to be embarrassed again and again by seeking training in India when there are other places available. Like I said earlier, maybe it's the cost factor? If so, from Sri Lanka's point of view, it would probably be worthwhile spending a bit more and semnding any trainees elsewhere.

Yes please spare us...you have many powerful countries like US, Russia, china and of course Pakistan.
I'm afraid you dont like your little island as much as i expected .
You'll be taught a lesson :devil:

Oh yes, the inevitable threats.... did you pound your keyboard extra hard when you typed that?

Yes please spare us...you have many powerful countries like US, Russia, china and of course Pakistan.

True. The Sri Lankan government must be faulted for sending people to get trained in India.
Its nice to see the kind of confidence the Pakistani Defence Forces have inculcated in common Pakistanis despite not been able to win a single war so far in its history except staging routine coups. And that's what required from a military of any nation. You may fail all the time but the moral and motivation of your people should never be lowered.

Provide your bases to the Americans to operate against your own people and then criticise their actions publicly. Make them apologize and when they do, again let them operate from your soil against your people and the cycle goes on and on.

Raise an armed mercenaries and then use the force to fight against them. In other words, keep your forces busy till an external aggression is there.

The world has surely a lot to learn from the PA. Sri Lankans would be greatly benefited from what they learn from your forces. Kindly train them. All the best to Lankans,

Salutations to the unique defence forces of Pakistan.

That's why I say that the things they teach you kids in Indian textbooks - :disagree:. Pakistan won in 47 and tied in '65.
It's India that has (unfortunately) been an adversary to almost all its neighbours.

India is not an adversary..India gives preference to its own people...If Indians dont like you guys, there is nothing we can do..
It's India that has (unfortunately) been an adversary to almost all its neighbours.
Lets start,

1. Pakistan- Too obvious, 1948 they sent jihadists to kashmir and rest is history, 65,71,99,26/11 you name it.

2. China- 1962 Nehru's fault, couldn't access Indian armed forces strength even repeatedly told by the chiefs of armed forces.Now they are one the largest trading partner. Border disputes and Dalai Lama. China is already in dispute with SCS nations.

3. Nepal- We don't even need visa to go there. We supply them arms and ammunitions. Only other country with Hindus in majority.

4. Myanmmar- Already talks are going on increase in cooperation. No issues what so ever.

5. Bangladesh- I haven't understand why they hate us and love pakistan even after 1971. Its my personal feeling. BSF killings is issue. But cordial relationship overall.

6. Srilanka- You helped Pakistan in1971 war when you allowed the Pakistan Navy to dock at your ports. Yo helped our god damn enemy with whom we are fighting with. We could have attacked you after end of 1971 war. You are lucky India is not as aggressive as other nations.
That's why I say that the things they teach you kids in Indian textbooks - :disagree:. Pakistan won in 47 and tied in '65.

Won in 47 ? In 47 kashmir was independent...now we have 2/3rd and pak has 1/3...
That's why I say that the things they teach you kids in Indian textbooks - :disagree:. Pakistan won in 47 and tied in '65.

Pity on your education system {Read madrasas}. Just like what your armed forces are doing, your education ministry is also providing you half-backed education. You won in 47??????? Against whom?????/
I can only laugh at the situation in South Asia. India trys to show it's superiority to Pakistan, Pakistan shows a big middle finger, India shows it's superiority to BD, BD's show India a big middle finger (as seen on PDF), and now India trys to show it's superiority to Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka shows it a middle finger...........

Pity on your education system {Read madrasas}. Just like what your armed forces are doing, your education ministry is also providing you half-backed education. You won in 47??????? Against whom?????/

Atleast I got education... The way you arrived to this thread it seems ;)...
I can only laugh at the situation in South Asia. India trys to show it's superiority to Pakistan, Pakistan shows a big middle finger, India shows it's superiority to BD, BD's show India a big middle finger (as seen on PDF), and now India trys to show it's superiority to Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka shows it a middle finger...........
Last time we cut your middle finger in 1971.
A very good decision by PAK. SL don't have any shortage of friends in the region. Besides training by indian pilots would have
meant flying coffins in SL arsenal. When it comes to training always choose the best and SL should accept the PAK offer.

BS. PAF bought 100 F-86's. IAF said they shot down 6. PAF LINED up those 100 F-86's after that Indian claim.

This is not a child's game where you spend millions of dollars for no reason.

@sexy gun

I never said a UAV was shot down in 2002. Don't lie.

READ the title. It says PAF will OFFER if IAF DOESN'T train the Sri Lankan pilots. We are helping a friendly nation out, what is it to you, exactly?

A constructive way will be to offer to train all personnels who are going to be trained in INDIA in future also.. I am just telling you how to present your case by hiding your urge to score brownie points on INDIA and not talk like juveniles everytime they open their mouth :lol:


Indian foreign policy is its own worst enemy.

Secondly, Pakistan must be thanked and appreciated for all its help that resulted in the defeat of the LTTE. From the point of smaller countries in South Asia, Pakistan must also be thanked and appreciated for taking on India and making themselves heard in the region.

Thirdly, it is very important that Sri Lanka not depend on India for training of its personnel, or for military support despite all the ethnic/cultural/linguistic similarities. India is very susceptible to its own domestic compulsions (Tamil Nadu).

Countries like China and Pakistan do not have the same domestic compulsions when it comes to Sri Lanka and so would be a much safer 'bet' when it comes to military supplies/training/etc.

While pak members may be contented by getting thanks from an obscure SL(?) member in an obscure interweb forum but your SL Govt. thanked us for eliminating LTTE.. read that ? your govt thanked GoI. DiD they thank PA ? :no:

Your personnels are being shifted somewhere outside TN and not outside INDIA. We do hold up our end of the deal. Having said that, any self respecting country would have immediately pulled their personnel out on them being treated like waste bins thrown from this corner to other..

Would have immediately sent them to 'other friendly countries' than not sticking with it ? But reality is contrary..

This is due to two possible reasons..

either IAF has superior skills to be imparted from other rag tag Air force in the region or Your govt lacks self- #$#$#$ ( I already mentioned it ;) )

That's why I say that the things they teach you kids in Indian textbooks - :disagree:. Pakistan won in 47 and tied in '65.

Yeah we were defeated in '47 hands down.. actually PA left the entire Jammu, Plains of Kashmir valley and Ladakh area with us as a good-will gesture :rofl:

Also in '65 we were actually defeated.. The war started with incursions in Kashmir and ended at the outskirts of your major city Lahore :lol: notwithstanding the extra Kashmir peaks we occupied during the war :lol:

( never made sense in your posts did you ? :lol: )

BS. PAF bought 100 F-86's. IAF said they shot down 6. PAF LINED up those 100 F-86's after that Indian claim.

This is not a child's game where you spend millions of dollars for no reason.

@sexy gun

I never said a UAV was shot down in 2002. Don't lie.

READ the title. It says PAF will OFFER if IAF DOESN'T train the Sri Lankan pilots. We are helping a friendly nation out, what is it to you, exactly?

A constructive way will be to offer to train all personnels who are going to be trained in INDIA in future also.. I am just telling you how to present your case by hiding your urge to score brownie points on INDIA and not talk like juveniles everytime they open their mouth :lol:


Indian foreign policy is its own worst enemy.

Secondly, Pakistan must be thanked and appreciated for all its help that resulted in the defeat of the LTTE. From the point of smaller countries in South Asia, Pakistan must also be thanked and appreciated for taking on India and making themselves heard in the region.

Thirdly, it is very important that Sri Lanka not depend on India for training of its personnel, or for military support despite all the ethnic/cultural/linguistic similarities. India is very susceptible to its own domestic compulsions (Tamil Nadu).

Countries like China and Pakistan do not have the same domestic compulsions when it comes to Sri Lanka and so would be a much safer 'bet' when it comes to military supplies/training/etc.

While pak members may be contented by getting thanks from an obscure SL(?) member in an obscure interweb forum but your SL Govt. thanked us for eliminating LTTE.. read that ? your govt thanked GoI. DiD they thank PA ? :no:

Your personnels are being shifted somewhere outside TN and not outside INDIA. We do hold up our end of the deal. Having said that, any self respecting country would have immediately pulled their personnel out on them being treated like waste bins thrown from this corner to other..

Would have immediately sent them to 'other friendly countries' than not sticking with it ? But reality is contrary..

This is due to two possible reasons..

either IAF has superior skills to be imparted from other rag tag Air force in the region or Your govt lacks self- #$#$#$ ( I already mentioned it ;) )

That's why I say that the things they teach you kids in Indian textbooks - :disagree:. Pakistan won in 47 and tied in '65.

Yeah we were defeated in '47 hands down.. actually PA left the entire Jammu, Plains of Kashmir valley and Ladakh area with us as a good-will gesture :rofl:

Also in '65 we were actually defeated.. The war started with incursions in Kashmir and ended at the outskirts of your major city Lahore :lol: notwithstanding the extra Kashmir peaks we occupied during the war :lol:

( never made sense in your posts did you ? :lol: )
A very good decision by PAK. SL don't have any shortage of friends in the region. Besides training by indian pilots would have
meant flying coffins in SL arsenal. When it comes to training always choose the best and SL should accept the PAK offer.
Lot of friends, only nearest nation is India. China and Pakistan are the only "friends" of Srilanka. Never heard any cooperation or diplomatic dialogue between Bangladesh and Srilanka. If there is kindly post.
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